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Coming up in the next Angel of... story:

Aaron was standing at a window, the lower portion of which was open. As was the screen beyond. Melody needed a moment to see who - or, rather, what - he was talking to: A small, nondescript grey bird standing on the window sill.

"You need to stop teasing that cat," said Aaron, sternly.

The bird gave an irate chirp.

"I don't care if you think it's fun. It's not fun for you when you get caught. It's not fun for me when I have to rescue you. It's definitely not fun for the cat when I take you away from him. One of these times I won't be quick enough."

The bird gave another chirp, somehow managing to sound insincerely repentant.

"I'm just telling you to stop teasing the cat! It's not that hard. Just stop."

The bird glared at him, then leapt into the air and flew out the opening. With a sigh, Aaron closed the screen and the window and turned around. He seemed surprised to find that he had an audience.

Inspired by an actual event. No, I didn't actually have a conversation with the bird. :-)

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