Would anyone here be interested in starting a wikipedia devoted to Transgender Fiction? I was thinking we could start off by documenting all of the different universes and continuities, then move onto major story-arcs, themes and characters. Authors could post post their bios along with links to their literature at BC and/or FM (and any other sites featuring TG material). Here's a mock-up of what the wiki might look like (scroll down to read the rest of the post):
If you think this might be an interesting project to work on (or even if you don't), feel free to post your thoughts below. This would, of course, be a strictly volunteer operation, and we'd need to find a fairly tolerant service provider. Some basic knowledge of coding and wiki-mark up would be an advantage, though not essential.
Looking forward to reading any feedback, positive or otherwise.
Yours, Tracy.
I'm willing,
although I don't know any coding, I am quite proficient on the computer and a good technical writer. If it gets off the ground, let me know and I'll help.
That's excellent!
That's excellent Holly! We'll need enthusiastic contributors, and will be grateful for any help you're willing to provide. Please let us know if you'd be willing to serve on an ad hoc policy-making committee once the project goes online.
Holly Snow?
Are you sure that you're not Holly Owens?
Let’s do this!
I like it. I’d suggest there should also be a category of tropes: the recurring themes that we see with each entry charting significant plot points and notable examples of them. In fact, our story categories could benefit from a general process of discussion and agreement as to what they encompass.
My only gripe about the wiki format is that it might be biased towards universes and serials while stand-alone stories might contribute far more in the way of novelty, yet be hard to index.
Sugar and Spiiice – TG Fiction by Bryony Marsh
Hi Bryony
Hi Bryony, thanks for your reply. You've raised some interesting points. As mentioned below, I think that we (the current respondents to this topic) should form an ad hoc committee to decide matters of policy when (and if) the project goes online.
I completely agree, and employed some of your wording in my application to Miraheze.org (see comment below). Hope you don't mind.
I think we can overcome such (potential) disparities if we encourage authors to write articles about their own material and allow for flexibility within lists and categories. We might also promote stand-alone pieces by featuring a 'Story of the Month' on the main page (I'd suggest random selection to avoid allegations of favoritism in this case). We could do the same for individual characters, obscure plot devices and authors (via a "Did you know?" section on the main).
Please let us know if you'd be willing to serve on the ad hoc committee when (and if) the project goes online.
If you get this off the ground, we might be able to host it via QnEZ our hosting company. You'd have to talk to Piper about it though. Wikis are pretty intense in resource use.
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
Is QnEZ the hosting company that you rent/lease space for BigCloset? Or is it owned and run by you, Piper, et al.?
-- Daphne Xu (a page of contents)
QnEZ is us. :)
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
Free hosting service: Miaheze.org
I've just put in a request at Miaheze.org (a free wiki-hosting service). The proposal reads as follows:
If the request is approved (may take a while), I'll post an update informing everyone here of the situation and calling for volunteers to get things started. I would also suggest that the current respondents to this topic be considered an ad hoc committee to serve as administrators if and when we get the green light.
I'm Wondering
When classifying a story, would you (the universal "you") go by the author's classification/keywords, etc. for their stories, or would it be independently decided by something like a panel. What if it was marked "Blurred for content"? Would they be rated based on reader's input or no ratings given, just the title and author's name?
“When a clown moves into a palace, he doesn’t become a king. The palace becomes a circus.” - Turkish Proverb
Hi Karen
Hi Karen, thanks very much for your reply.
These are questions we'll need to consider once the project goes online. As mentioned above, I think that we (the current respondents to this topic) should form an ad hoc committee to decide matters of policy in the early days, then encourage regular editors to make consensus decisions once we've built up a large enough user-base.
Please let us know if you'd be willing to serve on the ad hoc committee.
Chatroom for TGwiki?
Shall I make a chatroom on the BC discord for the TGwiki project?
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
I think that would be a great idea
I think that would be a great idea, Erin.
TGwiki Project channel now live on BCDiscord. Here's a link (which will expire in seven days because Discord does that).
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
I like the idea ...
... of a tg fiction wiki. Would you be okay with people who can only help sometimes? When I'm in the middle of writing a story, tend to have less time available, but when I'm between stories, or have writers block, I tend to have more time for other things.
We'd be grateful for ANY help you could give!
Yes of course, Heather. We'll all be volunteers, and any contributions you could make would be greatly appreciated.
I like the idea and read your
I like the idea and read your mock-up. However, when I got to the Latest Articles section and read, "Keep abreast of changes," my first thought was, "a pun in the title of an article on tracking your transition."
Please do not hold that against me.
Please do not hold that against me.
Reminds me of the classic Will Elder parody of Sherlock Holmes from Mad Magazine where the master sleuth goes bonkers and kills Watson. As the police take him away, they read him his rights: anything you say will be held against you.
Yeah, that was a good one :)
Yeah, that was a good one :) I think my favorite gag was where Shomes kept kissing the char-woman's hand by mistake. If I remember correctly, Shomes and Whatsit made cameo appearances in a couple of later stories as well.
I'd be all for this. :-)
I've run a wiki for my own stories for a few years now- feel free to steal any templates/page layouts (such as they are) that you think you could use. :-)
Debs xxxx
That's great, Debbie!
That's great Debbie! Based on your experience with wiki-related media, I'd like to nominate you as an administrator on the project if you're willing to serve in that capacity.
I love the idea
sadly I have no skills in programing to help
Coding skills are not an absolute neccessity
Coding skills are not an absolute necessity, Dorothy. This would be a group effort, and there are other things you could do. For example, would you be willing to write articles describing popular themes in TG literature? If you provide the raw data, others could do the technical work (mark-up and formatting etc).
Also, please let us know if you'd be willing to serve on an ad hoc policy-making committee when (and if) the project goes online.
I could certainly try
Am I the only Clueless One
Had no idea what everyone was writing about. So a little search on Google. Am wondering if this is the idea or are there more concepts to this Wiki thing?
"The only winning move is not to play. How about a nice game of chess?"
Hugs people
The days I don't learn something new is a disappointment.
Oklahoma born and raised cowgirl
Hi Barbie, thanks for your reply
Hi Barbie, thanks for your reply. We're talking about setting up an online encyclopedia that everybody on BC and FM can contribute to. It would be something like this:
Except all of the articles would be about Transgendered Fiction.