Inspiration strikes

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You never know what's going to snap you out of a block. I actually got a couple paragraphs written tonight.

I was looking for something to watch on television tonight, and browsing the cable guide, I saw that 27 Dresses was airing on HBO tonight. In my unwritten Episode 26 of Stephanie's Deal, the bridal party goes to see that movie. So I took it as a sign and tuned in the movie so I could write up Stephanie's impressions of it, and it.was refreshing getting back in Stephanie's head for a little while.


"More like this"

Daphne Xu's picture

"More like this" showed the subject line, "The universe is telling me something". Click -- it turned out to be another post of yours about "Stephanie's Deal". Two paragraphs were:

That last Patriots/Giants Super Bowl game featured in Episode 22 of my serial, Stephanie's Deal. It was published on December 4, 2009. I've only released one more chapter since then, and that was way back on July 30, 2010.

I'm pretty sure the reason the Giants are playing the Patriots this year is that it's the universe telling me, "Hey Jenni, get off your ass and put out another chapter already!" I think I know what my plans for this weekend are now.

So you released Episode 23 in 2010, and now you're writing Episode 26? It's nice to see that I'm not alone.

-- Daphne Xu

No episode 25?

If you're working on episode 26, where is episode 25? Episode 24 ended on sort of a cliff-hanger.

Or do you not do the episodes in order?


Episode 25 is still in progress. I have a rough outline of where the plot elements for the whole story go (I've only written through the start of February, but I know what happens through the first week of July), and the movie shows up in 26. There's a chance I'll move the chapter break before I finish 25, but for now that scene is in 26.


Stephanie's deal was one of the first stories I read on this site about 7 or 8 years ago. It's one of the reasons I've been visiting not only almost daily but usually several times a day. It's good to hear that inspiration is not a stranger to you and I look forward to whatever happens.

Time is the longest distance to your destination.