Decided to sit down today to finally get the idea for the BCTS story contest out of my head and onto a page. In spite of many many breaks to go play with an insistent kitty it somehow got written, and therefore posted. Said kitty brought me a shoestring and a fishie as bribes for attention out of desperation when her ceaseless meows were being ignored (due to music played even louder on the headset). Needless to say, she was rather difficult to say no to.
Anyway, hope folks enjoy. It's called 'The Questing Beast'. :)
I wasn't planning on entering the contest.
I decided to go through my bone pile to see I could find something that I could finish. I managed a couple of hundred words on one or two, but ran out of steam on them. Then I finally found one that I could get into. Not being mindful of just what the theme of the story was I cranked out about 3000 words in a single setting. Much better than I've done in more than a year. The characters came alive and took on a life of their own. I was at about 12000 words when I realized it was a story that could work for the contest. It turned out to be about 19000 words.
"Full Disclosure" is with an editor as I write this. Hope to post it by Saturday.
Happiness is being all dressed up and HAVING some place to go.
Semper in femineo gerunt
Ich bin eine Mann
19,000 words?
wow, that would be like 19 of my stories put together!
A little above average
My stories average around 17,000 words, so "Full Disclosure" is a little above average. The longest story I've ever written was 60,000 words. The shortest was just over 600 words, but it was written as a shameless plug for my other stories and included over 100 words doing just that. "Patty's Dilemma" at 6600 words would be considered a short story for me.
Happiness is being all dressed up and HAVING some place to go.
Semper in femineo gerunt
Ich bin eine Mann
I'm so weird
Looking over the many stories here, your length seems to be typical. The other typical length are stories like Bike or Gabby, which are measured in the hundreds or thousands of chapters.
My simple little efforts seem to fall between the two. My shortest story, Curse of the Werewoman, comes in at 27,652 words, while most of my stories (Lost Faith, Every Day Is Your Last, For God So Loved the World..., The Road to Hell, etc.) are 120k+. (EDIYL the shortest at 122,995 and LF the longest at 130,129) I do have the one novella, The Wisher's Paradox at 59,640 words, but that's more of an exception for me it seems. My WIP, Silver Lining, is looking to run about 95k words, if and when I can ever get it done.
I wonder what that says about me as a writer? Am I too verbose or not verbose enough? Hmmm...
Nope... I'm just weird! (good thing I like me this way, huh? :^Þ )
I did a word count
even though I published it as a novel, my longest story, "Quest for the Silver Cleric" comes in at 36 K plus. next is "The Trial of the Phoenix" at over 30 K, and "Rock Star Makeover" at just under 20 K.
my more normal length is 1,000 words or less, and sometimes I wish I could figure out how to expand my ideas.
Edit: I had forgotten "Mercy", which has over 20 K
Short or...loooong
So far my short ones are very short (< 2500), or they're really long books within an ongoing saga (all four 'Light' installments are 130k+). This one maybe could be expanded another 200-500 words to add more description (or maybe even throw in a combat scene), but for what was stuck in the brain I think (and hope!) this will do as is, lol.
kitties are the bane of writers
distract you from getting stories done.
but they're so cute, who could get mad at one?
I tried
I tried to get mad...but then she looked at me and my heart melted immediately. She's way too cute!!
Solo flag?
I must have missed clicking on something to mark my entry as a 'Solo' stand-alone story. Anyone know how to do that? I marked it as 'complete' but maybe that was the wrong thing to do...?
Solo means standalone story. I decided after you commented that I would count a story based on a common legend as standalone, so it is now marked solo. When I read it, I had in mind that it was a fanfic of T.H.White's "Once and Future King" but it really isn't.
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
Thanks Erin! :)