I uploaded a story called co-parenting on Friday. I uploaded it to another story site after. The story is set in a dystopian near future where a virus lasting nearly 10 years has wiped out a large part of the population. A disproportionate amount of women died, so the government passed laws to force women of childbearing age to be almost constantly pregnant.
The main character has had 1 child with his wife, but cannot get her pregnant again. The govenment will step in and remove him and force a new partner on his wife. One that is "up to the job" I know you could use IVF, but this is just a story plot remember.
He has a choice to leave his wife and child or stay as a co-parent. To do this he must agree to the conditions set down by his wife's new partner. The partner can object to the previous husband and force him out. The conditions are he must dress as a woman,and submit to sex with the new partner. He agrees to this and signs a contract.
Someone on the other site said I should have told them it involved rape. This surprised me and I mentioned it in the comments on here. Two people have said it is rape. I can't get my head around how consenting to sex is rape?
I didn't click the caution Rape tag as I didn't see it as rape.
Oxford Dictionary
Crime of sexual intercourse without the victim's consent, often involving the use or threat of force.
What is rape? (UK Law)
According to the law, only a man can commit rape (as the penetration has to be
with a penis). However, both women and men can be raped. A rape can occur
within a relationship or within a marriage.
The law says:
‘A’ is guilty of rape if:
he intentionally penetrates the vagina, anus or mouth of ‘B’ with his penis;
‘B’ does not consent to the penetration, and
‘A’ does not reasonably believe that ‘B’ consents
(In British law, a woman cannot rape anyone) Is that true with the rest of the world?
Consent is the word it seems to hinge on. The main character gave his consent and was willing to put up with it to stay with his wife and child.
This story was a little dark for me, I was going to write a part 2, with some payback.
Perhaps bad memories were triggered by the storyline? The feedback on the othet site was mostly positive.
So, I wasn't raped in March 1st 1960 when a woman (well I'm pretty certain it was a woman) , used a 'strap-on' to forcibly' penetrate me at aged 14 at a 'paedofest'. On Cheshire farm just a a couple of days after my 14th Birthday. I Challenge anybody to say that a woman cannot rape a boy while he's being held down!
I think you were, but
I think you were, but apparently according to British Law only a man can be convicted of rape . There was a petition to change the law in 2020.
Government responded
This response was given on 31 March 2020
All non-consensual sexual activity is dealt with by specific serious offences, including those that can be committed by a man or a woman. We have no plans to amend the legal definition of rape.
Rape can carry a life sentence, sexual assault , which is a "lesser" offence does not.
Sorry if this blog has brought back some painful memories.
I'm sure that lot of scum are festering in their own private hell now.
I did in fact read the story, and left a comment……
But my biggest problem was with the wife. No, I don’t consider this rape. Rather, I consider it forced castration and forced feminization, as well as using humiliation to subjugate the first husband. He was forced to agree to castration, which his wife completely agreed to - her comment being that they didn’t work anyway because of the first husband’s low sperm count. She was also a willing participant in forcing her first husband to dress as a woman, and even disposed of his male clothing without his knowledge.
Apparently, the first husband was under the impression that dressing and being forced to have penetrative sex by the new husband were a one time thing. The wife new better and did not say anything until after the fact. She apparently was entirely aware that the new husband intends to use the old husband for sex when the wife is pregnant, and never told the old husband this.
It was very obvious that the wife not only knew all about the sex, the clothes, and the ensuing humiliation, but that she agreed to it and is happy with the situation. All of this with a man she supposedly loved and wanted to spend her life with.
Just another form of forced fem and cuckolding.
D. Eden
Dum Vivimus, Vivamus
Yes I read your comment.
Yes I read your comment. Someone else left one in a similar vein. They read it, as they liked some of my other stories,( but not Surgeon's lodger.) They didn't like the same aspects as you. As you pointed out it is of the forced fem genre.
The other person must have been referring to the "housewife" ones I wrote. On the Run , The Offer. They were all voluntary. St Francis of Assissies was femdom, Order of Eve was, Bright boy was sort of, but not really any dressing in that one.
I like to experiment with different types of story. Surgeon's Lodger was almost a totally new type for me, it sort of led on from Charlie’s My Angel. A sentimental story.
What did surprise me was this story got a lot more reads than most of mine do. It's not far from 1300 now. I'm not sure if its a popular genre or the first few visible lines draw readers in. It has 63 kudos, so some readers like this type of story.
I could/should have made the wife more understanding. I didn't put much effort into her character. It would have made a better story with her pleading for him to stay, and threatening to to give herself up to hospital/prison childbearing if he didn't stay.
Fiction is literature in the form of prose, especially short stories and novels, that describes imaginary events and people.
Please pay close attention to the word "imaginary."
Many who read stories on this site are triggered by rape . . . all forms of rape . . . including those that don't rise to the level of the governing laws. For those people, it is very hard to remember the word "imaginary." That isn't necessarily their fault.
This site is a body of individuals, who together have established a moral code. Part of that moral code is to warn one another about story content that might cause mental anguish.
It took me many years to understand that.
At first, I balked at the need for these warnings as I thought they gave away too much of the story and ruined the reading experience. It was only when I adopted the philosophy that EVERYONE involved in this site (readers and authors) are wounded doves that I saw the need for the cautions. We all are subject to trauma from printed words and deserve fair warning. Many who are on this site have gone through emotional trauma, probably most of us. Maybe all.
You need not apologize for your story as it sounds perfectly fine -- for some. It probably would be banned in Texas but then most everything printed will eventually be banned in Texas. If you did anything WRONG it was in failing to be beyond perfect -- in establishing your warnings.
I've written over a hundred TG stories for this site. Those stories that contain any amount of forced feminization easily are the MOST popular in terms of hits. Contrarily, they attract the fewest comments and many of those tend to be negative.
Forced Fem appears to be the guilty pleasure of many. Attacking the authors of forced fem stories also seems to be a guilty pleasure of many. Vicki Tern has been much maligned even though she writes one hell of a story.
Don't take the comments personally. Write what you need to write. Bend over backward to caution.
Angela Rasch (Jill M I)
The Sissy Maid's Tale?
I would consider it an honor to be banned in Texas, at least under their current administration.
It's becoming frighteningly easy to imagine dystopian states these days.
Thanks for the blog, Leanna. I definitely will read Co-Parenting
and comment on it in my typical long-winded digressionary way.
And catching up with all the chapters of The Surgeon's Lodger
I've neglected to read is my primary resolution for 1/1/2022,
(when it comes to New Year's resolutions I have learned
it's better to set the bar really low than beat myself up
in March, April or May for my failure to stick to some
highly ambitious program of self-improvement;
as in general I tend to do like the residue...
~hugs, Veronica
What borders on pure insanity?
Canada and Mexico.
Thank you Veronica. Very
Thank you Veronica. Very different stories
This is something that has been argued about, so many times, through so many courts & honestly it is typically males that argue the most against what is or is not rape, ironically. Not that they cannot be raped but, they do the mass majority & they themselves very rarely ever experience being the victim.
One common aspect of what is or is not rape, comes with consent. What is consent?
True consent, is being within complete capability to make own decisions, not tranquilized, drunk & or intoxicated. Any form of consent through coersion such as blackmail & abusing the system to gain consent is coersion. As long as it can be proven legal action can befall anyone that recieved 'consent' under coersion.
Using leverage, to gain 'consent' is coersion & as such it is rape.
Leanna, your story is well written. You have done a great job. Please do not feel too bad about this, your a great writer; but like many, ones perception & lack of definition tends to raise the question that authenticates a rape. Many dispite the reality of it, still refuse to acknowledge this.
Even if the penetrated rescinds 'consent' while being penetrated & the penetrator refuses to immediatelly abide, then the penetrator has raped said victim.
Sexual enslavement, is also which goes without saying, rape.... which essentially what is going on here. Or rather, what it appears to seemably define.
I have been blackmailed, extorted and a number of times used for sex to a degree of enslavement since I was a child. I often told myself I deserved it, if i had been born right none of it would happen etc... therapy helped me see reality even though I have my moments of self implied blame etc.
Now, using ones child & the love/loves of their life (wife & daughter) to garner sexual favors as a barter of sorts with authority with legally binding abuse of power.... it is rape. The consent is not real, because it is coersed, essentually could be viewed as a sort of blackmail; give me sex or I will take your wife & daughter from you.... It is a grey but direct area that many can question.
The strength of this father, to sacrifice his manhood, free will & more or less become a sex-changed, sex slave just so that he does not loose contact with his wife & daughter is amazing. However the reality is, what it is.
As I said it is good, bit fast & relativelly right to the point. But it is good & dispite the surprise rape in it, it was a relativelly good story
With Love and Light, and Smiles so Bright!
Erin Amelia Fletcher
Thank you Erin. I could have
Thank you Erin. I could have made it a much better detailed story. I had a weird dream the night before. It had some of these elements in it. I just wanted to get it down. I could have made the wife more sympathetic, the husband agonize about his decision.
I think the rape side of it could go either way, depending on how much you paid for a lawyer.
"Even if the penetrated rescinds 'consent' while being penetrated & the penetrator refuses to immediatelly abide, then the penetrator has raped said victim."
I tried to explain this to someone I work with once, but they quite rightly said how would you prove that the other person heard them say that. It is a very difficult to prove . Which probably accounts why convictions are so low.
I suppose it depends which country you are in.
The same applies to the age of consent, in Bahrain it's 21, Nigeria it's 11. So an 18 year old married couple having sex are breaking the law in Bahrain. Many Asian countries forbid sex, unless you are married.
It's Rape/Sexual Assault
I do see this as rape, because his option is to consent to sex whether he wants it or not or leave his child and wife. I would do anything for my child or wife and can attest that this would be a "forced consent" like if I held a gun to your head and forced you to sign a contract. In modern legal systems, it would be called "coerced consent" and not legal, but in your fictional society it is allowed. However, in the current day, it's the same as rape/sexual assault.
Just like a minor can't "consent" to sexual relations with an adult, a person cannot legally consent to sexual relations, or any kind of contract, if a gun (or any other form of coercing like blackmail) is used against them. Therefore, it is non-consensual in the eyes of modern-day law.
Now with that out of the way, it's your fiction and you are welcome to do as you wish, but please at least add a content warning.
-Kirstyn Piper Plummer