Audience Rating:
The Saga Begins!
Apocalypse could not be avoided. The asteroid wiped out the dinosaurs and most magic-users, good and evil. But it's been a long time, magic is returning to Earth and the struggle between the forces of light and darkness continues… this time with Dragons!
Can the sacrifice of a lowly human, reborn with a Dragon's Mark, spark the renaissance of dragon magic and lead to an ultimate battle between timeless forces?
Can a different sort of Apocalypse be avoided… this time?
I know this is not for everyone ....
But the proceeds go to BC to keep it up and running!
I already have been "reduced" to 4 stars because of Amazon's nebulous rating system. I don't get anything for the book, BC does. So, any help you can give in ratings only helps keep the site up and running!
I normally am not a fan of this genre -- but based on your great Amadeus series I gave it a try.
I'll get a five-star comment up on Amazon later this week.
Angela Rasch (Jill M I)
Thanks, Jill!
I am glad you enjoyed it!