Interesting Video about gender development.

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I came across this on youtube.

The Experiment: Are you sure you don't gender-stereotype children in the toys you choose for them?

Men, (apparently) have better spacial awareness than women. I know my spouse and my mother are useless when it comes to knowing where we are, and directions etc. My mother drives and has got lost a few times. Women are better at emotional related issues and empathy etc.

It has been though that these are innate differeces in male and female brains.

What if it is down to the way we are raised from birth. Many of you will know about the "John/Joan" case.

David was nearly 2 when they began raising him as female. Perhaps it would have been different if it was earlier?
Does the way we are treated at an early age affect our brain and gender development?

If girls were encouraged to play with more "boys" toys there would perhaps be more female engineers. Or boys play with "girls" toys, there would be more men in the caring professions.

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