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Two more stories. One from MORFS Universe and the other from

In actual timeline sense it would be among if not the first in timeline. Boy becomes a hybrid squirrel girl. Her father builds a tree bedroom for her in the backyard.
Guy goes to a club with friends for his birthday. It's a magic show. Where he is turned into a woman and a married couple (friends) are swapped bodies. They act the persona of the body. At the end of the show it is discovered that they are wearing body suits and they can take off nearly any number of copies of the suit to share them around. Oh if someone wears the suit who wasn't originally a suit wearer, they become one. I believe the main character is named Craig and one of the wives is Janine.



the morfs

The MORFS story is called Gone With The Wind, you need to look for it on the morfs website (


Aine Sabine's picture

It's not Gone with the wind. The one I'm looking for is a direct result of the MORFS attack. Not caused by being bitten by the squirrel. I think the girl takes the name Amelia. Gone with the Wind happens about 20 years after the attack. But thanks for trying. Oh and in Gone with the Wind doesn't have the tree house in the backyard.


Wayback machine

or "essentially piracy links" as such "not quite kosher" (© by Erin). But "as well be hanged for a sheep as for a lamb" here link

The MORFS tale

may be the one by Mystseekry "The Adventures of Amelia Earhart - Part 1 on the MORFS web site. The story as the key words squirrel and tree house bedroom.

Yes! That's the one!

Aine Sabine's picture

But it seems to have been removed from the MORFS Universe website. Darn! I'll try and see if it's on fictionmania.

Okay one story to go!
