...how shocked I am that the Sissy series is getting as much good feedback as it is? I'm thrilled and gratified. I was truthfully expecting that it wouldn't be that well received, mainly because of the improbability of it.
But apparently there are people who like it. Wow.
Why Do You Think It Improbable?
Gender confusion and suppression of femininity can happen to any kind of person. J. Edgar Hoover was a cross-dresser, for example. I find your story very believable as well as being well-told, and besides, this is a place where the unbelievable and magic happen every day,
No, don't go there, John ...
cannot resist the urge, so sorry ...
Why do you think they called it Dragnet
I'll go sit in the corner and suck on a bar of soap.
John in Wauwatosa
John in Wauwatosa
Bwaaa Haa Haaa Haaaa!
You do that, John! :p
Mr. Ram
Well, I'm completely lost here.
Anyone care to explain to me?
May the Stars light your path.
Joy, You'll Get Used To It
BC goes off at weird angles during comments and discussions and sometimes winds up in exotic far-off places which have absolutely nothing to do with the original blog, story or comment, so, above all just keep a sense of humour. I made a comment about J. Edgar Hoover. Our friend John (noted as an eccentric from somewhere unpronounceable in the middle of America) equated that with "Drag"net (geddit? yuk!yuk!) and Mr. Ram is following in his footsteps. Don't worry about it my dear, you ain't seen nothin' yet,