At times i have these idea's that i think will make great stories some day. Usually at times that i dont have more time then to write down a short summary of the concept.
The result of this being that i forget about it, and it never gets written. So to keep track of them i decided to start posting them in my blog here :)
If anyone feels the idea is good enough to have a go at it themselves, contact me. Some of these i might never write, but the concept stuck me as interesting enough to keep track of ;)
So here's the concept for: A change of mind.
There's an old incredibly rich guy who is cisgendered. He is the owner of a company that specialises in biomechinical engineering.
Now this guy, let's call him Adrian for the moment, is dying. He has a plan though. He's designed some custom DNA, and cloned a body out of this. For ethical sake there is no "spirit" in this body. It's just an empty shell until Adrian will take over.
Now to transfer his brain into the new body would solve nothing. His brain will still atrophy, and dementia and such will set it. He'd just be an old geezer in a young body, but still dying. Besides, the risks of a transplant are way too high.
His company has designed a new method to fix this though. His personality and 'soul' will be transported into the new body. This is still pretty much experimental, but if it succeeds he will have many, many years to live.
What he doesnt know is that the DNA contained a 'bug'. As we know the brain of a trans-person develops in the opposite direction of the body. There are physical indications that the brain actually belongs to the opposite sex. This is the case with the 'perfect' custom designed body he gets transferred into.
So now a cisgendered person with a long life behind him, suddenly finds himself feeling like he should be a woman. To top it off, the body is a "perfect" male specimen in all other regards, making it very hard to pass as a girl. The story will be about him finding out what he wants, how he comes to grips with it, and how in the end, he will fix it.
There will be two choices, one to transfer back to a cisgendered male body, and one to transfer to a cisgendered female body. His premium choice will be to become a real girl, but the doctors and everyone around him will fight him on that, saying its just the body that's influencing his thinking.
In the end she will start realizing the same thing, but still decide to go for the female body. If he has to face life a second time, it would not be a bad thing at all to see how things look on the other side.
So that's the first of my story idea's, more will follow as they come up :)
Perhaps the reason your stories are sometimes forgotten and not written are the lack of conflict and resolution in your outline. Your outline is heavy on destination and light on journey. It's normally the journey that makes a story worth reading. Try going back and describing the three challenges that cause him to find out what he wants. Fill in a bit about the protagonist's helper, possibly add a love interest or two, and add a villain.
I have a feeling with a bit more thought your muse will have you sitting at a keyboard writing well into the night.
Good luck.
Angela Rasch (Jill M I)
Angela Rasch (Jill M I)
Is that a real word?
Is "cisgendered" a word you made up for your story plot? This is the first time I've come across it.
I am fascinated by the origins of words. What can you tell me about this one?
Mr. Ram
Re: Story idea 1: a change of mind
Mr. Ram wrote:
Yes, it is a real word. Take a look at this Wikipedia article for more information.
I thought sisgendered
...was when I "borrow" my sister's clothes.
~badom bom. Laika
[Oh, and I think it's a great story idea Amber Willow. As outlined it could have a lot of conflict- but all of it internal to the narrator or main character; which is hard to have as the whole focus without it risking dragging a bit, but possible. Angela's proposed additions, fleshing out of the plot ideas would make it far easier to carry off, I think...]
What borders on pure insanity?
Canada and Mexico.