Channel 4 ran a documentary on socialite April Ashley who fell from grace after a so-called friend sold her story to the People for a fiver, then she had just become one of the leading models in the country. She recovered from the shock and married Lord Rowallan's son who a few years later threw her to the lions and through a bigotted legal system which protected the rich (it still does) declared her a man but this after the judge in effect ordered the doctors who examined her to find in the negative, having previously said she was a normal woman. Ormerod who was nothing but a bigot declared the marriage void. To his disgrace, the leading psychiatrist at the Gender Clinic at Charing Cross Hospital, Dr John Randall, whom I saw when I first realised I was transsexual, also denounced her as a male. Finallly, she found respite at Hay on Wye on the Borders of England and Wales. During this quieter period she received an MBE for services to gender, of which she was extremely proud.
The documentary was a bit superficial but then there was enough in her life to have run a series of programmes about the woman who was friends with the likes of Peter O'Toole and Omar Sharif and who claimed to have bedded the latter, and whose friends in later years included Simon Cowell and Boy George and others who all claimed she was a woman despite Omerod's wrong conclusion all those years before, my own conclusions were that we have to accept she was a woman but because she was never seen with a hair out of place she was, I feel, something of a stereotyped woman who just exuded too much femininity to be normal.
The programme is still available on All Four.
Thanks, I knew there was
Thanks, I knew there was something I was going to watch tonight. I was just going to catch up on "Stranger Things."
Nearly forgot about this. I remember reading about April whn I was young.
I finished watching it this evening.
I found it very good and it reminded me of the time she was 'outed' in the 'People' Sunday paper when I was 21. It was the first time I discovered my peculiar interests weren't unique. We visited the 'Carousel' night club in Paris in 1968 so the pictures relating to that were interesting, especially Bambi who performed when we were there. She was staggeringly beautiful as well.
Unfortunately trans-women, like cis-women, are rarely as glamorous as either April or Bambi (and lots of other performers/models etc) so I can't help but feel the documentary gave a slightly distorted view of the whole subject. Never the less it was a worthwhile contribution.
Sick of it.
Early this week I was suddenly sick to death of all the BS that trans folk put up with. Perhaps thinking that I am intersex wasn't reality despite knowing that I am XXY?
This week I haven't dressed like a woman and right now do not plan to. I don't know where this is going? I don't know how it happens but Is being TG all a delusional state? No Suicide.
I don't give two shits if I get outed.
If it is
I am content with my delusions and most people assume I am female. Come Gwen, pull yourself together.
From personal experience ...
... I can't imagine anyone thinking otherwise. I assume you haven't grown a beard since I met you, of course :)
I even
shave under my arms, though I did think about growing a beard there.