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(Cover image designed by Joyce Melton.)
(Image Source: Photo 30023749 © Vladimir Nikulin -
* * * * *
I’m waiting for Sam to come in, before he goes to see Dharma.
Greta’s going to keep Julia busy…so I can talk to him…alone.
I’m not really sure why Lissa wants me to do this…and in this particular manner…but she was clear that it’s important that I do. It seems Greta is on board with the whole thing, too…so….
He comes in and I smile at him. I still can’t believe the complete change in his demeaner—if I didn’t know better, I would think he was a girl…one that has a few unfortunate masculine mannerisms. A tomboy, in other words.
“Good morning, Sam! How did your first photo shoot go? I know Adam can be demanding, but just having his name on your resume—and that he asked to shoot you—is a deal maker! It will open doors that you can’t yet imagine.”
He shrugs and yawns. “It was OK, I guess. I didn’t really know what to expect. And…yeah, he was a hard-ass, at times. But I guess Momma and I seemed to do OK.” He pauses and shudders. “He just seemed to...want…. Oh, never mind!”
I do a double-take at him calling Julia, “Momma”—he has always called her “Mom,” before. Joyce and Dharma must really be working on him. I have to wonder what he was going to say about Adam, but I don’t press him.
He yawns widely, again.
I grin and wink. “I have a fresh pot of coffee. Would you like some?”
He shrugs and yawns, once more. “I’ve…never drunk it. I mean…sure?”
I giggle and pour him a cup. It’s piping hot and very strong, like I like it. I give it to him black, and with no sugar. “I don’t mess up my coffee with anything, so I don’t have anything to mess it up with! Sorry—but coffee was meant to be enjoyed, as is. It will take some getting used to—but do me a favor…get used to it, the right way!”
He takes a careful sip of the steaming brew and shudders. His face is comical, and I laugh, but he takes another sip—obviously resolute in not letting it beat him.
With that taken care of, I get down to business. “Sam, I’m not going to beat around the bush.” I take a deep breath and let it out. “Adam got Greta thinking about the fact that you’re modeling…as a WunderGirl. I know, you’re not a girl. And you know, you’re not a girl. But the thing is, that you’re modeling as a girl—and the clients don’t know that you’re not a girl. So….” I shrug. “We need to make sure that you can pass…as a girl…while modeling. Does that make sense?”
He thoughtfully blows on his coffee…and takes another sip, with a grimace. Then he gives me a perplexed look. Finally, he blurts out. “I guess…. But that’s stupid!”
I give him a stern look. “Your contract is not stupid, Samantha!”
He looks shocked.
“You need to get used to that.” I state it flatly, with a shrug. “It’s now officially your WunderGirl modeling name!” I let that sink in and continue. “Now, here’s the deal. You like the effects of your products. Is that right, Samantha?”
I reset my inner senses…and recalibrate them. After the last few days, it’s not hard. Sam now fully becomes a girl in my mind. That’s necessary, for me to be able to cope…with what I have to do. And somehow, I don’t really think it’s that far off the mark, to be honest.
She gives me a funny look…and then finally nods.
I smile brightly. “OK, you get those feelings from all the cosmetic and floral products that we provide you. I assume you want to continue having access to those special products?”
She’s starting to look scared.
And I hate Lissa for making me do this.
She bites her glossy, blood-red, lower lip…and nods timidly.
My heart breaks for her, but I push on. “So…. You know that Adam pointed out that you’re lacking in certain…assets. We have to make sure that you acquire those, for successful shoots, in the future. Specifically, you’re lacking in breast development…and certain…other…curves.”
I make sure she’s tracking where I’m going with this. She just takes a gulp of coffee. She’s so distracted that she doesn’t even grimace.
“Now—when you go to see Dharma and Joyce, in a bit, you’ll be fitted with silicone breast forms.” I shrug. “An expensive…and OK…temporary solution, but not something worthy of the products that you’re receiving. If you’re OK with just breast forms, then you’re not fully committed to WG—and we cannot commit to you receiving the special ingredients. The ones that you’re privy to, through our experimental products.”
I let that sink in. I feel like a cruel, heartless cad. Lissa makes this look so easy!
She pales.
I continue to pile it on. “So, I’m afraid that if you want to continue using the special cosmetics, and floral products, that you need to commit to actually developing those assets.”
She chokes on her coffee, and stutters. “Wh…wh…what do y…y…you mean? I can’t d…d…develop ‘assets’! School s…s…starts in a f…f…few weeks!”
I force myself to give her a “pitiful” look.
What she can’t know, is that the products she has been on—well…still is, for that matter—have phytogenic…umm, plant-based…ingredients that have had a complete anti-androgenic effect, on her. That is, they have fully suppressed her already late male puberty from starting. The products have also provided that “exhilarating” effect, that is tied to a pseudo-estrogen factor. It’s nothing that would be able to cause physical changes, but they’re certainly effective at increasing her feminine feelings.
What she also doesn’t know, is that we provided her with the detailed instructions on where to use products—and where not to—because some, like the body wash and the day cream, have strong depilatories, in them. Her hair growth is temporarily suppressed—and will, eventually, permanently completely cease, with continued use.
None of this is normally a factor, when used on genetic females. The depilatory effect has been irrelevant on her, since she hasn’t entered puberty, yet—and hasn’t started growing body hair, to begin with. But It should be interesting, to see, whether the product will now have a preventive effect, and, whether or not, she will now ever even begin to grow hair in those areas, at all.
After a brief pause, I shake my head. “Samantha, Samantha, Samantha—are you going to let a little thing, like what people think at school, get in the way of your happiness? You have Adam Ansel requesting you, by name! Do you know how many models would kill for that honor? You just need to commit yourself to that role, and I can make a few adjustments to your products. You will then simply start to…develop…the assets…the ones he’s looking for. It really is best, for your modeling career.”
I wait a beat, while I take a sip of my own coffee, then continue. “You’ll still need breast forms, in the short-term. But these products will accelerate your physical characteristics, like breast and curve development, while you work with Dharma, Joyce, Greta, and your Momma, on developing your other feminine mannerisms. You know, like speech and body movements. In short, you will become the ultimate WunderGirl.”
She’s about to throw up, I can tell. I eye the distance between us…I don’t want puke, all over me.
Satisfied, that I’m safe, I continue. I take a lesson from Lissa, and studiously ignore her obvious distress, as I relentlessly press on. “You can decline this opportunity, I suppose,” I shrug. “There is nothing in your contract that requires you to do it. It’s completely voluntary. But if decide to forgo it, you will have to surrender all of your products—and I will replace them with versions that don’t include the special ingredients. You will then use those, for the remainder of your contract. It’s completely up to you, Samantha!”
At that moment, I know I have her snared. It’s clearly evident, in those beautiful green eyes of hers. The draw of the products is stronger than I knew. It doesn’t really make sense…the minute addictive qualities are not sufficient—or shouldn’t be—to go through with something like this. I wonder if there’s some other underlying factor…like she has a true desire…to be a girl? I shrug. I can’t worry, either way…not right now, anyway.
So, I finish, with the coup de grâce. “You just need to make sure that your Momma signs off on the contract modification…if you choose to go through with it. There’s no need to involve your Daddy. If you can do that, I will just add a few ingredients to your products. They will ensure that your body develops, in accordance with what you need to be a true WunderGirl. It’s up to you, Sweetie. But I need to know your choice, right now.”
* * * * *
I take a sip of the steaming-hot coffee that she gives me…and shudder. It tastes like crap! But I don’t let that stop me. She gave me some—and it’s how she drinks it! So, I’ll man up, and master this! With all the other girly stuff, they’re pushing on me, this is at least something that I can control. Not that the girly stuff…is that big a deal…anymore. It’s just for a while longer…and it’s actually not so bad.
But then she destroys me with her pitch…the one that I see…as giving in…to becoming a girl! But then I stop to think about everything that has happened, over the last month—and the fact that I really love the feeling, I get from the products…. Basically, there’s no question! I will do…whatever it takes…to keep up the exhilarating feeling, that the products provide. I like the feeling that they provide. Even though, I know I can live without the feeling…I like how I have been feeling, lately. I’ve never felt so…alive…. Or free…! I’m not sure that’s just because of the products…but they certainly help!
Then, she pulls me back to reality. “You’ll still need breast forms, in the short-term. But these products will accelerate your physical characteristics, like breast and curve development, while you work with Dharma, Joyce, Greta, and your Momma, on developing your other feminine mannerisms. You know, like speech and body movements. In short, you will become the ultimate WunderGirl.”
I sigh. So, I have to decide…on whether to do this, or not. I guess it really is my choice. I could just finish out this whole thing that I’ve started, pretty much the way things are now. I’m sure they’ll still make me learn to act girly…for the photo shoots. But then I can just go back to being myself when it’s all over.
Something in me, wants to go through with this, though. I can’t really explain it. So, I have to get Momma on my side, and convince her to go along with it. Somehow, though, I think Momma is already on my side. I know she has her own motives, in this whole deal…but I know that she loves me.
And, as if on cue, Momma comes in.
I take a deep breath and let it out slowly. “Momma, Ginny has explained to me that she can give me a supplement, that will ensure that I…ummm…meet…Mr. Ansel’s…needs…. I…well…I think…I want to do it…. It…it’s best for our contract, I think. I…I…I don’t think that it would be good…to let Daddy know…. But you would have to sign off on it…if you agree?”
Momma smiles and sighs. “I was wondering what you would decide. Gretta already let me know that you would need to choose. Hon, are you sure? It would certainly be good for both of us, from a career perspective. But it’s entirely up to you! It’s a big commitment. I need to know that you really want to do this.”
I nod. “Yes, Momma. I can’t explain it…not really. I just know…that I want to….”
She gives me a big hug, and then kisses me on the cheek. “OK then, Hon. And, yes, I agree—this needs to be our little secret! Your Daddy does not need to know—or your brother…or your sister!”
Ginny gathers up my new products, and puts them in a bag. She also gives me more gum. I’ve been going through it very quickly, for some reason. I’m rarely without a piece in my mouth anymore, and I guess I must be using more, than I realize. Although…any gum is good…as long as I can chew something…it’s kind of become a habit.
Momma takes my bag of “goodies,” and I go to my next joint session, with Dharma and Joyce.
Over the course of the next couple of hours, I’m tortured with how to act, walk, and talk “like a girl.” Well, like a girl, that is, when I don’t need to be a “lady”—which is on a whole other level, of its own….
When the session is over, Momma pledges to reinforce the lessons—and promises to help get me whipped into shape, in record time.
But I’m still processing the new “secret,” that I learned about Momma, today. It’s all so overwhelming!
I take a deep breath, to settle my nerves.
Momma tells me that it’s all a part of growing up….
Lucky me! Where is Peter Pan, when you need him?
* * * * *
Samantha comes in, after her meeting with Ginny.
Joyce and I are waiting for her—having received notification from Ginny, that she fully committed—and we both smile at the nervous…new girl. She may not realize it, yet…but that’s what she is! There’s just something about her. She pretends to fight it all…but she’s taking to it, far too easily.
“Hi, Samantha! Let’s get started! Congratulations! Today, you graduate to five-inch heels! But first….” I pull the expensive breast forms out of their bag. I had purchased them earlier today, along with several new C-cup bras. I hand one of the bras to Samantha. “Put this on…and I’ll help situate your breast forms. We won’t glue them on…although, that would have been my choice. I was vetoed on that.”
Greta overrode my choice to glue them on her. She’s going to develop, on her own. And we need to be able to easily measure her progress, so I guess I can understand it. It would have made things so much easier, though.
Samantha goes into the dressing room and then comes out with the bra on. I’m happy to see that she knew enough to accomplish that much. Like I said, she’s taking to this very easily.
I show her how to properly place the breast forms into the cups, then hand her the shoes, for her to practice in, today. “Put these on and walk your rounds. You know the drill.” I hand her the stilettos, and wink at Joyce. “We’ll meet you in the “Smokers’ Corner” in thirty minutes. I’ll be checking your step count…let me see where you are, right now…” I make note that she’s at 3,469 steps. “I want you to log at least three thousand more steps! Remember to maintain proper posture—and swing those arms and hips! My spies are watching!”
I grin as she straps on the heels, then wobbles off…. It’s clear, the height of the heels…and the weight of the “breasts,” are making her have to readjust her center of gravity. But she quickly adjusts. I smile. Too easy….
When she’s down the hall, I turn back to Joyce. “OK, Joyce. I need to take care of these clothes, then we can meet Julia outside, and wait on Samantha….” I smile and turn to my racks, then start sorting through some new arrivals.
Twenty minutes later, Joyce and I meet up with Julia, in the “Smokers’ Corner.”
“Hi, Dharma…Joyce!” Julia smiles. “How’s Sam doing? I’m worried that I’m putting too much pressure on my child—for my own benefit!”
Joyce shakes her head. “Nonsense, Julia! Samantha is doing great! She’s going to settle into her role—and become an awesome WunderGirl! She really is a natural…deep down. She just needs some help bringing it out.”
I nod…and pull out a cigarette. I light it and inhale deeply. I blow out my smoke and say, “Julia! Hold the line, Hon! Samantha—and you—are on the way to greatness! Samantha is coming around! She did volunteer for this, after all.” I hold out my pack of cigarettes to her and Joyce. They both take one, and I light them.
Julia is about to say something, after exhaling her smoke, when Samantha arrives, perfectly clicking her heels.
“Momma? You’re…smoking?” She has a look of disgust on her face.
Julia chokes on her smoke and sighs. “Yes, Love. As a model…we have to maintain our figures…. It’s…normal for us models to use nicotine…to help with that. Haven’t you noticed? Most everyone in M&M either smokes…or vapes. I just sort of fell back into it.”
Samantha shrugs. “I guess so…. But I don’t! And I don’t want to!”
Julia nods. “Understood. That’s up to you, Hon. The pressure will be on…for you to maintain your figure. You know that! But it’s up to you, how you do it. This, however, needs to stay our secret…like the one we discussed earlier…. OK?”
Samantha nods…still shocked. She seems to get the trust issue, though. I don’t know what they’re talking about, when referring to “earlier,” but she promises to keep the secret. I know that’s a good thing…Gary would go ballistic, if he knew that Julia was smoking, again. Or, at least that’s what Julia has said.
I take my last deep drag on my cigarette, and put it out, as I exhale. “OK, Samantha. Time to practice our vocabulary….”
* * * * *
I meet up with Joyce and Dharma in the “Smokers’ Corner.” When I had first learned of this area, I had considered it sorely outdated…. Now, I consider it a necessity. I had no plans to ever start smoking again, but the pressures of modeling have driven me back into the arms of nicotine…like for a large majority of models. I only hope I can keep Sam from starting!
When…she…comes mincing up to us in…her…heels, complete with a full upper figure, I can’t help but smile. I have decided to really start thinking of her as my daughter…it’s just easier. And she’s starting to make it very easy…as she takes on more and more feminine mannerisms. I shake my head in wonderment. She’s taking it on, almost too easily, to be honest.
On top of all of that, Dharma and Joyce are keeping her moving more and more toward girly-girlness at warp factor ten! Sam is putting up a good front of resistance, but…in reality, I think she…actually kind of likes it.
I sigh as I put out my second cigarette. If Gary knew I had started up, again, he would have a cow. If he knew that I signed that contract extension for Sam, today, he would have a herd of cows!
What he doesn’t know…for now…won’t hurt him, though!
* * * * *
Julia, Dharma, and I are taking a quick smoke break…and just shooting the breeze between good friends.
Then…Samantha confidently struts up in her heels…and notices what we’re doing. It’s clear that she had no idea that Julia had taken up the “model’s curse.” Well, it’s not like Julia just started her habit—more like she just restarted it. She quit smoking a long time ago…and has simply taken it back it up. Just like so many in her chosen career.
I haven’t modeled in quite some time, but I’m still chasing that “perfect figure.” The one that every model “must” maintain, to remain…”relevant” and in demand. I still routinely have a “model’s lunch” of a candy bar, a sugary soda, and a cigarette. A quick sugar fix, caffeine, and nicotine—that’s what many a model survives on, all-too-often.
Julia garners Samantha’s promise of discretion. It seems they already have a different one, from earlier, but I have no idea what that is—not that it matters. But I have a good idea what that may be…based on Lissa’s email from a bit ago.
I shake my head and change mental gears. Dharma has moved the agenda to…“vocabulary.” Samantha doesn’t talk like a girl…. She needs to learn to use the words a girl would choose. But it goes beyond just that—she needs to use the proper tones and inflections, as well.
“OK, Samantha…lets get you talking…correctly.” I smile and pull out a steamy teenage romance novel—one that is on every teen girls’ “must-read” list. I hand the book to her, pull out another cigarette, and light it. “Read…. Out loud….” I sit back—to listen…and critique.
She sighs…and starts reading.
I interrupt her, right away. “Samantha, your voice is flat-lining. Show some emotion! A question rises, at the end. A sentence goes up and down, as you vocalize it. Animate your voice! Stop being so…boring! Do you hear me…or your Momma…being so…plain?”
She sighs, and gives me a shrug. She blushes as she starts again…and does…better. Much better, actually. She’s really giving an honest attempt. It makes me wonder how much of her…opposition…to this whole thing is just…show?
I settle back and close my eyes, as I concentrate on her inflections, tone, and cadence. I stop her a few more times…and give her some more pointers. By the end of an hour, she’s doing much better. So much so, I have her stop. We’ll pick it up again, in the next session.
“Wait! What happens to Lorenzo? We can’t stop here!” She pouts—and seems genuinely…engaged in the emotional story. No self-respecting boy would care.
I grin. “I’ll let you borrow the book, Samantha. You can finish it, on your own. But…only if you promise to read it out loud…and use your ‘animated’ voice. Record it on your phone. Play it back. You know, by now, what you should sound like…or read to your Momma…or sister.”
She faithfully promises.
Julia puts the book in her purse, with a knowing smile. She then leaves us to finish Samantha’s lessons, while she takes care of some other business that she needs to attend to.
With the reading out of the way, we move on to basic deportment. I grin as I take another book…a big tome…and have Samantha place it on her head, while she walks back and forth in her heels. Just like in the movies!
Then, I have her recite various poems, while she’s walking…. Of, course, I make her use her “animated” voice!
* * * * *
As predicted! He accepted! No, strike that…she accepted!
I shake my head at my own confusion on…her…gender.
I know that I can’t trust the fact that her psych profile clearly shows that she’s male. But she’s now totally committed to voluntarily being feminized—solely, to maintain the effects of the botanical ingredients. Effects that should not elicit anywhere near this amount of…commitment. The whole idea is that the effects are strong enough to prompt brand loyalty, without being so powerful that they would draw attention to themselves.
I grimace! It’s an enigma! Why is she so committed to wanting the “tingle?” Is it just the tingle, that she wants…. Or is it that she wants what goes with the tingle…being a girl? I shake my head. The profile results still help prove my scientific hypothesis, since there’s absolutely no indication that she’s transgendered, and she’s still going through with it, just for the sake of receiving the product!
Then, I stop kidding myself. I know that the likelihood of her accepting total feminization, for the minor addictive quality of the products, is not anywhere close to a statistically significant probability. No, it’s quite the opposite. Accepting the use of the makeup, maybe…. But…not to the level she is willing to go with this.
I slap my hand on my desk. This is so frustrating!
That damned test has to have been off! Apparent, or not…she has to be a lot further on the female side, than that infernal profile showed. I think it may one hundred eighty degrees off…she’s as far on the female side, as it showed her on the male side. It’s clear that she has no idea, though.
This completely messes with my results! I’ll have to exclude her from the findings…. Not only that. I’ll have to somehow hide her from the entire peer review. And I’ll have to adjust some things, to save this. So, as far as I’m concerned, Sam…is Samantha—a teenage girl. If anyone ever does find out…and presses me on it…then…well…she is transgender—and that’s why I agreed to let her in on the trial…for female products. But then…I decided to exclude her…and not report to save her…dignity. Yes! That will work! But…I need to replace her somehow, to satisfy…my contact….
Then there is also the problem that I know…at least Brea and Becky, are suspicious, and that’s a potential powder keg…just waiting to blow. I’ll have to keep an eye on them. They could throw an unexpected monkey wrench into my carefully laid plans. I’m confident that I can control Brea, with her mother’s “unfortunate” cancer, but Becky is a wildcard, right now. I’ll have to come up with something to get her under my thumb…like Brea.
At least, the others are blissfully ignorant—and totally complicit! Ginny fully did my bidding, in getting Samantha to commit! No questions asked! Fealty is so…rewarding! I grin.
I turn my attention back to my task and continue tweaking my model. After a successful run, I encrypt the results and prepare to send them to my secret contact on the board. Samantha aside, my plan for distribution is coming together, rather nicely! I submit the file and sit back, to think some more.
Now that I have Ronni bound to me…like Ginny…I need to get things in place, for the next stage of my plans. Ronni will be key—I just need to first test her loyalty. I’m fully confident that I made the right choice, with her. She won’t disappoint me. Not like, Sherry did…. No, she will show her fealty…I’m sure of it!
* * * * *
I pull off my shoes and sit in my favorite recliner. I just got home, and Julia and Sam are still out…at…“work.” Sure. It is work…for Julia. I don’t know what to call it, for Sam! “Crazy,”…at the very least! I know Sam is making good money…but he’s not a girl, dammit! He needs to be doing manly things…not pretending to be some Twinkie to scam some money out of my wife’s company. It makes me sick to think about it…so I stop….
I turn to my day. As far as it went…it was great! I sold a Z4 to some photographer…for his son. I don’t know who this Adam Ansel is, but he must be pretty good…to be able to afford a car like that…for his teenage son. I didn’t really see much of the kid—just a brief glimpse, as he drove it off the lot. I was more engaged with Adam, since he was paying the substantial price tag. He didn’t even try to negotiate—he just paid the sticker price, without argument.
I take a deep breath…and sigh. I’m trying to be a good Dad to my sons, too. Chad gets it! Sam…not at all…. First he flat out refused to play ball with the job at the sawmill. It would have been good for him…but Julia helped him sabotage that opportunity.
I shudder, as I think about what’s going on with him. He and Julia seem to be getting along fine…like Julia gets along with Gemma. I subconsciously clinch my fist at the thought.
Sam and Gemma are also getting along…like sisters. And Chad is treating him exactly like he does Gemma…as a sister. I don’t know what’s going on! It’s like Sam really is turning into a girl!
I get up and get a beer. I start to go back to my recliner…and stop. I put the unopened beer back into the refrigerator, and then get back in the car. I quickly drive to the closet tobacco store and buy a box of good cigars. I deserve a bonus for selling that car today, after all. Then I drive back home…it’s still going to be a couple of hours, before anyone comes home….
I go out back and sit on the glider, with my beer…and light a cigar. It’s been years, since I smoked my last one. I can’t believe this crap has driven to me start…again…. But…like I said…I deserve a reward for my success today!
I shake my head and feel it turn a little red. I just can’t let Julia know!
* * * * *
Today was…as to be expected.
I’m just a glorified secretary and gopher, for Lissa. Sure, there’s more to it, than that…. It’s not just typing letters, or anything, like that. But it’s not rocket science, either. I’m not sure why she wanted me for it, so badly. Sure…I was good, as a recruiter…but I can’t be the only one. And she wants me to keep recruiting, on the side…. I heard that her old PA…Sherry, I think…just left one day. Supposedly, she just ran out the door, in tears. Ginny told me she had been “disloyal” to Lissa…. I shudder. I’m more convinced, than ever, that I signed a deal…with the Devil.
So, of course, I used the “special” products, today. There’s no sense in goading the Devil.
To be honest, though, I didn’t notice anything “special” about them—they seemed to be completely normal. Well…they were really nice products, if that’s what’s supposed to be “special” about them. But, other than that, they seemed totally…ordinary. I have no idea how Lissa is supposed to know whether or not I use them. Maybe, she’s just shitting me…and she can’t really tell. I sigh. There’s just no way that I can take that chance…. Even the slightest possibility that she could, is too much to risk.
The other thing that really bothers me, is that I can’t shake the feeling…that just being her PA…is the least of her…plans…for me, anyway. I shrug and slowly let out a deep breath, to calm my nerves. I’ll worry about it later. I just have to force myself to stop worrying about it…at least for right now! I’m sure there will be plenty of opportunity for that…later.
I pop a piece of the gum, that I found in Ginny’s bag, into my mouth…and serenely chew it, while I start making some dinner. It seems to calm my nerves, as I happily chomp on it, and I smile. But I don’t notice that my nipples get hard…and I absent-mindedly caress them, as I stir my spaghetti sauce.
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More please
Need a chapter of book 2 so bored.
hugs :)
Michelle SidheElf Amaianna
Is slowing it all down.... I'll eventually get there. :)
The Machinations of Management.
The Methods used on Sam strongly remind me of the Gaslighting of the Mormons. This bothers me a lot, an unwanted reminder...
Yeah...that's the scary part...
This IS fiction...but (other than the cosmetic changes)'s not completely unrealistic.
Perhaps more Amadeus Irena?
That was so touching.
I'm still getting the original Amadeus fixed up and published...and finishing this story (expanding this book...and working on the next two). So...anything new is going to have to wait! :)
Is here to stay. She has no chance with all the pressure being applied to her. Scruples don't exist in that company.
Is that a dessert? :P
Have all of us been led on?
If Sam is truly trans without realizing it there would be a super strong negative factor mentally in his-her mind to be anything but feminine. The denial would be pretty great up until she realized she is a girl not a boy. Did Wundergirl give a boost to someone the medical profession wouldn't touch? Maybe their products aren't all that great at enticing customers to use them?
Shuana, darling, I still haven't received an employment notice from the company. You did tell them about me didn't you. Lying, cheating, conniving, sweet talking, and willing to sell everyone's soul to the devil for a fee. I'm a perfect fit to what the company line represents.
Hugs Shauna, you have me wundering where this story is going now.
Life is a gift, treasure it.
Oklahoma born and raised cowgirl
Currently not hiring due to COVID... ;)
They said they would reach out "sometime in the near future..." Of course, it's up to you whether you believe them, Barb! :D
As for whether Sam is really TG? Well...who says the products aren't altering her mind? Only time will tell! ;0
Thanks, Barb!
No turning back now. A great
No turning back now. A great read, as always.
I'm glad you like it!
How far will the change go?
There's still the question of now do you convince him that sacrifices below are needed for shoots in swimwear or lingerie? And if it does start to rearrange things, how completely? Will they discover that it works on a genetic level?
Swimwear and lingerie....
Will be a problem.... genetic solution. :)
Don't tell dad?
Julia reveled her true focus when she only talked about their modeling career. Not that Sam is being blackmailed, threatened, by constantly throwing the contract in his face. Or the threat of Julia being fired.
Or not knowing Sam has become addicted to how the extra they put into the products makes him feel. And they're threatening to take away the extra so he doesn't get his fix.
Oh, and if Sam starts developing breast, blackmailed, manipulated, into doing it, at what point won't Gary find out? He'll pop a cork when he sees the 'temporary' forms Sam is wearing, but may go ballistic when he's learns what he sees are no longer temporary.
Lissa knows math and how to manipulate others to get what she wants. But she doesn't understand human nature as well as she thinks. Blackmail and threats of breaching a contract will only go so far, until she pushes a person one step past what they'll tolerate. Then her house of cards WILL come crashing down around her. And her secret contact on the board.
Unfortunately, whether or not the others know what she's doing, they too will be caught up when the cards fall. And that included Julia.
Julia may have more to worry about when Gary discovers Sam is developing breasts. She could be facing an attorney in a divorce court, where she'll have to spill the beans and the whole pot of beans. After the attorney's investigator finds out what's going on at WG.
Ginny might be wrong about Sam being TG, given that he's constantly beaten with the contract and his mother's firing. And have been slipped something that causes him to be addicted to his own feeling of euphoria.
Wonder who pulls the rug out from under all this?
Others have feelings too.
I see no way
this will end well for Sam.
It looks like she's the right hand of the Devil.
Very good chapter, thx^^
Even the Devil needs good help! ;)
Thanks for the support!