The Secret 2021

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The Secret

Today marks the twelfth anniversary of my first story her. The Secret. MY posting today is pretty much as blemished and awkward as one might expect for a first ever foray into writing. I've left it intact apart from new paragraph breaks and such to make it more 'physically' readable. Anything else will hopefully reflect who I was back then as a writer.

In the interim, I've written quite a bit; posting on multiple sites with the intent, honestly, to promote who I am and what I hopefully represent to our at large community. So many wonderful people forever remembered but so many many more joyfully greeted.

Since I began here, my life was turned upside down and filled with fear very early on when my wife read a hastily NOT closed word document written by me, or "Who the hell is Andrea DiMaggio," as she so succinctly put it. BUT in reading the short story she discovered, she also began to discover the answer to her question. Which led to a journey filled at first with fits and starts, but culminating with her at ease watching documentaries and even a dram or two about the transgender life with all of its frailties and dreams and hopes. "You're transgender. What doe this (story/documentary/article) mean to you?"

One of our last conversations was all about planning how and when to tell our son and future-daughter-in law about 'Andrea.' Life has a way of challenging us in our plans, as all of you have come to know. We never got the chance to have that discussion when she died in January 2019.

So, my therapist and I will be talking about fulfilling the plan to introduce Andrea to Joe and Liz sometime soon.

Please feel free, albeit gently, please to note just how much my first effort needed (still needs)? My intent all along has been to be as authentic as possible in portraying this life we all, if differently, lead as authors and transgender folks or allies. Thanks for reading! Here is a pic of mine from when I was twelve - aged and transformed. I look like my mother's mother; right down to the 'red hair from a bottle.' Love y'all! 'drea



Life is NOT a smooth highway

BarbieLee's picture

We scheme, plan, work toward the future we desire be it the next minute, hour, day, or years ahead. More likely than not LIFE tosses roadblocks, curves, and speed bumps in our way. What happens when we ourselves aren't what family, friends, the world expected of us? Each person is an individual and there are no clear answers as each one has to work through the life hazard, usually with little support or worse, on their own.

Lady Andrea Lena, I offer no advice but pray your choices work for you. Oh..., lots of luck also, may those you share your life with understand the real person you have always been and they have known has never changed.
Life is a gift, don't waste it.

Oklahoma born and raised cowgirl

twenty hours

crash's picture

Some wag once commented that it takes about twenty hours to become competent at a thing but about five thousand to become an expert.
I'm not sure how true that is but it does seem "truthy" enough that I'll repeat it here. We are all on a journey. I just want to thank you for sharing some of yours with us. One day I hope to be as accomplished in my writing as you are in yours.


Your friend


Patricia Marie Allen's picture

Replace "hours" with "years" and I'll but the statement.


Happiness is being all dressed up and HAVING some place to go.
Semper in femineo gerunt
Ich bin eine Mann


Daphne Xu's picture

20 years to become competent? 5000 years to become expert?


-- Daphne Xu

Oh wow...

I'm so sorry to hear 'bout your wife. I'm glad she'd been able to come around after findin' out 'bout ya, even with the rocky intro. I hope things work out okay when ya introduce yourself as Andrea to your son and daughter-in-law.


It's a great pic.

Rose's picture

I'm praying that when you introduce Andrea to Joe and Liz, things will go smoothly. As always, I enjoy your writing, and to be honest, I got into the story and didn't notice anything to improve.

