Actually, it's feelin' more like the threads of sanity I've used to stitch a shredded soul together are coming undone, and ... stuff ... is leakin'; out. Part of me is curious 'bout that stuff. Another part of me seems to know what that stuff is, and is scared of seein' it again. But ... it's a kinda disconnected scared.
I guess I'm kinda feelin' a bit of a mess right now. I really wish whatever is goin' on would stop. Or maybe it's me that needs to stop. It almost feels like one of the dreams I get sometimes, when I'm runnin', and too scared to look around and see what I'm runnin' from.
I just ... I don't know what to do.
sending you some huggles
*hugging back*
Thanks so much! I really needed that. :)
Your mooring lines are loose. Take a walk, with your pet if you have one. Prepare a simple meal for yourself, toast with jelly or something similar. Make a cup of your favorite hot beverage. Do some routine task of housework, like sorting the laundry. Don't choose something that would stress you. Watch a little TV, Andy Griffith is good or the Golden Girls. Find a book you haven't re-read lately and enjoy it again.
Your mind builds connections between your heart and this world when you are involved in simple pleasures.
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
Great advice
from Erin. It's so easy to live in your head until you try to match it with the real world. So grounding is so important.
Thanks for the advice!
I just got back home a little while ago. Bein' out in the fresh air and sunshine def helped. I ain't sure why I was so unhinged this morning, but I'm doin' lots better now.
*hugging back*
-- Daphne Xu
Focused on What's Wrong with the World
If you are then you aren't alone but this covid isolation has hit a lot of people hard. Most people are social animals and need others to socialize with. I believe I have the solution for yuh. Send me your address and I'll mail sixteen cats to give you sixteen bundles of furry loving.
Rose all joking aside turn your attention to busy time whether it's a trade or hobby you know or one you want to learn. It won't be quick but the funk will slowly bleed off if you don't have idle time to feed it's appetite. DM me and I'll give you my phone number if you need someone to listen.
Purchased a second sewing machine. I can make my own clothes with a lot better fit and better material than anything off the rack in this day and age unless I want to spend five hundred to a thousand dollars for an outfit. In the market for an embroidery machine also. Give it a thought, a wearable hobby where you can show off your skills?
Hugs Rose
Life is meant to be lived not worn until it's worn out.
Oklahoma born and raised cowgirl
Think my apartment manager might have a major heart attack if she found I was hidin' all 'em cats in my house. Well ... maybe not a *real* heart attack, but she'd def have a major fit. I did find myself somethin' fun and silly to do, which helped pull me outta the muck I'd been stuck in this mornin'. It ain't wearable, but it was still fun. :)
*hugging back*
You need to listen to your body and give it what it needs.
Proper Diet.
Avoidance of Certain Things.
Be aware that you're an amazing person who has a tremendous amount to give to those around you. Sometimes the world is a piece of work. But you're that person who has made a positive difference in the past and you will again.
Angela Rasch (Jill M I)
Thank you!
I've been havin' trouble with the rest part, but I'm workin' on the exercise and diet part. Kinda workin' on the avoidance part too, but when I wake up at two in the mornin' with another idea for the story I've been workin' on, it's hard to just just ignore it.
I have been tryin' to go a bit easier on that one story though, and not push myself to work on it. I may try picking up another story and see where my muse goes with it, and try comin' back to my current story later.
I can't tell ya how much your advice encouragement means to me.
Change Of Subject
That's about where I look for a change of subject or focus, or a way to take a mental vacation.
Watch some cartoons. Or other children's programming. Being an adult is overrated.
*smiling and nodding*
Ya really got a good point there, Pippa. I kinda been feelin' burnt lately out tryin' to do adultin' alla time. Think I'm gonna give your idea a try. Thanks so much!