Mea Culpa - Or how I goofed up big time

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As Brittney sings, 'Oops I did it again', I messed up my postings big time. Thanks to a blog by Maryanne Peters, I found that I have posted one part of County Sheriff well out of sequence.

There are a number of parts that should have been posted before 'The Interview'. One comment got me thinking and then when answering Maryanne's blog post earlier today, it clicked.
It goes to show that no filing system is 100% perfect.

Anyway, here is the real list of posts in the story.

County Sheriff - Getting hitched can be a right PITA - posted Sat, 2021/03/20
Then here are the missing parts that will be posted here soon

County Sheriff - Honeymoon Encounter
County Sheriff - Winding Down
County Sheriff - Plans, what plans?
County Sheriff - First steps towards a new job


County Sheriff - The Interview

The missing four parts will be posted here

I goofed. Sorry for any confusion



And here I thought it was due to my impending Alzheimer's getting worse! Seemed a mighty big jump, so I was going to go back and read what I'd obviously missed!!! Whew! Not me this time!

You know the old saying: There are two signs of old age. First, your hearing goes. Then second,---uh, I forget.

"Life is not measured by the breaths you take, but by the moments that take your breath away.”
George Carlin


BarbieLee's picture

Sam is human like the rest of us. Whew, I thought I was in love with an AI. ROFL
Hugs Sam
Life is too short to take seriously. God has a sense of humor. I know because She made me.

Oklahoma born and raised cowgirl

I'll say only this

This is one reason most of us number our chapters.

At least then they will be posted in the right order - and the reader can find them in the right order.


Totally agree

but... for some reason, I never did this for County Sheriff and the Forsythe Saga. One of these days, I'll go back and add numbers to them.


Numbering of Episodes

Well someday was today Samantha as you have numbered County Sheriff already.

Many thanks as it clarifies that the running order is numerical and not alphabetical.



Two episode '8's

Future plans

I was more impressed with the news that you posted several stories in the future. For example, 22Oct-Cape_Cod_Stalker_Part_2of2.edited.docx.

May I borrow (or rent) your time machine some day?

Seriously, do you have these future stories written and saved, resting as it were, while waiting for a final polish before posting?

When I was writing technical reports for work I would finish one off, go home, re-read it the next working day, then send it to the boss. That's a 12 hour delay, unless it was over a weekend.

The stories are all written

and in my backlog waiting to be posted. Without such a system, how else could I keep on posting when my muse goes on walkabout?

At the moment, I have around 20 items waiting to be posted here. There is a side effect of having a backlog. I don't feel any pressure to write. When my muse kicks in then away I go. At the moment, I have a story idea rattling around inside the empty tin can that is my apology for a brain. It has been doing that for a couple of weeks. I need to let it ferment a bit more before I start hitting the keys.


And I thought you system sounded foolproof!