Trying to find an old story

I just remembered parts of an old story which I believe was on Fictionmania. I have been trying to find it again, but searching on there is so hard. Hoping someone here might remember it.

The story revolves around a guy who meets a beautiful woman that shares his interests and they start dating. She feminizes him and they might even end up married? Then trouble starts as his boss at a tech company finds out and blackmails him. His girlfriend is forced to become the trophy girl of this rich CEO-type, while he is forced to be en femme full time. He gets humiliated and degraded and made to be the subservient maid/slave to them both. She gets taken to fancy places, red carpet events and slowly starts falling for the bad guy, who is great in bed. Meanwhile our hero(ine) is suffering under all this and gets humiliated, but she keeps telling him nothing else will happen. When she eventually sleeps with the bad guy, he finally collapses and all seems hopeless. But, our heroine is a smart cookie and enacts a plan of revenge. He works the stock markets and ends up rich while bankrupting the bad guy. The bad guy also gets publicly humiliated when it is revealed he is in fact not great in bed but has a pneumatic penis (for some reason, this I remember clearly), He was never great looking either, but had a lot of plastic surgery done. Finally, he ends up leaving the home he shares with his girlfriend/wife and moves to a guarded house where he hires a private security company to keep out everyone. He gets a divorce and refuses to talk to his ex, even though she was also partially a victim here. Eventually, they talk and remember their love for each other. In the end, they get back together again and remarry with both of them as women.

Now, this sounds like a lot of details, but for the life of me I can't remember any specifics like titles and names. Does this ring a bell with anybody here?

Many thanks in advance!