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(Cover image designed by Shauna J. Rousseau and Joyce Melton.)
(Image Source: 193656564 © Parkpoom4 -
I open the door and nearly drop on the floor!
“Happy Late Birthday, Sis,” Bob exclaims. He gives me a big hug and says, “Surprise!”
I look at my brother and exclaim, “Bob! What are you doing here?”
I pull him inside and give him another huge hug and a sisterly kiss on the cheek. He blushes, not at all used to his ‘brother’ doing that.
He missed my actual birthday—not that there was really much to miss with all the things going on. It was just a quiet evening with Kim and Mel. Then we partied a little more the next day for Kim’s birthday and went to a restaurant—with a bar—since she turned twenty-one. And we had some wine in the Loft after that, to make up for the fact that I couldn’t drink anything while we were out.
Fast forward to today—it’s Saturday and two days until classes start, and Bob coming to visit is the last thing I expected!
I have him sit and say, “You caught me without my makeup, or anything! I must look like a mess!”
He laughs and says, “Ange! The last time I saw you, you were still Greg! You hadn’t even considered makeup at that point! You do look good, though—all things considered.”
I sigh and say, “Yeah, I’m all healed up and things in the city have settled, for now. The construction below is coming along great—and is ahead of schedule. We may be able to open up again in a couple of weeks!”
I shake my head, then add, “Now, if things only go so well when I start classes on Monday…”
He smiles and says, “Well, I wanted to bring you your birthday present personally!” He hands me a large manilla envelope and I take it with a shaky hand.
I ask, “Is this what I think it is? Could it be?”
He smiles and says, “Only one way to find out!”
I carefully open the envelope and take out the official document and four copies. It’s my new birth certificate! I feel tears start to flow down my face as I read, “Angelique Marie Jennings” as the name—and “Female” as the gender.
I jump up and down and scream, “I’m official! I’m official! I’m official!”
He laughs and I wipe the tears from my face after I settle down. I sigh, “I guess it’s a good thing, I don’t have makeup on! But…how? I thought this was still a couple of weeks away?”
He shrugs, “We have a good lawyer. It also seems you’ve made some powerful friends that know how to pull some strings. This way, there’s no way those idiots at the Foundation can pull anything!”
I hug him again and say, “Well, normally I would take you to the best bakery in the city for lunch. But unfortunately, we’ll have to postpone that until your next visit. Give me thirty minutes to get ready, then we can go out for something.”
I start to go to my vanity, but turn back around when he says, “Why don’t you invite your girlfriend and your boss? I would love to meet them!”
I smile and grab my phone to send the texts, then quickly sit down to put on my face. Something that’s now completely second nature to me.
I walk into the restaurant, holding onto Bob’s arm. While putting on makeup is now second nature, I still sometimes have trouble with really high heels.
The restaurant that Mel suggested we meet at is fairly upscale, so I’m dressed nicely—including the heels. Bob had thankfully packed some nice clothes—just in case—so, here we are.
We find the table that Mel, April, and Kim are already at and I introduce everyone after giving Kim a quick kiss.
Of course, I have to show them a copy of my birth certificate and they both have to stifle their screams. We order and Bob tells embarrassing stories about me while we eat. Of course, I do get him back with a couple of my own about him. After getting dessert and Bob insisting on paying the bill for everyone, we all decide to meet back at the Loft for some wine.
We relax and just enjoy each other’s company for a couple of hours before Mel and April head home around ten. I pull out the hidden bed in the couch for Bob, but am still not ready for bed with the excitement of seeing my brother and getting my present.
Kim decides to spend the night, as she has being doing a lot lately, so the three of finish another bottle of wine and finally crash around one.
I blissfully fall asleep in Kim’s arms and have the most wonderful dreams!
I take a deep breath.
Then I take another.
There’s really no reason to be nervous, but I am. I bypass Jonesy’s office and go in to see Grace. She smiles and says, “Good morning, Angie! How are you doing this fine first day of classes?”
I smile nervously and respond, “I’m doing OK, Grace. How about you? I have something here for my official records…”
I hand her a certified copy of my new birth certificate and she takes it with a smile.
She smiles wider as she takes the paper to the copier. She replies, “Just let me make a copy of this for your files—we don’t need an original if I make the copy. Congratulations!”
She seems genuinely happy for me.
If only Jonesy were as accommodating!
She hands me the certificate back and says in a low voice, “I see you glancing towards our old dinosaur’s office. Don’t worry about him, Hon. He thinks he’s a big shot—I’m pretty sure he’ll get what’s coming to him, though. That lawyer from the ACLU was here and asked some very pointed questions. It seems that Dr. Jones’ policies are now the subject of a lawsuit!”
She winks as I pale and say, “I’m just afraid that’s going to make it even worse for everyone…like me…”
She sighs, “Hon, I know it’s tough. But hang in there. You have more people on your side than you know! Now, you better hurry! First class starts in fifteen minutes—I assume you have one?”
I smile and say, “Yeah. Art History 101…”
She grins, “Dr. King! You’ll love her! She’s the greatest!”
I smile less nervously and say, “Thanks, Grace! Let me know if you need anything else for my records. I’m…OK to well, you know… Right?”
She just nods and winks, “You’re official, Hon! As far as HR is concerned—well, the HR that matters—you’re just another girl on campus!”
“So how were your first two days, Hon,” Frankie asks full of curiosity.
I smile and say, “Well, when I wasn’t looking over my shoulder because I still don’t know what Jonesy has up his sleeve, they were great! Classes have been very stimulating. I didn’t really think I was going to like art history, but Dr. King is the most awesome professor—she really makes it interesting!”
I blush, “Sorry, I didn’t mean to go on about it!”
She laughs and says, “I asked, Hon! It’s great to see you enthused about it again!”
I sigh and say, “Yeah. I just hope it doesn’t all come crashing down again. I don’t want to be a pessimist. I’m not really one at heart, but these past weeks have been hard. But something that Bob said has me wondering.”
Frankie looks at me, once again with curiosity written all over her face, and asks, “Oh? What was that?” She pulls the needle out of my arm, having filled the vial with my precious blood.
I hold the cotton swab while she puts the bandage over it and say, “He said that I had made some powerful friends while I was here. I don’t know who he was talking about! I mean, I know I’ve made enemies. I also know I’ve made good friends. But I have no idea who was powerful enough to reach across the state line into Nebraska and help expedite my birth certificate!”
Frankie giggles then gets a mischievous look on her face. Finally, she says, “OK, Hon. If I tell you something, you have to keep it completely to yourself! TG girl’s honor! Can you do that? You especially can’t tell Kim or Mel!”
I feel my face take on a look that mirrors my shock at that condition. I can’t help but be totally curious now, and I know I’ll have to pay the Devil his dues and find out.
I nod and say, “OK. As long as it’s not anything illegal…”
She laughs in that melodious tone of hers and says, “No! Nothing like that!”
I shrug and she laughs some more, then adds, “So, you know I said you’re the recipient of funds from an anonymous benefactor? Well, that doner is none other than Mel’s Auntie Annaliese! She left a huge foundation that Mel will take over in a few years. Mel has no idea… Many beneficiaries have added to that fund later in life, when they can afford it—so it just keeps growing.”
She winks and adds, “I helped Auntie set it up and am the main screener for current recipients.”
I gasp.
She continues, “The foundation is also paying your legal bills with Harry. There is a lot of money in the pot—and Auntie had way more contacts than most people know. She had a lot of sway, and that carries forward—even under this administration. Money talks. Mel is going to come into a lot of money—she just doesn’t know it.”
I give Frankie a perplexed look and ask, “Frankie, why are you telling me this?”
She smiles, “Well, I have a proposition for you, Hon. I just know you and Auntie would have seen eye-to-eye…”
I’m sitting in the small classroom with ten other students. I’m looking forward to this one—it’s my first drawing/painting class, and it focuses on drawing and painting human subjects.
To all of our surprises, it also includes nude modeling—of class participants!
When Dr. Elliot asks for a class volunteer to be that model for the first project—in exchange for an ‘A’ in the project—all eyes turn to me!
I turn bright red and say, “I appreciate the vote of confidence guys, but that’s not going to happen!”
For whatever reason, there are only two girls in the class—me being one of them.
Edwin, one of the copious guys says, “But Ange, you’re perfect for this!”
Renee, the other girl says, “Dr. Elliot, I think Edwin just volunteered!”
Dr. Elliot laughs and says, “I think you’re right, Renee! Edwin, you have your ‘A’. The rest of you will turn in your sketches of Edwin—in the nude—in two weeks! You can use class time and the room next door for the project. If you need time outside of that, you’ll have to work that out with Edwin. And don’t think this is the only chance the rest of you will get to show off your birthday suits!”
I groan internally. There’s no way I can get naked for modeling! How do I get out of this?
When the rest of the class has left, I go up to Dr. Elliot and say, “Ummm… Dr. Elliot, may I have a minute?”
She looks at me and says, “Sure! What’s up, Angie?”
I sigh and mumble, “I…can’t be a naked model…period!”
She gives me a searching look and asks, “And why’s that, Angie? Are you too good to do it?”
I blanche and say, “Well, no! It’s not that. I mean sure, I would be more that mortified with embarrassment! But…I have a birth defect that I don’t want to expose…”
She looks hard at me and finally states, “So, you’re pre-operational? I would never have pegged you for TG, though. You’re quite convincing.”
I sigh, “It’s not a matter of public knowledge. The proper paperwork is filed in the front office, but…yes… I really don’t want to broadcast my…status.”
She nods and says, “I’ll see what I can come up with. But it’s up to you to figure out how to keep the class at bay. You’re one of two girls in the class. With nine guys and five nude projects, how do you think that’s going to go?”
I groan, “I have no idea. But thanks for your understanding, Dr. Elliot.”
She smiles and says, “We all have things about our bodies that we’re ashamed of. Aside from learning new artistic techniques, part of the class is to reconcile yourself with those. But I think you have more than most. Good luck, Angie. I mean that!”
I sigh as Vicky and I sit in our usual spot on the roof. She’s not smoking and I’m not vaping—it’s an experiment to see how I cope.
She asks, “So, how are classes going, Hon?”
I sigh again and tell her about the issues with my painting class. She giggles and says, “Well, that is an enigma! I mean I agree with your professor, but I also know that’s not an option for you—just yet. Have you thought about how you’re going to handle it?”
I shake my head—suddenly with an increased desire to vape that I try and shove aside in my mind. I finally say, “Well, yes. I’ve thought about it a lot. But, no, I haven’t come up with anything yet. I would simply drop the class, but I need it for my degree. Besides, I want to take it.”
She pats my leg and says, “I’m sure you’ll come up with something, Hon. Just keep thinking about it. Sometimes just playing things by ear works out best, though.”
I give her a wan smile.
She changes the subject, “Is there anything else you want to talk about?”
I want to talk about what Frankie told me. I also want to talk about what I agreed to.
I’m just not sure that I should.
Vicky gives me a curious look and asks, “Is there a problem, Ange? You know that’s what I’m here for.”
I sigh and say, “Well, there is something I would like to talk about, but I’m not sure I…can.”
She nods and says, “Well, when you’ve processed it and are ready…”
I shake my head and interrupt her, “No, it’s not that! I’m not sure that I’m allowed to…”
That does get a curious look from her. She says, “Well, we’re bound by patient-doctor confidentiality. I can’t talk about what we talk to about to anyone else. But if you’re bound by something similar, then…”
I sigh and say, “It’s nothing in writing… Just an…understanding, I guess…” I sigh again and probe, “Vicky, what do you know about Frankie’s…side work?”
She gets a knowing smile and simply says, “She asked you?”
It’s my turn to get a curious look on my face! I ask in an incredulous tone, “You knew…know?”
She giggles, “Yes. I’m part of the foundation, too. How do you think your bills are being paid? It’s the same as with Frankie. I’m one of the evaluators. I guess that means we’ll be working together on that front, now?”
I nod and say, “It seems weird to not be able to talk to Kim or Mel about it. I mean it’s now Mel’s foundation and she doesn’t know half of what it does—and I do! At least, I’m learning.” I shake my head and add, “It doesn’t feel…right…”
She nods and says, “I know, Hon. But Mel’s Auntie set it up that way for a reason. Mel will find out in due time what the foundation is truly worth—and what it’s been doing. You’re now a beneficiary and a benefactor of the foundation. That should make you proud!”
I nod and simply, “Yeah. It does. It’s a little overwhelming to be a decision-maker in giving out money like this. How in the world did Auntie amass that amount of money, to begin with?”
Vicky shrugs and says, “She was an astute investor. You would have to talk to the accountants on that, if you’re truly interested. I just know it’s worth hundreds of millions. You never would have guessed that she had that kind of money, though. I mean, look at the bakery—it’s just a down-to-earth, homey place to get great baked items.”
She sighs and adds, “I’m told that Warren Buffet was her idol—and you being from Omaha, should know how he is with his money. She was very similar.”
I shake my head in wonderment and then I have a sudden thought, “But, if I’m now a part of the evaluation board, isn’t a conflict for me to be a beneficiary?”
She smiles and says, “Well, it’s a perk of the board, so no. You’re just getting compensated in ‘product’ rather than money. Didn’t Frankie tell you it’s a paid position?”
I shake my head and say, “No, she didn’t mention that.”
Vicky just giggles and changes the subject again…
I look around the Loft. The weekly TG group has assembled, and Harry and April are here again to let us know what’s happened over the last week.
Harry starts, “OK, gang. I have some good news—of sorts. As you know, the ACLU has decided to sue the school on its bathroom policy. The board knows it’s on shaky ground and may be willing to settle. We should know more in a few weeks. Whether they will simply reverse the decision and allow for anyone to use the bathroom of their choice, or something in between that option and where they currently are, is up in the air.”
Lucy asks, “What would something like that look like? In between, I mean?”
Harry shrugs and says, “Well, they could require a doctor’s certification that a person is transgendered and allow them to use the bathroom of their true gender—without the whole ‘permanent commitment’ clause.”
Everyone nods and Harry adds, “Of course, Dr. Jones is the major holdout on this. It seems that he does have some others on the board that are on his side—or are at least open to his side.”
April steps in at that point, “Yes, and our investigation of Jones is moving along. We have him squarely tied to one of white supremist militias. But we can’t tie him to anything illegal—yet. The fact that you all received threatening notes after he called you to his office is certainly damning—but only circumstantial. We’re trying to find the guy that was videoing you as you left, but he doesn’t seem to be a student.”
She sighs, “What Dr. Jones doesn’t know, though, is that we have now security footage of the guy and we’ve sent that to the FBI for facial recognition. Maybe we’ll catch a break and find out who he is.”
I feel a shiver run through me.
I’ve sort of reconciled myself with the fact that if the ACLU wins and I made my commitment ‘permanent’ for the wrong reasons, that it was still not the wrong decision. That’s one of the things that I extensively talked to Vicky about at the end of our session.
But this whole thing with Jonesy—and an entire organization that has it out for people that are just different from them—is truly unsettling. I mean, I’m not naïve. It’s not anything new in world history. You just don’t really think about that being a huge issue in the US.
I don’t know, I guess maybe I am naïve?
We all spend some more time brainstorming on some things, then Harry and April leave and the group just hangs out and talks about classes for another hour.
I’m sitting in my ‘artist’ area of the Loft.
I’ve set up an easel and a stool by one the banks of windows where the light is perfect. I’m trying to do some sketching and it’s turning more into doodling than anything useful.
I’m not sure why I can’t concentrate.
Well, I think it has to do with Kim. She was kind of…weird…last night. I can’t explain it. She spent the night like she’s increasingly been doing. I really want to ask her to just move in with me, but I don’t know if she’s ready for that kind of commitment.
I smile ruefully. I’ve learned what I have to do to make those ‘permanent commitment’ decisions—how to really evaluate how I feel about something…or someone.
I know I’m ready. We may have only known each other for a couple of months, but I feel like I’ve known her my whole life—like she is my whole life.
She completes me and I want to spend the rest of my life with her.
I just don’t know how she feels about that.
And then the way she acted last night. Like she was nervous to be around me. Like she wanted to tell me something.
My heart falls to my stomach.
I get the sinking feeling that she’s getting ready to break it off with me!
I jump when there’s a loud noise from the construction crew below! I curse the fact that I spilled coffee all over me—thankfully it was nearly cold.
I go and change into something more comfortable. I’m not going anywhere today, so there’s no need to dress up. Kim said she had something to do this afternoon…
I start to cry and quietly weep into the coffee-stained blouse in my hands.
I nearly jump out of my skin when I feel someone put their arms around me from behind! I quickly turn with my heart beating a thousand miles an hour! And see…Kim!
She says, “I’m sorry, Sweetie! I thought you heard me! I didn’t mean to scare you! Are you OK? Why were you crying?”
I sob, “Oh, Kim! I didn’t think you were coming today!”
She smiles and hugs me. She whispers in my ear, “I said I had something to do. I didn’t say I wasn’t coming.”
I shake my head and say, “I must look a fright!”
She giggles and says, “Well, you do need to fix those raccoon eyes! But why were you crying, Love?”
I sigh and lie, “I don’t know… It just sort of hit me.”
She smiles and says, “Well, I wanted to wait until later, but… Maybe now is the best time for this…”
Before I know what’s happening, she gets down on one knee and pulls out a ring box, opens it, and asks, “Angie, Hon, I know we’ve only been together a couple of months, but I love you with all my heart! Will you marry me?”
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Well, Well
Seems not everybody is a commitment-phobe! Sometimes Angie looks too deeply into things. She needs to stop overthinking everything and in the end not deciding at all. Sometimes you don't have every little niggling little factoid, that's life. I'm told that in OCS they teach that it's better to make a choice that may not end up being the best choice than to dither around and doing nothing a week later.
It's one of the rules that your troops need to see that you are on top of things and able to react quickly to changing situations. Because if you can't the soldiers lose faith in your leadership. This can be generalized to apply to many things in life. As the saying goes: "Lead, Follow, or Get The H**l Out Of The Way!
“When a clown moves into a palace, he doesn’t become a king. The palace becomes a circus.” - Turkish Proverb
Thanks, Karen!
Good advice for all!
Thanks for the support!
Delete This
Duplicate comment
“When a clown moves into a palace, he doesn’t become a king. The palace becomes a circus.” - Turkish Proverb
Thanks a lot for the chapter
I appreciate the support!
There Must Be Another Shoe
Everything is going too well!
In MOST cases there ARE two! ;)
Thanks for the support!
This is a really excellent Story
Wow, and the story line feels really contemporary. I'm in Portland and we've had so much rioting and violence...
Very Good.
Thanks, Gwen!
Not everyone's cup of tea
Being a nude model is not everyone's cup of tea for various reasons. And to be forced to participate is not right, just for a grade. Reconcile someone's view on nudity? Is Dr. Elliot saying someone should compromise their principles for a grade?
Things are starting to pile up on Angie's shoulders again, or rather, she's allowing them to pile up. She worries about unforeseen things before there's evidence that something is about to happen. Or how something will affect her before anything happens.
With the way she worries it's a wonder she ever left home or leaves the loft. Someone could attack her on the way to school or she could get hit by a car if she has to cross a street.
And now she worried Kim was going to break up with her without any evidence. Kim sure surprised Angie by asking her to marry her.
Others have feelings too.
It helps to have friends,
but sometimes your enemies are a better measure of character.
Nicely said!
Thanks for the support!
The Aswer to Kim's Question
Had better be a RESOUNDING YES! After all Angie had the same thoughts. Look foward to the NEXT exciting chapter
Love Samantha Renée Heart.
Some of the
events in this story seem to be coming more likely now in this time. This is why I encourage other moderates: right, center, or left leaning people to consider learning to protect themselves and possibly training on and owning firearms. You may need to fight back against radical right (and left) people who think if you don't agree with them you should be destroyed. I'm not condoning violence but to be able to respond to it to save your life and loved ones.