Publishing Yourself

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To Ms. Leslie Moore and all authors, you do understand you are the author, book agent, publisher, and promotional team when you don't have the other mentioned agencies in a contract. As before I mentioned I could be sitting in my pasture giving away hundred dollar bills. No one knows so at the end of the day I pack up my table and tent and go home with all my money having gave away nothing.
Most writers have the illusion they write a terrific story the accolades will come pouring in. Sadly nothing is further from the truth as their hardest job has just begun if they don't have an agent and publisher on contract. And if one doesn't have those two things lots of luck breaking into the cutthroat business of finding either. It's a bloody dirty business littered with writers dreams. One must find the right agent and or the the right publisher representing their genre. Even then it's a crap shoot. They receive hundreds of manuscripts and all or most all hit the round file, usually without them even opening the manila envelope to even look. One can spend thousands mailing out manuscripts and never receive a reply.
Now that I have rained on your parade what have you done to promote your stories? Did you leave a free copy with your library, local news paper, or buy some ads in the supermarket fliers? Did you give a free copy to the local books stores? Have you submitted your story to the national book reviewers? New York Times Best Seller list is a joke. It's an insiders, good ol boys club. You're welcome if you have millions to pad the entrance fees. But you may try it. One never knows. You do know you can purchase advertising space in the supermarket magazines. "Classified Ads" not photo ads aren't terribly expensive. Keep track of which ones you use if you go that route. Some payback and others are a dry run.
Keep in mind you did the easy part, you wrote the story. Now comes the hard parts, desiging your book cover, getting it printed by one of the On Demand Publishers. I said On Demand NOT Vanity Publishers. You'll want those freebies to pass out. Get a stamp and print on the fly leaf and or the back cover, NOT FOR SALE REVIEW ONLY so those freebies really serve the purpose you wish them to.

Be extra cautious and suspicious of anyone who emails or writes you asking for free copies as they claim to be XY book distributors, publishers wishing to reprint your books overseas, or any other scam. Research the hell out of any free requests and make sure they are legit. Same if you get requests from agents and or publishers wishing to pick up your stories. It's a dirty con filled business and authors are so green and gullible as they reach for the brass ring. Be extra cautious and do your diligent research.

I hope all of you authors understand and appreciate the golden opportunity to post your stories you have been given by Erin and all the girls here on BCTS. Most of you receive constructive criticism that would be hard to come by any place else. Sadly some authors get hit with destructive criticism. It's a double edged sword when one's labors are put out there for all to read. If one wishes to be a successful author they MUST develop the thick hide of a Rino and understand the whole world isn't going to love their work. There will also be those who are jealous or hate the story because it wasn't written they way that person would have wrote it, even if the reader has never wrote a story in their life.
I wish you and all the writers success and a life filled with happiness.
Life is a gift, don't waste it.


Be sure to give info where to purchase

BarbieLee's picture

Inside on the dedication page before the prelude be sure and provide all the data where one may purchase copies of your book. If you're self publishing do you have your own publishing co name? Be really careful how much info you put there. You are exposing yourself to the world. I don't suggest using your home address nor your telephone number.

extra copies may be purchased
Publishers name or your name

At the end of the book again list contact data nd list all the titles you have written and a short blurb what each book is about. When they like what your write they will want more and it's free advertising.

Remember you're selling yourself if you don't have an agent and or a publisher. You must do those jobs and to succeed you must put out the effort.
Hugs authors, become famous and send me your autograph.
Life is meant to be lived, not worn until it's worn out.

Oklahoma born and raised cowgirl

I Can Confirm What You Say.

I have been writing since the late 70's. My first manuscript is still aging in a folder on my dresser. Having printed and mailed almost 50 manuscripts, it was disappointing that only 5 of them drew responses. All of them were women and they seemed to be trying very hard to be sympathetic. I've tried to rewrite that story but from my own point of view, the writing was bloody awful. Perhaps I'll burn it on a pyre or something?

I was invited to this site around 2007, plus or minus. My stories were not well received at first. I tired of "first dress, first Bra", coming out stories rather soon. These days I just write what I feel, and do not plan to submit any of my work to anyone. The readership seems to have softened a bit and no longer seem to be militant about demanding TG content. A few of my stories have been moderately successful, but it is clear that I will never be a star. I've settled in to writing Science Fiction that is romantic, and feminist. My hands are too painful to spend the hours at the keyboard that I once did. Waiting for the last act.