Another disappointment.

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I have always been a fan of Richard Dawkins for his no-nonsense attitude to myths and superstition, science works on evidence not 'imaginary friends'. It appears he feels the same about transgender people which has led the American Humanist Association to withdraw an award they gave him 1996, as humanist of the year.

I suppose I can see why he may hold that view, that in a biological sense, sex is determined by genes and chromosomes, and he is a biologist and thus must be aware of the wonderful variations in life, of which we are one. I hadn't realised he saw things in such black and white terms. I am disappointed because I held him in great esteem for his writing and thinking and his championing science against the religious anti-evolutionists. I suspect Lady Cameron will be very disappointed as well.

I am doubly pissed off because I only bought one of his books yesterday and started reading it last night. Story of my fucking life...

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