I am looking for a story that I read a few years ago. I cant remember the name of the main charter but it had to do with a kid in school that was kidnapped by some jocks and transformed into a girl so that one of the jocks had a girl to take to the prom. I believe they were on the football team. They even made it so he could not talk with some kind of glue to his lips. I hope that is enough information to find this story. I also dont remember if i read it hear or on FM. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Prom changed everything
I think the story you are looking for is Prom changed everything currently available on kindle hope this helps.
sounds like
I looked it up on Kindle and it sounds like it might be. I was hoping it was on here but alas it is not from what I see. Looked it up here and just the posting saying it was on Kindle. I might just have to buy it to reread it. Thank you so much.
opinor ergo sum
Charlotte Van Goethem
Prom changed everything
I think you will find it is available in kindle unlimited
Prom Changed Everything
It was on here before it was removed to publish on Kindle. I thought it was a very good story, though the beginning was pretty dark.