I log on to BC as usual-no problem, and then I go to My Account. That's OK and then I try to get into the Tracker function. The software tells me I have to reconfirm my user name and password, which I do. The info bar says "login successful" and returns me to My Account, so I try to access Tracker again, and back to reconfirm password, etc.
This has just happened today. Is it me or is anybody else experiencing the same glitch? Everything else seems to be normal,
nope, just you
Well I don't have the problem anyway. I don't use persistent log in but once in I can come and go without a problem unless I close the browser. Track? I don't think I've ever done more than have a quick look. How and what does it track? Seems somewhat random by the titles and order.
I'll admit I probably don't use half the bits I could because I'm not sure what does what and I don't wanna blow up anything by clicking ...there. Mostly idiot proof I suspect, but then us idiots are wary of such, once bitten... Having crashed my computer more than once I'd probably have to throw myself off a tall building if I did the same to anyone elses, let alone the site.
Happy trackin' Jo
It Isn't Working for Me Either
Same problem as you described. I also couldn't track you or others.
I tried clearing my persistent login and re-logged in and I can now get to the tracking screen just fine. It must be an issue related to the way the persistent login works. Not a biggie for me. It likely would have been a long time before I noticed it if you hadn't brought it up.
Cookie or Session problem
The problem you describe is related to not being able to find the cookie info on your machine or session info on the server. How are you reaching the server? The url should read http://bigclosetr.us/topshelf -- if it reads something else, like with a www or allstoryr.us or shoeboxen or qnez, then the cookies might not match the session.
Another problem can be that your browser cache or ISP cache is serving a stale page. Usually this is fixed by logging out, doing a force reload of the main page, logging back in. The procedure for a force reload is usually either shift-reload or ctrl-reload (the reload or refresh button in your browser window is what I mean by reload).
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
Persistent login problems
What Joanne is experiencing is what I have had ever since there was a problem noted with persistent logins.
I can have either the persistent login in which case, I can't use the track function or I can log in each time and have full access.
I told Erin about this some time back and when the persistent login problem was first fixed, she did say that was an issue. Since the last time Erin "fixed" the persistent login problems and said that all was right with the world, this issue with the "my account" did not become resolved.
As far as the track functionality is concerned, Kris, this is something that produces a list of all the postings you the user have made, putting any responses at the top. If for instance you leave a comment, that story will be added to your list and if any other comments come in, the next time you use the track function, you will see the new additions.
This means that if comments come and go off the sidebar, you won't necessarily miss them.
I think this is neat and I use it extensively, but only if I don't maintain a persistent login.
The cookie session problem I don't think has anything to do with it. I have tried logging out and logging back in again and if the persistent login is selected, I can't get in as it asks me for a username and password (again) and then tells me I don't have access.
The answer is to leave out the persistent login then all the problems go away.
I don't just look it, I really AM that bad...
The problem
I can't debug this because I can't consistently get the problem. When I do have it asking for a login when I'm already logged in, it's always solved by logging out, forcing a reload and logging back in. So to me, that says it's a cookie or session problem with a cached page. And I only get it if persistent login is chedcked, too, yes. But I'm no using a completely different module (piece of code) to do the persistent login feature.
It baffles me. I've spent hours on it and it just doesn't seem solvable. BTW, other people with Drupal installations have reported the problem and most of the time, my method makes it go away but no one has any idea exactly what is happening.
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
Whatever It Was
Done gone and fixed itself. Now all is peachy and working normally. The funny thing is I'm usually pretty much OK with technology, but the computers of the world unite when they see me coming and go "heh, heh, heh! let's fix her."
P.S. Nick described exactly what was happening to me far more cogently than I did, but I know he is computer-savvy. Incidentally I am now using the Track function In My Account to access this comment. I find it very useful,