Trying to find time to write

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Hi friends,

I haven't been on here in a while and I haven't posted any updates to one of my stories which is "The life of Riley". My apologies. I will continue this story but I am not sure when. Life sometimes throws you curve balls and I got my fair share of them. The story is in my heart and I will finish it.

Sorry if I disappointed anyone! I am doing my best, so please be forgiving. I have to resolve my personal issues and then I think I will be able to write again. Hang in there, people. Riley will come back.

Thank you for your patience.


Anna Olivia


It's all about strategy

I was able to analyze the way I spend time and I realized I can write well and fast on my phone when hanging out in the living room in the evenings. This is much better time spent than Netflix or TV. I prefer editing on the PC though.