Wolff of the Endless Waltz -chapter 15

Wolff of the Endless Waltz

For 35yrs the border between the Human Empire and Gorgonzola Empire as remained mostly peaceful. The citizens for the Human Empire of this border region are loyal to the last man, woman, and child to the Empire. It was on one of these worlds that gave birth to a legend. The world of Apollo 6 is one of the harshest worlds within the Empire. One so harsh that only it could claim to be the birth world of James J. Owens, the most feared of Death Dealers. A world that is even now poised to give birth to a new legendary warrior. One who shall be baptized in the blood of the Empire’s enemies. Robert Wolff youngest great grandchild of James Owens’ sister Cecilia Owens.

Chapter 15
Shinigami Royal Battle Platform Ryuk, Delphi System
Beginning of Second watch, day 36 of the war

Chief Petty Officer Nancy Marks’ knees were shacking she approached the after dorsal dome of the ancient warship. Of all the duties she had faced during her time aboard the Ryuk. Delivering a report to the Emperor about his mother vanishing was nowhere on that list. The two hulking Doreen V guards in Land Warrior Armor waved her into the elevator with the one on the right chuckling. “Don’t worry Nancy. The Empress hasn’t shoot anyone since the Docs got her on mood stabilizers.”

“Knock it off Grady!” the other guard snarled. “Don’t listen to him Nancy. Besides it’s Emperor James that you need to worry about now days. Ever since he found out that he’s to be a father he’s become more quick silvered than our lovely Empress.”

“Oh lovely.” Nancy sighed. Then grinned up at the two guards. With as sunny a smile as she could come up with she sweetly asked. “I couldn’t get one of you to deliver this to the Emperor for me. Pretty please Randal.”

“Hold on here Nancy. You’ve never tried to pawn off your duty to one of us. What’s got you so on edge?” Randal asked with an edge of nervousness to his voice. Nancy just handed him the printed message. Randal quickly read the message. “OH Bloody Hell! Shit Fire and Save The Matches. Emperor James is going to hit the ceiling.”

“Damn it Randal what’s happened?” Grady asked in frustration.

“The Dowager Empress has left Hades with the War Princes, Grand Lady Dai Etsu, and the current Head of House Nakatoma, Lady Fuyuko, plus their younger sisters Ladies Nanami and Nanase. Oh shit! Has this last part be confirmed Nancy? They took the Mountain Wolves with them. Nancy, please tell me that this FTL is a god damned joke.” Randal almost begged the pretty Petty Officer.

“I wish that I could Randal. That came across my console just ten minutes ago.” Nancy grimaced then held out a second printout. “Along with this.”

Both guards groaned. Grady gave Nancy a pleading look from behind his heavy tactical helmet. “Please tell us that the Dowager Empress didn’t send this out to every mercenary unit in the Empire?”

“Can I lie?” Nancy asked with sickly sweet grin.

“I suggest you go on in then Nancy. Because the longer you wait with this news.” Randal sighed and looked over at Grady. “The madder he’ll get.”

As the door to the dorsal observation open the sound of a heavy thud could be heard. Nancy looked toward the far end of the observation area. There in the center of a one-foot diameter wooden circle stoke out a clothyard shaft arrow. At the other end stood Emperor James Nakatoma with a Japanese longbow in his hands. Off to one side stood the Empress Terresa with her own bow. “James we have an official visitor.”

“Chief Petty Officer Marks what brings you up here at this time of the day?” James asked with a friendly smile until he saw the printouts in her hand. “What happen?”

“Um… sire I don’t know how to say this, I believe it is best that you just read the FTLs yourself.” Nancy answered handing over the printouts.

James read the first FLT reporting that his mothers, grandmother, and aunts had all left Hades with the Mountain Wolves. “Ah shit. Why couldn’t they just stay home?”

“Who are you talking about James?” Terresa asked then sighed as James handed her the first FLT to read. Terresa looked up at James. “What could they do with one regiment of Household troops? It’s not like mother Maiha could conquer a planet. At least not with a unit that small.”

“Terresa my dearest wife there is something you should know about House Nakatoma. Off all the High Families only the Nakatoma family commands a ‘regiment’ that is actually two full Armored Infantry Divisions.” James chuckled as Terresa’s eye bugged out of her head. “My grandmother is if anything twice as sneaky as either of my mothers on their best day.”

“Okay, I can see them defending a planet with a force that size.” Terresa could see the Daughter of Death doing more than just defending a planet with two divisions. “But after that two Divisions of Armored Infantry is little more than a raid.”

“Read the second FLT message before you go making assumptions, Majesty.” Nancy swallowed hard and wait for the Silver Eye Witch to explode. Nancy had shared more than a few drinks with the big Doreen V Crew Chief, not to mention a few war stories about one of the two deadliest pilots aboard Ryuk.

“What has my mother done now?” The cold edge to James’ voice almost made Nancy piss her pants. Until he read the second message. “Oh my God! She’ll hit that planet with the equivalent of two full battlegroups.”

“What?! What does it read?” Terresa demanded as she snatched the second FTL from James’ hand and began to read. She had to read it three times before it final began to make any kind of sense to her. “But would they come love?”

“Terresa do you remember Fiddler’s Green on Hades?” James ask with a sad smile. Naturally, the young Empress remembered her first official duty and the part that cemetery played. She nodded. “When it was first commissioned one half of that cemetery was filled with the bodies of the fallen mercenaries that defended the Nakatoma estate during the Hades Uprising forty years ago.”

The implications of that statement hit Terresa like she had been hit by all of the main guns from her beloved FB-11A2 Claymore. “Oh shit! Every merc for two-hundred parsecs will slam down on that planet with blood in their eyes.”

“That’s not the problem Terresa. Even with every pirate ship in the Empire backing her play. They’ll never get through that blockade.” James snarled. Then in load clear voice called out. “Ryuk! Fire up the boilers old man!”

“Are we finally going to help out your cousin?” came the ancient AI’s voice as James felt the massive engines rumble far below. The massive warship moved slowly at first then with ever increasing speed. “Lady Saris Victoria would like to know our destination James. What should I tell her?”

“Tell her were going to bailout my family’s collective asses. And she’s to melt down the engines to do it. Full combat prep for the rest of the Midnight Fleet. I want this Battlegroup moving Ryuk. If your smaller siblings can’t keep up then to hell with them. My mothers’ will need your firepower, old boy. Though I’m surprised that you didn’t bring this to me earlier.” James called out.

“James my dear boy, how many times have I told you? If you want up to date reports on your mothers. Then station one of my younger siblings to act as their babysitters. I’m not a snitch.” The ancient AI chuckled.

“Damn it! Ryuk you’re supposed to be MY battle platform!” James huffed as Terresa giggled at the antics of her husband and Ryuk. “You’re not helping Terresa!”

“Yes I am, James. Ryuk keeps that head of yours from getting overinflated, and I make sure he has plenty of pins.” Terresa giggled. Terresa looked over at Nancy with a friendly smile. “You can return to your duties Chief.”

“Ma’am, sir.” Nancy said with a smile and sly bow then hurried from the Royal observatory. As the door closed behind Grady and Randal looked at her. “I survived.”

“The rumors of them killing the messenger are only true when it concerns their brothers and sisters. Grandmother, and mothers are freebies.” Grady chuckled. “Those ladies are known to drive them crazy.”

Goulcrest, Apollo 6, Highlands System: day 38 of the war
Command Headquarters Civic Intelligence Department


“Flag Colonel von Klaus, what you’re suggesting is suicide.” Major David Jameson sighed. “We can only secure the major routes in and out of the city. For each man I have in the Civic Intelligence Department there are six gang members. We try to harm their families our problems will increase twenty-fold. We won’t just be fighting the gangs and their members. But every thug that wants to become a member. We warned you that we could take the planet, but we would never hold it.”

“Then pull regular combat forces back to the capital and crush the gangs. Burn down their neighborhoods. I don’t care what you have to do but secure my supply routes.” The General demanded at the top of his lungs. “What happened with our surprise at the spaceport? I thought that your people were supposed to stop those Death Dealers BEFORE they blew up the port.”

“According to our spy in the resistance the Death Dealers used an unknown route to approach the spaceport. We do know that one of them failed to survive the attack. The good news is it was the older more experienced Death Dealer. We have ripped the heart out of the resistance in Goulcrest. According to my spy it will break within the month. If not the week. The threat of the phantom Death Dealers is gone.” Jameson had no sooner finished making this statement of pride. Than there was a spray of glass, then the back side of his head exploded outward spraying the floor bone, brains, and blood. Only reflexes honed in the survival of countless assassin attempts save Klaus form the round that would have ended his life.

There were nine more shoots outside the now shattered window plus the screams of panic were he needed to hear. The Whitechapel Ripper was still alive and here to avenge the fallen Death Dealer. Their failed trap had killed the wrong Death Dealer. When the commotion finally died down outside Klaus stood up and looked out the ruined window. With the eye a politician used to assassins wanting his life Klaus scanned the surrounding area. There was only one structure that offer an assassin a clear line of fire to this office. One that could only have been used by the most feared, skilled, and highly trained of warriors. A Death Dealer.

“If you were not already dead Jameson. I would kill you myself for your incompetence. As it is the Whitechapel Ripper has saved me a bullet.” Klaus sighed. About that time the door to his office opened and three guards rushed in. “What took you sorry lot so long to react?”

“Sir, we were dealing wounded and casualties in the lobby the floor below.” The Lieutenant for the guards answered. “Sir, the sniper killed seven.”

“With Colonel Jameson that make eight dead and two wounded.” Klaus snarled. “The wounded how likely are they to survive?”

“Not very likely sir. One has a chest wound the other shoot through the eye.” The Lieutenant answered honestly. “Sir, every man shoot by the sniper died where they stood. The two wound should have died as well if not for great luck on their part.”

“Not luck, but skill on the part of the sniper, Lieutenant. Those two survivors are nothing more than a warning.” Klaus snarled. “Of more to come.”

“More of what sir?” The befuddled Lieutenant asked politely.

“Chaos, Lieutenant. Pure and simple. The true heart of the resistance did not die after the attack on the spaceport. This Whitechapel Ripper has sit his sights on tearing us apart from the inside through the use of terrorist attacks.” Klaus snarled as he turned back to the shattered window. “He picked hi nest well.”

“How do you know where he picked his sniper’s nest sir?” The lieutenant asked.

“I survived enough assassination attempts to know. More than a few of them were by sniper attacks. The bastard used the King’s water tower. It’s the only place he could have fired from.” Klaus told the lieutenant with hard won experience.

“Sir that tower is more than two miles away. No one can make that many shoots accurately over that distance.” The lieutenant argued.

“Boy you have a lot to learn about the men and women who become Death Dealers. Unlike High Command I do not underestimate them. With good reason. Each one is a killer.” Klaus chuckled as the lieutenant turned red with righteous indignation. “Yet it is their snipers to be fear the most. Not their APS pilots, or any of the other combat men at arms. The ones that become snipers for the Death Dealer Special Operations Teams are truly the best of the best. They are the true one percent of the Human Empire’s military and to be feared for great reason.”

“What are you saying sir?”

“Those men and women routinely make shoots of over two miles. The truly deadly among their number can make kill shoots at close to three miles.” Klaus wave at the empty windowpane. “This would be nothing more a training exercise for one of them.”

“By the gods. How do you fight such monsters, sir?”

“With the same level of terror. As of this moment I am taking personal command of the Civic Intelligence Department. Round up two, no make that ten children for each of our wounded or dead. Place them in the courtyard under guard. As you’re doing this inform their parents that we shall execute one child each hour until the Death Dealer and the gang leaders are handed over to us.” Klaus’s order was cold and without feeling. It was one he had given before when putting down local revolts in his home Gorgonzola State. “Time to show the newest citizens of our Empire their place and how we deal with rebellious scum.”

“Yes sir.” The lieutenant saluted with a smile. As he left the room the smile never left his face. In his mind they were finally going to end foolish resistance. The only troubling occurrence was the suspiciously quiet from the Capital.

Back in the office Klaus looked out the window one last time. “We have been playing this game long enough Ripper. This time I shall win. The very people you’re inciting to revolt shall turn against you.”

King’s water tower.

It took me less time to breakdown my nest than to setup. Then again it always did. Blackjack looked over at me in worry. “I’m find Blackjack.”

“No you’re not Ripper. You damned near took Spider’s head off this morning. If it hadn’t been for Copperhead stopping you. There would be a hole in the wall of the orphanage’s basement from your PPC.” Blackjack snarled forcing me to stop and look over at the spy. “Look Robert we all know that Father Mike’s death hit you hard.”

“We were betrayed by someone in the resistance inner cycle, Blackjack. I will find that piece of shit. Until then I’ll keep most of them at PPC range.” I couldn’t keep the deadly snarl out of my voice. This war started out personal for me to begin with but turned even more with Father Mike’s death. “Let’s get out of here.”

“We have time Ripper. It’ll take them time to respond and estimate our nest location. We’ll have at least an hour.” Blackjack argued.

“I made that mistake once before Blackjack and it cost a good man his life.” I snarled and headed for our exit route. As we entered the service tunnels below the water tower we heard the sound of sirens above. “Like I said upstairs.”

“Damn. How could they have arrived so fast? Only you, me, Spider, Copperhead, and the two SWAT team leaders knew about today’s mission.” Blackjack snarled as she stopped just as they rounded a corner. “Ah shit! I know Copperhead is loyal. Our conditioning to the Empire is guaranteed.”

“I know that Blackjack. If I didn’t all of your people would be dead already. That leaves Spider and those two SWAT monkeys.” I snarled with honest heat. “Given my choices it’s those SWAT monkeys.”

“But you don’t know who you can really trust other than me and Copperhead.” Blackjack sighed as she looked at my grimacing face. “Let me take of this Ripper. I’ll find our traitor and deliver them to your hands.”

We had reached the next cross junction when the sounds of explosions could be heard overhead. I looked over at Blackjack in surprise. “We didn’t schedule a diversion in this area did we Blackjack?”

“Hell no! I didn’t want to have someone dumbass blowing up the buildings over our escape route.” Blackjack hisses then in a voice barely above a whisper. “Being entombed once in a lifetime was enough for me.”

“What was that Blackjack?” I asked as another explosion rocked the tunnel.

“Nothing. Just remembering a time in my life that I would rather not.” She shouted as another explosion rocked the tunnel even closer. “Look we need to find another way out of here Ripper.”

“We’ll use the Beacon Street tunnel. It’ll take us through the Grey Vipers, and the Emerald Dwarves territories but we should be fine.” I told her as we headed down the other tunnel away from the explosions. At least that’s what I hoped. We traveled the next eight block underground before coming to the exit to the tunnels. We were almost home. We just needed to use the service entrance to get above ground.

“Why won’t you just fracking die already? What the frack is going to take to kill you?” The voice was one I knew all too well. I should as the person it belonged to had once been not only a close friend but like a brother to me.

“You’re supposed to be fracking dead.” I snarled as I used low light vision to take in the person in front of me. Zack Cooper aka Timothy Landin former resident of Sky Reach Orphanage much like myself. “I visited your grave.”

“If you want to start over on this rock. You got to kill yourself off. I had shit all set to be the next hero of Goulcrest. All I had to do arrange for Captain Wallace to die by at the hands of the Cheeseheads. Well, him and Father Mike. Now those plans have been changed.” Zack then snarled. “All thanks to your return.”

“Life’s a cold hard bitch, Zack. What I want to know is how long you’ve been in Vanderbilt’s pocket?” This time I didn’t keep the anger from my voice.

“A few years now. Been able to live the life that I was meant to thanks to him. All I had to do was look the other way when certain shipments came through on my beat.” Zack chuckled. “With the old man out of the way and you dying where no one will find your body. Grayson Vanderbilt will become the ‘rightful’ face of the resistance. Then once that bitch Jacqueline Moore has her ‘accident’ and becomes a martyr for the cause. I’ll make sure Captain Wallace has a proper burial for his hard work and dedication to the people of Goulcrest.”

“You know something asshole. I could end this by using my Second-Gen weapons.” I snarled as I handed my rifle to Blackjack. “Go on and get out of here Blackjack.”

“My team has orders to blast whoever comes out this shaft other than me. So, no the cyborg slut dies here with you and your legend Rob.” Zack chuckled as he pulled a footlong vibro-blade combat knife from behind his back. “I’m told this will cut through even your Death Dealer’s bio-armor Rob. Let’s test that theory.”

“Blade for blade. Just like the old days, Zack. No need to involve anything else.” I grinned and extended the blades in my right arm. “Let’s dance with the devil.”

We slammed into each other with pure force and no grace. This was a straight up street in the service tunnels of Goulcrest. I have to admit that Zack had learned a few things of the years I had last seen him. Not that it would matter in the long run. I was going to kill this fracker if it was the last thing I ever did. I didn’t care about a legend. This man was once my brother and he betrayed me. Not only me but Father Mike, the resistance, and our home as well. He was going to die down here in the dark. Nothing was going to stop that if I had any say. I had plenty to say on the damned matter.

“We don’t have time for this Ripper. End him already.” Blackjack ordered.

“Do you know why I never challenged you to a knife fight Zack?” I asked him as I grabbed Zack’s right arm and drove the CQC blades into his stomach. I yanked upwards opening up Zack’s stomach and spilling his innards over the tunnel floor. As Zack grunted in pain I leaned in close to his earn. “You once told me that you were the best knife fighter in all of Goulcrest. As always you’re full a shit.”

“Damn. I knew you could get nasty in a fight Ripper, but that was beyond my expectations. More than a few of those moves aren’t taught in Basic or Advanced Hand-to-hand on Seth. Where did you learn them?” Blackjack asked me.

“You learn a lot of things running the streets of Goulcrest Blackjack. One of which is more than one way to fight. You got to remember that of all the cities on Apollo six only Goulcrest has more than one culture. We got Greeks, Germans, Scotts, Irish, Japanese, Chinese, and a few more. I learned to handle myself on all of her streets. It’s one of the reason I earned my street name. Now come on. We need to get out of here before Zack’s people start dropping explosives down that accessway.” I ordered her as I took back my rifle. “We’ll have to move over to Highgate and hope the Harpies let us pass without problems.”

“What are we going to do about Cooper’s men? They may know about the orphanage.” The second Blackjack asked me.

“Ah frack! They’ll head for the orphanage when this piece of shit doesn’t show up after a set period of time.” I snarled kicking the corpse at my feet. “How good are you with the assault rifle?”

“Good enough to provide you with cover fire. How long do you need?” she asked.

“Two five second bursts of fire. There’s a second accessway a thousand yards down that way. Head for it and count to thirty before opening the door. This accessway should be in direct line of sight to the other. They normally are in this part of town. I got a feeling that Cooper’s frack nut buddies are sitting right on top of that accessway. I’m pretty sure that we’re looking at a fifteen-man team. Those explosions we felt earlier were most likely their BV-nine Snowcat. The damned things mount a ninety-millimeter breechloading antitank gun. With the LEO ED-Forty-twos out of the picture it’s just them.” I explained for her as a plan formed in my head. One that I knew was suicidal in nature. Then again I had an ace in the hole. “Whatever you do Blackjack. Once the shooting starts keep your fracking head down. Because the hell that I going to raise well be on a catastrophic scale.”

“What exactly are you going to do Ripper?” She asked with real worry now.

“I’ve been playing cat and mouse with the Cheeseheads and the Brownshirts for long enough. Time for them to realize exactly who I am and where to find me.” I pointed towards the next accessway and handed her my sniper rifle. For this fight it won’t be of much use. “Don’t come looking for me Blackjack. This is a fight that I have to fight on my own. Now get going, good luck, and one last thing. Don’t come looking for me. You have to keep the resistance going.”

Blackjack gave me a hug and kissed me on the cheek. “You really are just like her you know. Don’t you dare get your ass killed, Ripper. You’re too good of a man.”

With that she ran down the tunnel to the next accessway. I waited until she was in the stairway and headed up before entering my own. As I climbed the stairs I activated my bio-armor. As it flowed over me I knew that I was about to combat an unknow force of undetermined size and equipment. Not the best of situations.

Celest how long will I have under full COBRA combat conditions before I finally drop over dead or succumb to its influence?

Depends on the troops we’re facing Robert. You do know this fight can be avoided?’

Sure, I know that Celest, but those men out there are a direct threat to the orphanage and the resistance. They have to be stopped. Besides, I got a feeling there will be more than just a fifteen-man SWAT team waiting for us. Zack Cooper or as I knew him Timothy Landin was a cheating, double dealing, worthless piece of shit as a kid. I spent more time covering his ass.’

‘Why do I have a feeling there was no love lost when you killed him?’

Because there was none. I once loved that man like a brother. That was until he let one of the younger kids take the fall for one of his jobs. I gave him two choices. Turn himself in or I’d kill him with my bare hands. He took a third option. Faked his own death and let the younger spend the next five years behind bars. He dead in during a fight between rival gangs.

I’m surprised you held back. You could have just killed him with one shoot from our antipersonnel lasers and been done with it.

Sure, I could have done that, but it would have robbed me of the satisfaction of seeing the life drain from his eyes. That bastard stole something from me that was far to valuable to ever be replaced. Not once but twice.’ AS I reached the top of the stairs I activated the COBRA OS. I knew the second I opened this door all hell was going to break lose or in this case Ragnarök.

‘WARNING: COMPUTER OPERATED BATTLEFIELD REFLEX ASSEST has voluntarily been engaged. Do you wish to continue? Y or N’ I blinked on the capital Y. ‘Engaging ten seconds until full capabilities. Ten, nine.’

As the stupid AI counted down I snatched open the door yelling. “I am Robert Wolff you worthless bastards! I’m the one you want! The Whitechapel Ripper! The battlefield is now level! Let’s dance the Devil’s Waltz you sons-bitches!”

I don’t know if it was my sudden appearance or the fact that I actually challenged them to a head on fight. I dropped to one knee while my HUD targeted the BV-9 Snowcat with my main weapons. Both my PPC and PPL slammed home within inches of each other just below the gunner turret. The lightly armored personnel carrier exploded sending half the SWAT team to the pavement. The other half were thrown into either buildings or personal vehicles. I was moving fast and firing my antipersonnel lasers as I moved. My sensors registered Blackjack’s two burst of automatic gunfire but paid them no attention. They were directed toward me.

As strange raging calm swept over me as I targeted and destroyed a second APC. This one was F-113 Foxtrot. While faster and more maneuverable then its bigger cousin lacked the armor to withstand my antipersonnel lasers and died. I moved to the side as a heavy laser burned away the ground where I would have been in just a few feet. The COBRA tracked back along the attack. Less than 15 meters away stood a H9-2D Hound. At 35-tons it was the prefect light APS for Infantry support. It had just signed its own dead warrant. My jump assist jets fired, and I land on the cockpit. I didn’t bother with subtly. I ripped open the cockpit canopy and smashed in the head of the pilot with my fist. Firing my jets, I cleared the APS heading for a second light APS this one a 25-ton TR-78 Tayler.

The Tayler’s main weapons were twin over/under 105m autocannons mounted in place of its arms. While it could lay down a massive amount of fire. It was the perfect light scout APS. The COBRA locked onto the shoulder joints and fired both of my main weapons. They burned through the thin armor of the joints in seconds. The sympathetic explosions from the auto feed for the cannons ripped the APS apart. I was changing directions the cockpit was engulfed in a towering pillar of flame. I was heading for my next target. A 30-ton Sheridan heavy scout APS. It never stood a chance in the close confines of the city streets as I slide between its legs firing up through the hips into the chest cavity. My PPC must have hit the engine shielding because it quickly became engulfed in radioactive fire as its reactor exploded. Armor plates rained down as I kicked to my feet.

As came to my feet the COBRA painted 14 THUGS on my HUD. My rage at seeing the killers of Father Mike must have bleed over into the COBRA. I ripped them apart with my CQC blades and bare hands. I showed these butchers no mercy. The longer I rage on the streets of Goulcrest the more Gorgonzola Forces arrived. I just didn’t care. I was going to show these cock bites the true mean of what it meant to face a Death Dealer that is fighting for personal reasons. I had brought Ragnarök to the streets that I once played in as a child.

After raging wildly across through the area I finally spotted my exfiltration route. I crossed the city in minutes. As I did the COBRA OS cataloged the deferent military units in the area. Only one of which caused me any real worry. Four medium AI Main Battle Tanks at a checkpoint with a platoon of Brownshirts. I just cleared the outer edge of the Whitechapel neighborhood when I started to feel the effects of operating the COBRA system for such a long period of time. I worked my way down into the basement of the orphanage. I reached the bottom of the steps and deactivated the COBRA falling to my knees in sheer exhaustion.

‘Son of a bitch! How longer Celest? How long was that thing controlling me?’

‘Forty-seven minutes, thirty-three seconds, Robert. You had it engaged for far longer than you should. If my medical scans are any sign you were close to burning out your body. The COBRA is truly a double-edged sword.’

‘Okay what are we talking about here? Give it to me straight.’

‘Robert that system burns through your body’s natural production of adrenaline and other endorphins. Each time you engage that damned os you’re butting undue stress on your enteral organs. I advise that you do not engage the COBRA for no longer than twenty to thirty minutes at a maximum.’

‘I’ll take your advice under consideration Celest. Were you able to keep a kill tally for us? After all that I hope it wasn’t for just a few THUGS, light scout APSs, and two SWAT APCs.’

‘I did. Robert I have to say that when the COBRA os is engaged we are beyond deadly. You destroyed one full lance of Heavy APSs, a lance of Medium APSs, a lance of Support APSs, a Scout class APS Lance, three companies of THUGS, ten heavy and eight light tanks, I won’t go into the number of dead infantry.’

I knew that I would have blood on my hands when I engaged the COBRA. I was a soldier after all, but the sheer destructive capabilities of the COBRA was staggering. It is little wonder my great Aunt Dai Etsu and her family removed the program form the original Death Dealer AIs. If I could become such an unstoppable force on the battlefield while still somewhat in control. What would it be like to face one that was totally out of control with no human mind to guide it. It would take the firepower of a Fire Support class APS to stop it. I staggered to my feet and headed for the back of the basement.

“Who are you? What do you want here?” I stopped dead in my tracks at the sound of the child’s voice. I looked to where she stood and was shocked by what I saw. She couldn’t be more than 14 or 15, and she was holding a Honey Arms SEM-47 assault rifle. The ancient 7.62x39 slug thrower was worthless against my bio-armor but against the Cheeseheads and their bully boys it would cause plenty of damage. I stood up straight taking in the teenager’s appearance. The dishwater blonde hair, soft green eyes, dimpled chin, proud cheek bones, tugged at my memory. Unfortunately, I knew that Celest couldn’t help me just then. This girl was from before Celest’s installation. It was when I saw the braided promise bracelet around her right wrist that I finally knew.

“I guess I have change lot since the last time you saw me Pidge.” The second I used the hated nickname the teenage girl lowered the assault rifle and cocked her head.

“Robby?” I could tell he was trying to put the boy memory of the boy who pulled her pigtails with the cold-blooded killing machine that stood before her now. “But you can’t be! He left us to join the Death Dealers. Everyone knows they never return to their home planets. They become citizens of the Empire. Homeless warriors with loyalty only to the Empire.”

“I did Penelope. Though we often do return home on leave and after we retire. We may be Citizens of the Empire, but we never forget where we came from.” I explained for the fiery young girl that was like a baby sister to me. “Do you mind pointing that thing somewhere else? I don’t feeling like being shoot by you. Even if you think I deserve it for all the times I pulled your pigtails.”

“I should shot you in the ass just for that Robby.” She said with a huff but lowered the barrel down and away from my direction. That was when I saw the children behind her. All of them were no older 11 or 12 with the youngest still in diapers at around 2 or 3. Celest gave me a fast count of the children in room. I was surprised to find that Penelope was defending 23 orphans.

“Penny, what’s going on? Why are all these children down here? Why are you holding that rifle?” I asked as I headed for the far back corner of the basement to use the work shower. I could tell by the looks in their eyes they were all terrified of me. I was covered in ash, dirt, blood, bone, guts, and other unmentionables better left on the battlefield. Things that no child should ever have to see.

“First you tell me where is Father Mike.” Penny demanded. “He’s been missing for the last few days.”

“I’ll tell you later Penny.” I told her as I turned away from her gaze. Though I couldn’t help but glance towards the storage lockers hiding an arms room that held his corpse. I haven’t had a chance to bury him yet. Though once the relief forces arrived I would arrange for him to be buried in Peace Memorial Gardens.

“No, you’ll tell me now.” Penny demanded as she raised the SEM-47 to point towards me in the shower. “I’m pretty sure that this will punch a hole even in your ass.”

“Wrong Penny.” I snarled and to prove my point I fired my antipersonnel laser cutting off the end of the rifle barrel. “That is nothing, but a popgun compared to what I have become Penny. Don’t push your fracking luck with me for once.”

“Wha… wha… what was that?” She stammer out.

“Standard antipersonnel laser mark two. Able to cut through nineteen centimeters of ceramic plate armor at three-hundred meter.” I answered as the cold water washed the last of the battlefield grim from my body. “And Penny. That is nothing compared to the rest of my Death Dealer armaments. Now answer my questions starting with why the frack do you have all the kids down here?”

“Captain Wallace called an hour ago and told me to take all the kids under thirteen to the basement and hide. He said that there was a part of the basement that was hidden behind a false wall or something. I haven’t found it yet.” If Captain Wallace was telling her to hide the children under 13 the Cheeseheads were up to something.

“I’ll show you in a few seconds. Hand me those coveralls over there.” I said pointing to a pair of workman’s coveralls hanging on the wall. With her back turned I deactivated my bio-armor washing away the sweat of battle. I took the coveralls from her and dressed quickly. I stepped out of the shower and headed to the far back wall of the basement. I pushed on a set of bricks and the wall swung outward to reveal a 20x20 room with a kitchenette along the far wall and a bathroom in each corner. Stacked long one wall was enough sleep bags for all the gathered children.

“Where… where… where did all this come from?” Penny asked in shock.

“Father Mike put all this together. He was planning for this day for a long time, Penny. Let’s get the youngsters settled and feed.” I ordered her looking over at the gathering of orphans. “Look I’ll explain everything once they’re taken care of. For once in your life Penny don’t fracking argue.”

She gave me a dirty look but did as I asked. As one little girl about 6 or 7 entered the room she pulled on Penny’s dress hem. “Pen-pen who is this man?”

“He used to live at the orphanage Jenny. He’s a friend. We can trust him. Please get inside the room honey?” Penny answered honestly.

“Then he’s our big brother?” Jenny asked in awe.

“Something like that little one. How about we make a deal?” I asked her.

“What’s a deal?” She asked in all innocence.

“A deal is a promise between to people.” I told her with a grin and held up the pinky of my right hand. “But it has special meaning when it’s between big brothers and their little sisters. We make the most special of deals, pinky promises.”

The little girl giggled and wrapped her pinky around my own. “Okay, if you go inside he room, eat your dinner, and get ready for bed. I promise to tell you a bedtime story. One filled with adventure. About the young prince who stayed the dragons of smelly cheese and the trolls made form tinfoil.”

Jenny giggled and ran to join the other children in the saferoom. Once they were all inside I made a fast sweep of the base and all its entrance points. I made sure to arm the alarm system and booby traps. If anyone came down here while we were in the saferoom they would be greeted with a nasty surprise. As well as pissed off Death Dealer bent on unholy violence. As I closed the door to the saferoom I counted the number of children one more time. Ten boys all under the age of eleven, and fourteen girls, counting Penny being the oldest at sixteen.

“Penny where are the older boys and girls?” I snarled. “They should be here to help you with the little ones.”

“They’re spread out among the street gangs. They want to help take back our planet. I volunteered to stay behind to look after and protect the little ones.” Penny answered in a whisper as she began to make diner for the children. “Where’s Father Mike, Robert? Don’t lie to me this time.”

“He’s dead, Penny. He died as he lived, a Death Dealer to the end.” I told her bluntly and waited for the waterworks. When they didn’t come I was surprised. “Talk to me Penny. What’s going on in that head of yours?”

“I knew it had to be something like that. Where is his body?” She asked.

“Safe. That is all you need to know.” I told her.

“Were you there with him at the end, Robby?” She whispered.

“He died in my arms Penny. I can tell you this much. I made the fracking bastards pay for taking him from us. Both the Cheeseheads and the piece of shit traitors who made it possible.” I whispered fiercely and grounded my fist into my palm.

“Now I know you’re my Robby, the Whitechapel Ripper.” Penny giggled and pointed to my hands. “You always did that when you were making a point. Thank you for coming home Robert. Even if it just to fight a war.”

“Penny I will always come home. This orphanage and these streets are my home. I may be a citizen of the Empire. Like all Death Dealers but this is my home.” I promised her with a growl in my voice I continued. “And may the Gods have mercy on the soul of the poor dumb son-of-bitch that dares to threaten it. Because I won’t.”

“Then you need to know that General Kurt von Klaus has ordered the rounding up of ten children for every wounded or killed soldier of the Gorgonzola Empire. Captain Wallace warned me that he’s going to execute one child per hour until you surrender.” Penny told me as she looked down at the stove. “You can’t give into that man’s demands Robert. You just can’t. You do and the resistance will crumble.”

“He wants to drag me out of hiding. If that is what he wants.” I snarled and drove my fist into the nearest wall. “Then that’s what he get. Only not the way he wants.”

“What are you going to do Robert?” Penny asked with a quiver in her voice.

“Penny what is the one thing that has always held true about me on the streets of Goulcrest? The one line that every last fracking gangbanger never crossed.” I asked her with a nasty grin on my face.

“No one, absolutely no one, FRACKED with Sky Reach Orphanage and got away with it.” Penny giggled as she thought about the gangs of Whitechapel and the respect, not to mention the fear, they held this man next to her. A man that might as well be her brother for all practical proposes. Two years ago, he was a force of nature among the gangs. Now he stood next to her as the pinnacle of the Empyreal Military Forces, a Death Dealer. If he said he was going to protect the orphanage from the Brownshirts and General Kurt von Klaus. Then he would, and may the Gods have mercy on anyone who dared to get in his fracking way. Because her big brother surely won’t. More than one gangbanger had learned that lesson the hard way.

“Come with me.” I led her back into the basement proper and over to the hidden arms room. I pulled it open. “Stay here.”

I went inside and quickly retrieved an SEM-48A3 7.62x51mm assault rifle with seven loaded magazines. I put six of the magazines in a bandolier and slapped the seventh home in the magazine well of the rifle. I racked the charging handle back feeding a round into the chamber. It wouldn’t shit against a THUG or armored vehicles. But against regular infantry this little baby was deadly as hell. I also grabbed something that would even the odds against a THUG. The ArmaLite armor-penetrating beam gun, could punch a four-inch hole clean through a Heavy AI tank at 300 meters.

Before I closed the door I took one last look at the blanket wrapped body of Father Mike. “I know that you didn’t want this for her Father Mike. I’m sorry.”

“He knows you did all you could, Robby.” Penny said as she wrapped her arms around me as I closed the door. “Sorry but I overheard what you said in there. Is Father Mike’s body in there?”

“Only until the end of the war. Then I’ll take him up to Peace Memorial Gardens. He deserves to be buried at Fiddler’s Green, but I think he should rest Here were he can continue to overlook his last home and where he did the greatest good.” I knew better than to try lying to her. She could always spot a lie.

“Father Mike was a Death Dealer?” She asked in surprise. I just smiled and nodded my head. “Why didn’t he ever tell us?”

“He was warrior doing his penance for his sins. He wanted to do something to make up for all the lives ended by his actions, Penny. Most of us retire to lives so far removed from that of a soldier it is not even funny. We wanted to put the horrors of what we have seen and done as far behind as we can. Yet we will always keep those memories of friends dying next to us on battlefields. In horrible and terrorizing ways. While not being able to do anything about it. For Father Mike caring for this orphanage became his chance at finding inner peace.” I looked around the basement then up at the ceiling. “When the time comes I’ll return here and take over. I doubt that I’ll ever be a priest, but I’ll take care of our home.”

“What are those?” Penny asked pointing at the two weapons in my hands.

“This little sister is the SEM-fourteen assault rifle. It’ll take down everything up to an Armored Infantrymen. I don’t care what type of body armor a standard Infantryman is wearing this little beauty will punch through like it was tissue paper.” Told her as I hand her the rifle. “It has a forty-round magazine. If you can handle that old forty-seven this will be nothing.”

I watched as she dropped the magazine and cleared the chamber before preforming a function check of her new rifle. Satisfied she reloaded the rifle and slung it over her shoulder. “What’s the range?”

“It’s currently battle signed to two-fifty but can reach further if needed. Now, for this little baby.” I said holding up the beam gun. “I give you the ArmaLite armor-penetrating beam gun. At full power it’ll punch a four-inch hole clean through a Heavy AI tank at three-hundred meters. It’s your weapon of last resort. Be sure to brace yourself before firing that little monster.”

“What about a rifle you? Don’t you need a weapon?” She asked.

“I am a weapon.” I told her honestly. “One bent on revenge that even the Gods of War fear. I promise.”

“What are you planning to do Robert?” Penny asked with a knowing smile.

“What I always do when someone fracks with the orphanage Penny.” I grinned. “Raise Unholy Hell until they cry mercy. Then break their fracking back over my knee.”

“At least you’re leaving them able to still have children in the future.” Penny sighed then giggles as she looked me in the eye. “On second thought no you’re not.”


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