Going through pockets

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As I was saying, I was going through some pockets the past couple weeks. Time are tough and it was slim pickings let me tell yuh. Receipts and lint coming up for most of my trouble. Getting harder to get into other people's pockets anyway. Like the lady who was looking through the cans of sweet peas and her purse was in the cart. It was open and her billfold was there for the taking. Acting innocent I looked up to dispel suspicion and we wus right under a security camera. It was a setup to catch thieves. There just aint no honor among honest folk any more. They used to be more trusting before all this covid stuff.

After a couple weeks of going through pockets about all I managed to come up with are a bunch of coupons. Seems everyone is clipping coupons now. There are ways to fence..., cash them in without actually buying the product so I'm mailing you all those coupons I managed to liberate. You don't need to thank me Erin, I know you're pleased.
Hugs Erin
Life is meant to be lived not worn until it's worn out.


Thanks, hon

erin's picture

The coupons for .50-cal ammo sold especially well across the border.

Lots of love and grins,

= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.


If you come up with any for .40 S&W hollar at me!

"Life is not measured by the breaths you take, but by the moments that take your breath away.”
George Carlin

Dear Erin and Karen

Hey, that rhymes...Anyway..

We have both .50 BMG (some machined match grade) and .40 S&W hydroshock; guns of any caliber are all long gone, like 20 yrs +. What we have more of is .380 hollow point and 7.62 X 39 (SKS 39 and AK 47 ammo). We're kind of horders; I think we should sell this random ammo, but I'm not up for doing it myself. I can't get Kim interested.

Hugs and Bright Blessings,

Check with your local _small_

Check with your local _small_ gun store, especially if they do consignment selling. Even if they won't buy it, they might hold it for someone else to buy from them. You won't make as much as a direct sale, but it'll be out of the house, and someone will get some use out of them.

I'd offer to liberate some from you, but I don't have anything using any of those calibres.

I'll get a life when it's proven and substantiated to be better than what I'm currently experiencing.