November 20, 2021
I posted a repeat of a short story I wrote a while back which has been updated. You can find it here:
Of course I'd be pleased if it gains some attention, but as far as that goes, folks commented on the original. What I hope might happen regarding the story in conjunction with this blog is that folks discuss the subject of the story - the need for the day of recognition - I daren't call it a celebration alone. My short story itself was sadly inspired by this:
Many of us here have lost a dear one to suicide. Some here have even survived attempt(s.) Our trans youth, if prevented from medical attention or worse, are dramatically at risk to attempt taking their own lives. We CAN and should celebrate those of us who continue on, but we are also forced to grieve those no longer with us. Thankfully, we do have allies at present in influential places, but our trans and other LGBTQ youth remain at risk.
Thanks for reading.
that was the theme of my story
A Tapestry of Stars:
huggles, hon
Are people just burnt out on Transgender Day of Remembrance?
Not much to-do about this year's TDOR (today) on either BCTS or FM.
At Fictionmania I pretty much expect it, but here it seems odd
that Drea's blog got exactly one comment + there's no stories
with a theme related to TDOR or the horrible reason for it.
Last year I quickly wrote and posted a poem;
(a bleak parody of an already bleak Jim Carrol song: )
but this year I got nothing. I can hardly blame anyone for just
wantingto block out thoughts of anti-trans violence + murder;
but it doesn't seem like a wise strategy in the long term.
Not with the way acceptance of transphobia and of
anti-trans "science" (that denies our very existence)
seems to be gaining ground across the western world.
Anyone know a good rallying cry to inspire courage and hope?
I could sure use one this gray November 20th...
~hugs, Veronica
Well shit, I guess it really CAN happen here..,
my story has some hope
but I wrote it a while back, and haven't felt like returning to talking about TDoR since