It's been a hot minute, hasn't it?
My life has been busy! I've now been living life full to me as myself and feeling great! In January my car broke down on the way to work, long story short the ignition module burnt out, took out two ignition coils, the catalytic converter, and several of the spark plugs. It's been in and out of the shop trying to get everything fixed. It's finally passed emissions and seems to running fine. *Fingers crossed*
Shortly after the initial break down I caught covid. Im vaccinated and didn't have a particularly bad case, but MAN those after effects sucked. I'm doing much better now though.
On to the good news! Late last year I signed up with a local PRIDE organization that is just getting off the ground. We're having our first pride March on the 23rd and somehow I wound up as Social Media Director and on the steering committee. I've designed a bunch of posters, merch and tshirts for the event. It's wild seeing my art being pinned up all around the county!
As for work? I applied for and received a firm offer for a job with a heckuva lot higher earning potential. I'm super excited! I start in May.
Monday I have a court hearing for a legal name and gender marker change! *Fingers crossed*.
Oh and by some weird fluke I'm up to 9.4k followers on Twitter. Imagine that. Little old me.
So yeah, I've been super busy, but doing well. Alas I haven't gotten much writing done, but I did start a rewrite of Psyren's Redemption which I'm pretty excited about. Anyway enough about me. How has everyone else been?
sounds like things are going great for you
that's fantastic!
Thank you
They are and thank you. ☺️
Have a delightfully devious day,
Glad to hear it Honey!
It’s wonderful that some good is coming into your life - along with a little bad like the car of course, but at least it is balanced!
Hope the new job works out for you. That should help with the car too!
D. Eden
Dum Vivimus, Vivamus
Thanks! Hopefully. I'm
Thanks! Hopefully. I'm excited to do something new.
Have a delightfully devious day,