Already linked to the first comic of each archive :)
The Wotch - Current day, fantasy
(There's also a sequel to this one, but best to read all the way through The Wotch first!
The Wotch: Cheer! - Current day, fantasy)
Exiern - Distant past, fantasy
Misfile - Current day, speculative
Abstract Gender - Current day, sci fi
El Goonish Shive - Current day, sci fi
Venus Envy - Current day, drama
Super Generation Valkyrie Yuuki - Near future, fantasy
From Then On Forth - Current day, drama
I'll post more at irregular intervals :)
That's most of the ones I read as well. I also like discordia but it hasn't updated in a long time, :(
Over 200
I keep up with over 200 webcomics weekly, and about a quarter of them are TG-related
So. Yeah. Lots of comics :)
You still have time to write?
From Then On Forth
I read them also but FTON has not updated for almost a year.
I'm almost shocked that you didn't mention "Shocked" by Greg Sky.
It's progressing nicely along a plot line that could fit in any of the stories here.
Many of these I follow or have followed
I have dialup-so we're cheap.
Some comics load too slow for me but I do follow many of these. Abstract Gender is pretty good too. Disordia has only updated a few times since last fall due to RL probems, a pity as it was/is one of the best both for art and story. SVGY, Shocked, and Misfile are also favs. And I follow Krakow just to keep an eye on those sneaky Canadians.
John in Wauwatosa
John in Wauwatosa
Add links to webcomics
Many of these strips mentioned are in the BC links page:
It would be cool if people would add their favorites by using the add weblink:
Same goes for other sites of interest to BC readers. :)
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.