According to an article, children's services are overwhelmed by demand from youngsters who are uncertain about their gender. It is problematic for the youngsters who may develop other issues while having to wait 2 years or more for an initial appointment. However, things might eventually improve as a study has suggested that there need to be more regional hubs to deal with it involving a range of doctors and therapists who wouldn't otherwise be associated.
The other thing that needs research, is why the number has jumped 17 fold from 138 referrals in 2010-11 to 2,383 in 2020-21? It seems that gender dysphoria (or whatever they call it this week) is spreading faster amongst young people than Covid. Why? Personally, I wonder if this is other mental health issues manifesting as gender ones, but who listens to me?
The NHS at the moment is a
The NHS at the moment is a complete disaster, plus it hasn't been fit for purpose for many years. It needs rebuilding from the top down
... not the bottom up ?
... not the bottom up ?
Well it is the top that caused the problems, but I fear that if we work down from the current top we would lose all the remaining good.
The idea that the number of trans kids has increased disproportionately is complete and utter shite
even with the "4000% percent increase" the people who have publicly affirmed their desire for us to not exist keep bleating about, the number of trans kids being referred to GIDS is still orders of magnitude lower that the ratio of the trans adult population would suggest exist
And that stat is used because that's still kids who were at school under section 28 where queerphobic bullying became the default
AND the number of referrals has been mostly stable for several years
The guardian are actively hostile at an editorial level to our existence and should not be trusted in the slightest
Kids are being enabled by all the Terf dogma in the media and buoyed by the support of a generation of loved and respected actors and musicians.
Madeline Anafrid Bell
I agree. Trans is a lot more
I agree. Trans is a lot more visable in the media nowdays. Ten years ago shows like Drag Race would never have been shown.(I know it's not a trans show) Transparent, and trans charactersin films and shows.
I don't think the number has gone up. Just the numbers realise what they are, and risk telling others how they feel.
Rather than many like me thinking I was a complete freak, until the internet came along and I realized there were 1000's of us. Too late for me then, I was committed down another path.
I also read somewhere the amont of trans boy/men has had a huge increase. TERFS will hate that.
It's still better than Texas
where politicians have more guns than brain cells and it appears they are trying to make illegal the treatment of children with gender identity problems. This was highlighted in a review of a book by Marlo Mack, who has written a book about raising a transgender daughter. in the i newspaper yesterday. The book is called, How to be a girl. A mother's memoir on raising a transgender daughter.
I don't know what is going on in US politics but it seems the hard right are poisoning everything they touch, and they don't tolerate minority people at all.
Don't say [redacted]
in FLA, where even mentioning your prefered gender to a social worker or teacher could land you and your family up in... probably jail.
Banning books and threatening teachers is becoming common place. Idaho is targeting librarians. What happened to the 1st Amendment in these states?
Books like The Handmaids Tale, 1984, Fahrenheit 451 and Brave New world were warnings not handbooks.
Sad... real sad.
Feels somewhat embarassing to admit that I live in Idaho.
It's interesting that the measure aimed at museums and librarians is numbered 666. A measure has also been introduced to make the treatment of transgender people under 18 a felony or to even permit them to leave the state to access treatment. There is hope in Idaho, however. While the state House has gone off its rocker, probably in an effort to boost their re-election, I read an article last night that the state Senate is expected to round-file both measures when they receive them. Keeping fingers crossed for those that would be harmed by these ridiculous measures.
that's because they know such
that's because they know such measures would get the entirety of such bills struck down in court,
Illegal to leave the state to access treatment
All these laws are evil, but that's the one that seems most egregious of all to me. Reminds me of a measure in the works in Missouri that makes it OK for some crackpot group to sue anyone who helps a woman get an abortion elsewhere. Americans have always taken advantage of different laws in different states, skipping across the state line to gamble or buy booze or whatever and nobody seriously tried to stop them. But now for something important they're trying to remove even that option, holding citizens prisoner in their little crypto-Gileads.
Why don't the just build an iron curtain?
~hugs, Veronica
Well shit, I guess it really CAN happen here..,
For years, we called out the right for bigoted actions. We actively shunned them . . . cancelled them.
Surprise, surprise . . . instead of becoming more like us . . . the enlightened . . . they dug in their heels and became aggressively belligerent.
We now have less than thirty percent of our "democracy" setting the standards for the country. Every day climate change becomes more violent and destructive. Gun violence is common. Racial tensions are growing. 25% are refusing vaccine and making efforts to curb spread ineffective.
We're all seeing the folly of democratic rule and the idiocy of rule by Putin-like autocrats.
What we're not seeing is leadership toward a better world.
Angela Rasch (Jill M I)
With Boris and Brexit I
With Boris and Brexit I alwayd considered the UK as going right wing.
But Boris is headed down the "left wing" net zero by 2050 route. From 2030 the only car you can buy new will be electric . You can by a hybrid until 2035. The problem with the UK we don't have the infrastructure currently to support that many cars charging.
I know this is off topic , but we have a weird right wing prime minister with left wing politics. He does seem to be anti trans.
He championed the event being organised in London by the LGB Alliance as “truly momentous” despite angry protests from trans campaigners outside.
On the first day Boris Johnson came to power plans to make changing your gender easier in the U.K. were kicked into the long grass, and today, The Sunday Times is reporting that according to a leaked document, those plans have now been dropped entirely.
We don't seem to be as hard right as some of the USA. Most of the Americans I've met I've liked. I can't understand how you are almost left to die if you can't afford medication? Is that true? When I was told that it seemed monstrous.
Like most countries run for the rich , by the rich. They keep us down by getting us to squabble about male privilege, White privilege, Gay rights, trans right, immigration etc.
Absolutely spot on, Jill.
It's been argued that the only leader showing true leadership is Zelensky of Ukraine, the rest are running their own agendas, which are corruption and erosion of democratic rights. I'm beginning to wonder which will get us first, climate change or nuclear war because unless things change, the human race is heading to self-destruction. The ape that was too clever/greedy for its own good will be our epitaph.
Here in the UK we are busy pretending to help refugees, because it looks good, while fobbing them off with poor organisation and all the xenophobia of Brexit is still there amongst the people who voted to keep the UK British, often with French or German sounding surnames. At times I'm ashamed to be British. However, tonight I shall be proudly Welsh, as only an exile can be, we're playing France in the 6 Nations in Cardiff (my home town).
For those on the LH side of the 'pond'
This is a Rugby Union Match. 80 minutes of physical contact sport without all the padding and stoppages of American Football.
I'll be watching and hoping that 'Les Bleus' get well beaten but that depends largely upon which French team turns up. Sometimes they are brilliant and sometimes, they are awful.
One reason, I suspect
is that with the growing acceptance we have for gender issues now, even compared to even 5 years ago, much less 10 is that more people are willing to talk about how they fell. I had bottled up everything about my gender issues for over 50 years, even to the point that for nearly 20 years I had completely blocked out my childhood over the reaction of my mother when I tried to show her when I was in 4th grade. The simple answer is that more children are now talking about it because it it more acceptable to talk about it.
Explosion of trans….
Please remember how the number of child abuse and domestic violence cases exploded after we stopped hiding them. It wasn’t that there was more abuse, rather it all became much more visible and much more reported.
The rising tide of anti trans is because the right (and left) need an enemy to rally support against and for them. Hitler had the Jewish people and Abbot/DeSantis have trans and LGB. It is as simple and evil as that.
BAK 0.25tspgirl
Nostalgic folks say "there
Nostalgic folks say "there wasn't all this murder and abuse back in the 50's" There was, it just wasn't reported as much. News now is instant. They are hunting for horrible things and find them. Now almost everything is laid bare.
This causes us to be more paranoid. I'm on a neighborhood website. People keep reporting on "shifty" looking characters caught on door bell cameras. Most of which are deivery drivers looking for house numbers. (UK door numbers are on the front door, they are hard to see from the road, impossible at night) .
Is it a coincidence that media companies tend to be owned by right wing types of people?
With everyone thinking everyone else is out to rape them murder them or steal their stuff, is it any wonder there is a rise of right wing, lock em all up, xenophobia, anti-everything except "norm" behavior.?
Is it a coincidence that media companies are owned by right wing sympathizers?
Covid has bollocked up so much.
Having been Religiously devout, I now wonder if the faithful are the root of so much pain and suffering? In Religious prehistory the trouble seems to have started right off. I've heard all sorts of explanations for that and now I wonder if it was part of the design from the beginning?
Now we live in a disease ridden world where it seems unlikely that we will survive. Perhaps that will trigger a new round of massive evolution?
I don't think it's
I don't think it's particularly religion. it's the people that organize it.
Catholic Church national wealth estimated to be $30 billion.
Not a scratch on Bezos, but Matthew 19:21
All these I have kept,” said the young man. “What do I still lack?” Jesus told him, “If you want to be perfect, go, sell your possessions and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow Me.”
I'm not picking on Catholics, it's just an example
Is Gender Conformance worth it?
Currently those who do not obey their respective gender guidelines are treated like Aliens. It is a huge burden to carve people up because they imagine themselves to be the other gender. Perhaps in the future we will simply live the way that pleases us without all the knife work and hokus pokus. Here in America treating the Gender Dysphoric is a huge gold mine by mental health folk, surgeons, and drug suppliers. They've run amok and need to be stopped.