Medical Tests

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Hey everyone,

I just thought that I should update everyone to let you all know that I got the requisition form for the blood tests this morning and made an appointment. It's going to take over a week to get an appointment to do the testing, but I'm booked for the 23rd in the afternoon. The doctor also sent me a questionnaire for Generalized Anxiety Disorder to get a feel for my anxiety. I'm more than a little anxious about having answered "over half the days" or "nearly every day" to all of the questions though. He's gonna think I'm a total mess or something. I'm glad we're dealing with this though because all of this anxiety has been killing my productivity.

*big hugs to you all*




Maybe you can handle your anxiety through biofeedback.

Thirty-five years ago I had such bad anxiety I could barely force myself to leave my apartment. I took a week off from work.

Struggling for answers I went to a bookstore and found a self-help book. I saw immediate positive results. Not too long after reading the book I was giving public speeches to large crowds. It changed my life.

Good luck.


Angela Rasch (Jill M I)


Amethyst's picture

Well, the doctor does want to try things other than drugs to address the problem first. I hardly leave the house unless I absolutely have to. And it doesn't help that my PTSD triggers when I'm in crowds or public transit, especially when there are men close to me. The doctor had me download a few meditation apps and he's hoping that with melatonin and some other relaxing cues might help e at least sleep at night. I'm not going to dismiss anything out of hand so I'll try what he suggests and see what works. I have been meditating since I was a teen though and it's only ever been moderately successful. The breathing techniques are at least useful for calming myself when I'm having an anxiety attack, but the feelings and worries are always there. Thanks for the suggestion Jill, I may have to see if I can get a copy of that.

*big hugs*



Don't take me too seriously. I'm just kitten around. :3

dont be afraid of being honest

being a total mess that's getting the proper help is a lot better than being a total mess that says "I'm fine" and doesn't get the help.



Amethyst's picture

I'd rather not be a total mess at all, but if I'm honest at least I can try to work my way toward that.

*big hugs*



Don't take me too seriously. I'm just kitten around. :3

Anxiety is a very common problem.

Angharad's picture

You have to believe you are going to come through it or you undermine yourself. When you meditate, cover yourself in a shell of some sort, possibly in a colour you feel comfortable or strong wearing. Feel it protecting you and when you sense a panic attack or other anxiety is occurring, see yourself donning the colour and feeling more relaxed. Breathe deeply and slowly, perhaps even hold your breath.

Another device is to see yourself breathing in a colour, I used to do this with counselling or hypnotherapy clients, and get them to imagine breathing in sunlight which was then transported around the body, calming it and easing the anxiety. If you're into more esoteric things, call up an angel to help you, ask them to show you how to deal with it. You'd be surprised what can help, but I'd avoid telling the doctor about my methods, if I were you, unless you tell him about this flaky woman you know who lives in England...


Good ideas

Amethyst's picture

When I was doing suicide prevention counselling, I used to give similar advice to people feeling overwhelmed by dark suicidal thoughts or feeling really strong dysphoria. I told them to breathe slowly, close their eyes and then picture a bright sphere of light around them in a color that they found relaxing and to take those thoughts and feelings and throw them outside that sphere, and that once inside those that they couldn't get back in and hurt them as long as they kept that light there in the back of their mind. I guess I need to start taking my own advice. How messed up am I that I can't even use my own solutions? I have a lot of work ahead of me *sigh*

Thanks for putting those ideas in my head, it gives me a starting point.

*big hugs*



Don't take me too seriously. I'm just kitten around. :3

As for answering the

As for answering the questionaire, think of it as a starting point and a way to track progress long term. You already know you need help, the doc already knows you need help, and you ARE getting help. If you answered never or hardly ever, you wouldn't be going through what you are. You are a strong person, and you will get through this.

Off topic, for some reason the movie What About Bob came to mind and now I'm gonna have to watch it again.

"Baby steps onto the bus." -Bob


Amethyst's picture

That's what I've been trying to do, it'll help me to keep track of where I am and any progress and in the long run help us to figure out my needs and what's working.

I haven't seen that movie in ages, I should watch it sometime.

*big hugs*



Don't take me too seriously. I'm just kitten around. :3