One of the most devastating things that happened to me as a child was the sudden loss of my pet dog, a loveable, spunky mutt named Brownie. He broke away from my mother's grip on his leash and got hit by a passing car. It happened while I was in school, 4th grade, so I was 8 going on 9.
We never got another dog or pet for that matter. For my mother, it was the second dog she had lost by misadventure in her life. And she couldn't bear to chance losing another beloved animal. I was angry, sad, confused, mad at the universe. It took me a while to recover but I've never owned another pet in all these decades since.
So this comic strip brought back many thoughts. If only the universe were so configured that a painful void like this could be so magically refilled.
The Farm
I grew up in a mature suburb of one of those railroad towns in the western states. We had cousins who farmed a few hours drive away. I spent lots of time on the farm. So while we had pets and my cousins had pets they also had livestock. Processing meat gave me a different outlook on pets and, to some extent, people. I grew up with a string of dogs cats, hamsters, guinea pigs, rabbits, frogs, fish and so on. I did grieve over the loss of each. I've also had a few people I loved pass. I grieve for them too.
I'm not sure if it is better to grieve only a few times or to do it over and over. I'm not sure if there is a better or worse for that. I suppose we get used to almost anything. Still I would not have it any other way. Magical solutions always have a hidden catch. When the genie appears and grants you three wishes your best, fist wish is that the genie never existed.
Your friend
Magical thinking
Thanks for your thoughts, crash. Of course, you are right. This is from the mindset of a child. As we transition to adulthood, we realize that the universe does not conform to our fantasies of fairness and poetic justice. I have had many losses in my life, of loved ones and friends gone beyond the pale and loves lost forever in spirit if not in body. We learn to heal our wounds or we simply stop trying to live. But the healing never ends.
One wish I do have is for you to write more. I've enjoyed the few pieces you've posted here. I would really like to see you finish "My Name on the Photo." Perhaps the stars will align for that to happen?
Love, pain, grief and survival
It's a good thing that we are so bad at remembering pain. I think that it is one of the adaptations that helps us keep this comedy of errors we call society going. That comic pulled on my heart strings too. We all fantasize about how things could be. That's another of our useful adaptations. I suppose that's also a big part of why I spend free time here.
We do what we can then make the best of it.
Thanks for the kind words about the few stories I have shared. I'll likely post something again. When, though. That is always a question. I very much appreciate the forum Erin and Piper and the rest have created here.
Have a great day.
Your friend
The Kindness of the Soul
Love freely given with no strings or attachments has no bounds. With animals it may be freely given and received in the same way. Only free love will transpass the boundaries between a human and an animal. Most people have pets. Very very few have four legged friends and the communication between them is passed both ways. Think of Horse Whisperer and apply it to almost all creatures one comes in contact with. We share our heart and soul with them. When they pass on they take a piece of our heart and our life with them. Even though we have lost a piece of ourselves, our lives are richer, fuller for the bonding we shared.
I've cried thousands of tears over four legged friends who enriched my life from the time I took my first steps. A couple days after the goats were dropped off I called Adam and asked. "Did your raise these goats by hand?"
"No, they are wild and came straight out of the pasture. Why?"
"They follow me around like pets and demand their scratching and brushing."
"Weird. I don't know what to tell you except they aren't tame."
Been six months and they come running every time I'm outside demanding their loving. Open your heart and you will receive in kind. I can't contemplate a life without our four legged friends.
Hugs Crash
Life is a gift, don't waste it.
Oklahoma born and raised cowgirl
depth of feeling
I'm never going to come down on someone for loving their non human companions.
It turns out that I have acquired a "familiar" of my own recently. One of my kids dropped off a long hair white cat that came from rescue as a "problem animal". Suffice it to say that this cat likes to use her claws and teeth. Over a week and now a few months she has decided to settle down and now curls up in my lap when I play games or watch TV. She also checks up on me where ever I go and will not tolerate being on the other side of a closed door. She even lets me pick her up and pet her, even brush her a bit. But only a bit.
I'll never admit to liking this cat. The white fur tufts all over the house are enough to make me scream. Still, I'm not sure that "like" is always a prerequisite for "love". She has earned her name: Serrano. Because of her spicy attitude.
Hugs right back Barb.
Your friend
My Favorite story about dogs passing
Of all the stories about dogs passing this one is tops .
Happiness is being all dressed up and HAVING some place to go.
Semper in femineo gerunt
Ich bin eine Mann
I just had to make one more comment.
I know. I know. But still I could not leave without pasting in this url.
Your friend