I've been reading some of Lilith's stories...well, re-reading them and I'm wondering where she's been.
I seem to recall some sort of schmozz where she got a little...or more... peeved and took her ball and went home? I've tried her website, which won't load. I tried her twitter account...nothing there past 2014 so...is she still around? Is she okay?
Probably Won't Help...
...but her StorySite postings used the byline Heather Sinclair. (But the final Wayback version listing the stories is dated 2/10/03; the index comes up with a 404 error or "page not found" on all of the 50 later captures there, and all of the ones on Storysitetwo.)
I think she still has a
I think she still has a deviantart account but whether it's ever updated is another matter.
I did a search and found her
I did a search and found her Deviant Art account. She published a comment on Sept. 30, 2018, which is much more recent than her last story posting, so she may still be around and lurking.
I absolutely adore her story Either Do it Right, or Don't Do it at All and have read it several times.
She vanished quite awhile ago. From what I understand, it wasn't a happy split from here either.
I'm over there!
WillowD left me a message on my DA account that there were some inquires. *in my best Obi-Wan voice* Hello there.
Regarding why I left: I haven't really. I just don't frequent the site much anymore. The only kerfuffle surrounding me, that I remember, was about how many CRU stories were posted, and how much it was pushing out all the other stories... or something to that effect. I was much more sarcastic back then, so perhaps it came across as being angry? It doesn't really matter in the end. A story is a story and people develop other interests over the years.
I tend to devote more of my writing time to fan fiction, when I actually have time to sit down that is.
I read, work, occasionally write, occasionally role play, and avoid large crowds these days. Beyond that, I'm in decent heath and nobody in my life has died recently, so I have that going for me. A lot of people can't say the same, so I consider myself fortunate in that aspect.
I don't plan out times to visit any particular site, but can be found under my previous name "Heather Sinclair" at Spacebattles, QuestionableQuesting, Fanfiction.net, and under my LilithLangtree name at D&D Beyond.
I hope all of you are living your lives to the fullest and sparing some time for a little happiness in whatever form that takes.
Write the story that you most desperately want to read.