My muse is a real bitch sometimes. She doesn't seem to care about timing at all.
Sitting on the toilet, in the middle of evacuating, and SHE comes up with a poem I have to write, RIGHT NOW! She can't even wait to let me finish and verses and lines start popping into my head.
I know from past experience that if I don't move and move quickly to get it down on "paper", I'll lose the whole thing. I've lost a lot of stories because of that. I let my muse compose, and when she finished, I didn't feel compelled to write it down. When I tried to later, it was gone.
Too many stories and poems have died a death like that.
So I've learned to MOVE when that happens because if I don't, the beauty will be gone, like a sunset, and it won't ever come back.
That bitch.
A Muse!
Maid Joy: Then it just so you can let us enjoy your MUSES then! Richard
perversity and a Muse
Haven't you noticed that they usually wait until the most inopportune time before dropping entire poem or book chapters in one's lap? Then they go for days without communicating with you so they may catch you off guard when they next attack with verse and whim.
Perhaps that's why they are called "Muse"??? Hmmm. Need to think about that...
God Bless You All...
Does this mean you retire to the smallest room to cogitate and contemplate and then give birth to a mistresspiece? :-)