Kindle Issue

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I do not know if there are others who are having this issue. Because I enjoy a good story, there are some authors whose works I buy as soon as they are released. I also have a problem where if a story is good, I like to read it several times.
However, recently with one series of books, I am finding that I have to keep refreshing my kindle. It leaves entire paragraphs and even pages out of the story for books which I have paid for. Once I refresh the missing section is there and I can enjoy progressing through the book for a few more pages. Somewhere between 2-10 pages before it happens again. I only notice because I have read the stories multiple times.
I do not know if this is a problem on my end or on Amazons end, but mention here in case this is happening to others.



Memory filled up?

A Kindle is just a specialised kind of tablet, and a tablet is just a specialised kind of computer.

Every computer has a defined and usually fixed amount of memory in it. In the case of phones/kindles/tablets etc there is almost no difference between RAM and 'storage', both are just chips on the board.

If you have a lot of stories on your Kindle it may be that you are running out of local storage. Every time you hit 'refresh' it will clear out local work spaces but they soon get filled up again as you read.

It is possible that your Kindle is in the process of dying; if so, there may be ways you can get it fixed. If it is just a memory capacity problem, you have two choices, either prune what you have stored or get a Kindle with more memory.

Thank you

I should have clarified, and this may also still be the problem. I tend to use my computer to read my kindle books. Thought had enough memory, but maybe this is the issue. There used to be a way to download the kindle books, but they recently changed formats and cannot find that availability now.
Thank You,


I assume you mean a desktop or laptop, in which case memory shortage (either kind) is less likely.

What is more likely is that the program or 'app' which you use on your device is actually different than that used on the Kindle eReader. It has to be, to be able to run under a different operating system such as Windows, iOS or Lunux (etc). That means it may be based on an older version, fails to have bugfixes that the reader version has, or other wrinkles giving the results you experience.

I'm sorry, I can't offer any more assistance than that. My own eReader is a Kobo, on which I can load anything I like and it is DRM-free. The source to everything I read is tucked away on one of my servers.

I wouldn't touch anything to do with Amazon with a bargepole.


Things like this happen

This is an online/offline app hun, if u r reading it via the online function or so, you will likely come up with issues due to their servers. This is just one plausable reason. Amazon, which controls kindle, is going through issues domestically, so there may be that.

Sometimes, I know it sucks, but sometimes u have to uninstall>reinstall it. check i think its in tool options or whatever, see if there is a update available.

It could be your own network issues or even your pc etc.

Sometimes generally it will stick and mess up, its happened to me. I have found that restarting the computer after a clean up helps, as it uses alot of cache or whatever. each action and what not you use, will be recognized as another bit for the cleaning.

I know I probably was not much help.

It might be helpful to message the writers/sellers they may very well not know & it could be happening alot etc.

Like many programs online, you watch something, open something, click on the wrong site etc, u got a hacker issue. Most likely do not even know you, just board little jerks with too much knowledge, little maturity and a huge amount of dirty irresponsibility.

I hope i was able to help

Amelia Rosewood Year two.png

With Love and Light, and Smiles so Bright!

Erin Amelia Fletcher

Kindle app and cloud storage

0.25tspgirl's picture

I run the kindle app on an iPad. I have over a thousand purchased books stored off my iPad. I think these are stored in the Amazon cloud. Maybe in the apple cloud? I download about a hundred to iPad memory at any given time. After I read it I remove it from the iPad until the next time. I download and re-read Frills and The Stations Late Night Princess about every 2 months. I do this so I can find my current reads more easily. I’ve done this on my original kindle, 4 iPad minis, and now my regular iPad. Hope this helps you figure it out. (iPad mini is kindle sized and lets me surf to places like BCTS more easily than kindle did!)

BAK 0.25tspgirl

Woah! Every 2 months?

WillowD's picture

These days I probably re-read Frills about once a year and The Station's Late Night Princess about twice a year. I used to read both of them more frequently.

Tell me, oh awesome reader whose tastes are similar to mine, what other stories do you re-read a lot?


0.25tspgirl's picture

Daring Diane cheerleader series and bullied boy series, lots of Karin Bishop stories, some PS Power, a lot of Tanya Allen. I also work my way through the BCTS author list a couple times a year. Julie O and Bob Arnold of course. Megan Campbell and Crystal Hall (Fey and the gang, Whisper, and that hilarious pixie). Just for a few….

BAK 0.25tspgirl

Don't know which app you use,

Patricia Marie Allen's picture

Kindle app is available for Win 10. I have it, but seldom us it. I quit using it when it wouldn't allow me to access the files in Calibrie where I could convert them to epub and side load them onto my Nook. (My preferred ereader.)


Happiness is being all dressed up and HAVING some place to go.
Semper in femineo gerunt
Ich bin eine Mann

The Kindle and I

The only real "problem" I've had with my "fourth" Kindle is that Alexa thinks it is hers and will take it over not allowing me access to anything.

I've found a workaround to exorcise her when that happens that doesn't involve holy water or incantations.

If you ever have problems accessing my books on Kindle, contact me here and I'll try to find a PDF copy for you.


Angela Rasch (Jill M I)

Kindle download

I use software that can be found on the internet to download and save all my kindle books as epub docs and then I never need to connect to Kindle to read any of my books, I have all of them on my computer and my phone.

Thank you

Thank you for all the advice, tips, and suggestions. It sounds like it might be a me issue.
I would list my favorite authors, but I am scared that I might forget someone or offend others for not including them. I tend to shy away from magic and and horror stories and only dabble in science fiction. Though found a series in fictionmania that I really liked that is SciFi ish.