So far I have resisted trying to give the specific words which lead to the acronym T.O.W.E.R. but the organization features strongly in the next Masks story. So far I have: Theater Overwatch World Enforcement Regulator. That doesn't really... work, so I am looking for suggestions.
This is not a contest. The only reward will be the use of the name in the story.
The Overall Worst Ever Request…..?
Technology Overwatch Wiccan Elder Reunion (everyone is wondering if Ralph will actually attend)
Truly Offensive Worst Event Rehearsal (the bride tripped over the groom’s divorce decree collection)
True Overwatch With Enforcement Regiment
True Overwatch With Enforcement Regiments
Terran OverWatch Enforcement and Regulation
They -are- basically a global police and defense force.
Terran Observation Warning Enforcement Regiment
(Keep in mind, the name doesn't have to make sense from anything other than a military perspective. I mean, you end up with things like 'Tank Water Non-Potable' You can come up with a sentence then shuffle words around )
I'll get a life when it's proven and substantiated to be better than what I'm currently experiencing.
What if...
... the acronym actually doesn't stand for anything? That someone invented it on a whim in some situation, possibly as a joke, and it stuck? (For example, by being documented in reports by an unwitting official, and then adopted from these for legal paperwork by another unwitting official.) The actual name / acronym of the organization might have been entirely different. Which might have led once or twice to fatal mistakes by adversaries, thus proved valuable, and to being ultimately preserved...
(Kinda sorta Terry Prattchet's Lancre custom to proclam the name of the newborn crown prince from the royal castle balcony to the entire population of the kingdom. Which led once to having a king called My-God-He's-Heavy the First...)
In fact, inventing bases for this acronym might be a popular joke inside the organization. One that is sometimes played on visitors etc.
>That someone invented it on
>That someone invented it on a whim in some situation, possibly as a joke, and it stuck?
Nah, too close to the real situation. :-^)
>In fact, inventing bases for this acronym might be a popular joke inside the organization.
A bit like what Asimov had the main character doing with "CMDF" in his novelization of Fantastic Voyage.
T.O.W.E.R. was created as a joke on the Tower Comics' T.H.U.N.D.E.R. Agents. I might just leave it undefined, without any mention or even in-story speculation on what it stands for.
Just passing through...
Might ask someone for a
Might ask someone for a suggestion in french, german, and dutch.
I'll get a life when it's proven and substantiated to be better than what I'm currently experiencing.
Hmmm … German …
Actually, I thought you were
Actually, I thought you were making fun of S.H.I.E.L.D., with T.O.W.E.R.
Just a thought. If someone asks about what it means, just say "it's Latin".
I'll get a life when it's proven and substantiated to be better than what I'm currently experiencing.
>>That someone invented it on
>>That someone invented it on a whim in some situation, possibly as a joke, and it stuck?
> Nah, too close to the real situation. :-^)
That's the why! :)
If your mind is so inclined
and many variants there of.
Threat Observation Warning
Threat Observation Warning and Extreme Response
The old woman exercises regularly.
Carol Anne
Just passing through...