Completing a First Year

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Yesterday marked a milestone for me here on BCTS. I posted the first segment of my first story here Who Was I. It's been a fun year, both in writing, and more recently, personally.

I've learned a LOT (I think)... I've just recently finished post my newest (complete) story The Reluctant Bridesmaid to a much greater reception than I had believed possible. It's received over 3k hits and the last few segments received over 1k hits in their first day posted each. Thank you all! Just don't expect me to be able to repeat that level of interest...

I've written a serial novel, several short stories, the first dozen chapters in a second (universe based) novel, and a complete novella. This is a LOT of writing, for a person that hadn't written ANY fiction (or other non-required stuff) since 1971... 18 months ago, if you'd told me I'd have done this, I'd have asked what you were on. Now, I can't imagine stopping writing. WHAT I write may well change, but I don't plan on stopping.

Thank you all so very much for your patients, acceptance, encouragement and help.


Happy First Year

Annette: Your story "The Reluctant Bridesmaid" was great and waiting on more from you. Keep up the good writing! Richard


Well worth your effort

One, write for yourself first BUT DAMN I like your stuff.

John in Wauwatosa

John in Wauwatosa