Are UK TERF's the TERFiest?

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I was going to write a story with TERF character in it. Doing some research I found an article that seems to say that the UK has a more TERF leaning version of Feminism.

TBH I had never heard the expression before I joined this site. I'm not going to do the story now. Vile ideology. I'm glad that I'm just seen as an oppressor now. (Presnting as male most of the time) You ladies have given me insights to many things.I didn't know how hate-filled some of these scum bags were.

The article is from 2019, but what it says is horrible.

There is a video further down the page where a trangender woman is hassled at work by these morons

Here are a few bits

TERF ideology has become the de facto face of feminism in the UK, helped along by media leadership from Rupert Murdoch and the Times of London. Any vague opposition to gender-critical thought in the UK brings along accusations of “silencing women”

Trans women are a threat to cisgender women’s safety — are based on cherry-picked cases of horrific behavior by a small number of trans people. Above all else, their ideology doesn’t allow for trans people to have self-definition or any autonomy over their gender expression.

WoLF told Vox in a statement. “The redefinition of the word ‘sex’ to mean ‘gender identity’ would have myriad harmful effects on women and girls, and women and girls as a distinct category deserve civil rights protections.”

TERF originated in the late 2000s but grew out of 1970s radical feminist circles after it became apparent that there needed to be a term to separate radical feminists who support trans women and those who don’t. Many anti-trans feminists today claim it’s a slur, despite what many see as an accurate description of their beliefs. They now prefer to call themselves “gender critical,” a euphemism akin to white supremacists calling themselves “race realists.”

I love that bit

Janice Raymond, a professor at the University of Massachusetts, wrote the defining work of the TERF movement, “Transsexual Empire: The Making of the Shemale,” in which she argued that “transsexualism” should be “morally mandating it out of existence”

WoLF and Hands Across the Aisle, which sent a letter to the Department of Housing and Urban Development in favor of barring trans women from women’s homeless shelters, are happy to work alongside conservatives to limit the rights of trans people — even if those same conservatives want to pass legislation limiting their reproductive rights.

That's working with the enemy because they hate trans more than the "patriarchy"

Hands Across the Aisle, an organization that connects radical feminists with anti-LGBTQ groups to campaign against trans rights, said in a statement to Vox. “We watched as doctors enabled irreversible damage to our daughters’ bodies, we sat stunned as boys took away our sisters’ sports opportunities, and we wept as our lesbian friends poisoned their bodies with testosterone in an attempt to appear male.”

What horrible opinions these TERF's have


It's mainly a problem

Angharad's picture

because anti-terf activists give them loads of publicity, which otherwise they wouldn't get, because they're just narrow-minded bigots.

The Transsexual Empire, is an awful book, I read it many years ago and it's simply full of paranoid delusion based on the premise that men have sex-changes in order to infiltrate the women's movement. It is just irrational and poorly written nonsense.


It sounds delusional. Then

leeanna19's picture

It sounds delusional. Then again the whole "patriarchy" thing with them is the same. They seem to think men sit arround discussing which women's rights to tranple on next. Men are largely in power but it's changing.

I missed that meeting you were at, you know the one where they said;

"Right lads, some of you will have to commit the ultimate sacrifice and become the enemy. We need inside information. "

I have meet a few women that say that they are feminists. Surprisingly not too many. I think the antics of the radical ones put most normal women off. I always ask what they want as feminists. Usually they say equal pay. I agree with them. I always ask them if women should be called up to fight in a war now they have equal rights? Surprisingly most say no.

I also ask if they would have prefered to have been born male. 90% say no. Odd when they have been telling you how easy men have it.


I'm an ardent feminist.

Angharad's picture

To me, that is inclusive and means believing that everyone is equal, that everyone has value and should be valued irrespective of race, sex, gender, sexual preference, religious belief or anything else that can be used to discriminate. Sadly, this isn't usually the case and thus I belong to the world's largest minority group simply because many of the other group won't share or value.


I Read...

One TERF idea was transmen are deluded so should go back to being lesbians. This doesn't work; transmen, like all people, can be gynophilic, androphilic, bi or asexual. I've known gay transmen; get-over-it. It's human sexuality; anything that is possible likely will exist.

Hugs and Bright Blessings,

Hi Renee. Anything that

leeanna19's picture

Hi Renee. Anything that deviates from their version of female = bad so if you want to be a man there is something wrong. It must be men's fault, after all they're to blame for everything


Teri is not a new thing.

0.25tspgirl's picture

In 1992 I was starting work toward my masters in nursing. I ran into the concept of the feminist praxis. (Most nurses going past bachelor degrees are women.) This belief system states that any research done must be to promote feminist causes. It must be interpreted through a feminist viewpoint. Any data or results not being in line with feminist ideology must be suppressed. So proto-terf well in place in that last line.

BAK 0.25tspgirl

They only accept what fit

leeanna19's picture

They only accept what fit their beliefs. Then hey say look at te facts. Facts that a skewed to what they believe.


I'm afraid this is the new reality

Angharad's picture

and is happening in the mainstream, spread by social media like some wildfire, and it enabled the Capitol to be ransacked with the chief agitator getting off scot-free. It's also happening here in the Uk with the Prime Minister being shown to be a liar over and over again with similar behaviours and tactics to his friend in the States. It seems the age of enlightenment is over and lies are the new truth.
