Boston T-party

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I just learned that the history books got it all wrong.

On December 16, 1773 there was a large gathering of transsexuals in Boston. The partying got a little bit out of hand and some damage to property was done. Some partipants had overdone their "war paint" more than a little which subsequently has led to misunderstandings.

I'm very happy to be able to set things straight ;)


Set History Straight?????

BarbieLee's picture

Oh thank you Great Historical Sage for your pearls of wisdom you shared with us ignorant peasants. As some of my kin were dockside at this party of mention to trade furs, bows, and moccasins to the fair skinned tourists who had arrived on said boats. They watched on as the revile got out of hand and wanted to make clear to other of like skin nearby.

"We don't know those people." As they packed up their buckskins and other items of trade before they disappeared into the surrounding forests. The story was told among many in the tribe as the question was raised as to if the fair skinned people should be allowed to stay on the land. As no Indian nor tribe owned land it was decided eviction wasn't possible so they let them stay.

As I look back I question my ancestors intelligence? Surely a reason for evicting all white eyes could have been made if for no other reason, they smelled funny.
Hugs Bru
You promised to let me look in your closet and borrow a dress. Did it conveniently escape your mind while you were passing out your bits of wisdom?

Oklahoma born and raised cowgirl