Wow. I guess I really am a blonde bimbo after all. All those jokes that I've made about dying my hair wild colors being artificial intelligence are true. That or I was distracted by something reaaally shiny at the time. It only took me damn near twelve years but I finally realized something.
Someone was telling Chuck Norris jokes on a Discord server and it made me think of something. The Christmas after I came out to my family and started my transition, my older brother sent me a book of Chuck Norris jokes, he hasn't spoken to me since. I must be a slow kitty because joke books have never been my cup of tea and I just realized now that maybe he was trying to make a point. That he may have been subtly making a jab that I should man up. Before I transitioned we were as close as siblings could be and realizing this really hurts. Damn, do I feel like an idiot.
*big hugs to all*
Many hugs
hugs :)
Michelle SidheElf Amaianna
Thanks Michelle
*big hugs back*
Don't take me too seriously. I'm just kitten around. :3
my brother has given up on me manning up
But he still doesn't really buy that I'm a woman, he just doesn't bring it up anymore.
huggles, hon.
I guess it just hurts because I never saw that kind of thing coming from him. So much that it took me this long to realize it.
*big hugs*
Don't take me too seriously. I'm just kitten around. :3
At least I don't need a fast
At least I don't need a fast kitty: it just has to be cute, catch the mice in my garden and jump on my lap and purr once in while. ;-)
Hmm, if you can find a book called: "How to be a big girl" then you should send it to your brother in return. >:-> If you can't find one write it yourself? >:->