Anyone seen Tanya Allan?

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Hi all, was looking through my kindle library and I’ve realised it’s been a year since Tanya has published anything.

Has anyone seen/spoke to her?



Not in the last 6 months

WillowD's picture

6 months ago someone posted the same question, I sent a message to Tanya and she responded the same day. I just messaged your post to her so perhaps we will hear from her soon.

Tanya Allan

Since her last output consisted of 3 books, perhaps she is working on multiples again.

Here I am...

Tanya Allan's picture

Thanks for asking...
you got it in one...multiples!
As usual I have far too many balls in the air at once...
I have no less than nine books near completion and I have no idea which one is going to get there first. I was bashing away on my WW2 Eastern front novel...up to 70,000 words when another idea came to me... so I started Memories... a scifi novel set in the year 4000 after a extinction event occured. With the other seven that were also over 50,000 words... I also had the distraction of another grandchild arriving in the world prematurely via emergency caesararian because his mum had contracted covid on an antenatal visit earlier...both mum and baby are fine now...
Watch this space

There's no such thing as bad weather, just the wrong clothes!

Juggling too many balls

most of the time, does not end well. Perhaps it is time to slow down, take stock and prioritise which books are the most important to you to get published. Do them then work down the list.
It is oh, so easy to think that you are working on one story and after an hour or more you suddenly realise that what you have written/typed belong to another work entirely.
Anyway, glad to hear you are still hard at work.

Nine books...

WillowD's picture

Willow's mind drifts off into an ecstasy of bliss at the thought of the possibility of so many new Tanya Allan books to read.