Out of Body Experience

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There are many stories on BCTS about out of body experience written into the story line. Mostly just a paragraph or such, certainly not the theme of the story.Research into OBE has been conducted by almost every military and government in the world. Lots of names they list it as. Remote viewing is one as they try and get spies who can't be captured or seen into looking at another gov or military secrets.

I'm positive it isn't an inherited thing but who knows? Wonder if any research has been pointed in that direction? Oh well, moving on, daddy did a lot of OBE as I grew up, he was always telling stories of what it was like. As if home wasn't unique enough with spirits coming and going, things floating in the air and disappearing to reappear minutes, hours, days later, I lived in a very unique home with a really out there parent. I can claim insanity and be safe. Problem is all those things aren't what one could call real proof. Try convincing a judge and jury those things are real. Remember the movie "Oh God". Right! Back to OBE, I'm not good at it. It's a hit or miss situation even when I manage to pull it off semi consciously focused on a target I wish to visit. I usually miss even if I manage to leave my physical body. Which again, I'm not good at that either. Try ten or twenty times and I might make one of those.

Back on track here. I make those trips every now and then when I'm asleep. My physical body is left behind and unlike what my daddy explained and the stories or data I have read, all auto functions stop on my body when I leave it behind. The heart stops, it stops breathing, and everything simply shuts down completely. Jean always sensed when I did that. She would wake up scared to death I died and shake me. I'd immediately return and everything would start up again. Over the years she realized all she had to do was reach over and touch me for things to normalize again.

It's been different since cancer took her from my life. She isn't there to trigger my return. I return to a really cold body and have no idea how long I've been gone. No idea if hypothermia applies here as this isn't falling into an ice covered lake. It's impossible to remember for more than ten or twenty seconds what I have seen as I'm focused on bringing my body heat back up as I shiver and shake and reach over to turn on the elec heating pad or elec blanket, whatever I have at the time. What I'm kinda walking around is this has to be akin to an Angel Death. A person has died with no trauma or other cause, most of the time it is called congestive heart failure. They just died.

Don't know why Ricky's story My Obsession and his last chapter brought all this to mind, but it did. I claim insanity. It's Ricky's fault this time.
Hugs people
When we finally know everything we realize we know nothing.


Have You Been Tested for Sleep Apnea?

While I think most sleep disorder is thinly veiled profiteering by hospitals and clinics to take in Medicare bucks, what you describe sounds dangerous.

I would give you more advice of you'd return even half of the clothes you've borrowed.


Angela Rasch (Jill M I)

Sleep Apnea

BarbieLee's picture

Can and does case some people to stop breathing. In every study they immediately begin again, usually never knowing or waking up. Not a prolonged circumstance but usually happens several times each night. Mine happens only once when it does happen and they are weeks or months apart before I experience another unplanned one.
You know I love you, Jill but I don't have those twenty six dresses I borrowed from you. Check your closets again. If my house was as big as yours I'd probably be misplacing dresses in the other four bedroom closets also. The sequined and beaded pantsuit I wore in the parade on Labor Day, I think was Nuuan's. None of you other ladies usually wear such show stopping outfits. Hummmm? Maybe I should visit you?
Hugs Jill
Life is a gift, treasure it.

Oklahoma born and raised cowgirl

Monitoring device?

Erisian's picture

That sounds scary. Could you get a heart monitor device, like one of those that are worn on the wrist, which would scream loud beeps at you to pull you back? As much as OBEs for some folks are fun and all, dying while doing it or risking brain damage from lack of blood flow doesn't fit my definition of 'fun'. And if the unit had data recording you could see what really is happening too...

There are those

Patricia Marie Allen's picture

I thought immediately of sleep apnea. There are those who would tell you that a CPAP would stop that.

At any rate, it's worth a mention to your doctor.


Happiness is being all dressed up and HAVING some place to go.
Semper in femineo gerunt
Ich bin eine Mann

Regarding Ghosts: No experience myself

but my mother grew up in a haunted courthouse. There was no need to convince a judge since the ghost was a judge himself. Very polite, well dressed and respectable (though my mother never saw him). His dog less so. The dog kept pulling the blanket from people sleeping in specific room.

never saw a ghost myself

BarbieLee's picture

Daddy and his brother, uncle Henry could see them. I could, can feel them but it's not the same as seeing. Jean could see them. She got up in the middle of the night to let the cat out. The next day I took the body out and buried it. After her mother died she came and visited Jean one time. They had a nice visit as Della told her everything was fine. It was best as the cancer was spreading in her body. I never saw her. Sadly, I never received that kind of gift. Bummer.
Hugs Bru
I know you always manage to stay out of the pics at the foreign affairs meetings and parties. Ronnie sent me an email and detailed description of the little number you were "almost" wearing at the Russian Embassy Party last month. How about a picture?

Oklahoma born and raised cowgirl


Iolanthe Portmanteaux's picture

I think you mean an OOBE. The Queen of England grants the Order of the British Empire, or OBE for short.

I realize that this comment might seem as though I'm not serious, but I swear that everything here is literally true, exactly as I've written it.

I had two out-of-body experiences when I was a teenager. I was actually trying to have them at the time, doing lots of reading on the subject, practicing a specific kind of meditation. I was that kind of kid. I pretty much grew up in the local library, and they had a great selection of books on otherworldly topics. Some of them were kept in a locked case, but I was such a regular visitor that they let me borrow them.

My two experiences were pretty prosaic; the first time I couldn't leave my own room. I stuck my head out through the (closed) window, looked up and down the street, and a moment later went whooshing back into my body on the bed. The second time I woke in the night, got up, and walked into the bathroom. I wanted to blow my nose, but was unable to pick up a tissue from the box. I kept plucking and plucking, unable to grasp one. It was perplexing. Then whoosh I was sitting up in bed, saying to myself, Ah! So that's why I couldn't pick up the tissue!

I've left out a few details, but that's about how they happened.

A friend in college, after many beers, confided that he had an OOBE once as a child, and it freaked him out. His father heard him cry out, so he came and held him and listened to him. Then, to comfort (or least distract) my friend, his father told him about a strange experience of his own.

His father's job at the time was on a garbage barge. Every night, they would drive the barge, loaded with trash, far out to sea and dump it.

One night, on the way back, his father was alone on deck. He looked up into the sky and saw a spaceship above him. As he marveled, he felt himself leave his body. As he floated upward toward the ship, a robed being left the spaceship and floating down. The two souls met midway between the spaceship and garbage barge, and two of them conversed, suspended up there in the air. They talked for a good while. It was a friendly conversation; the two really hit it off. In the end, the alien said that it was time for him to go, and he invited my friend's father to board his ship and travel with him to his own planet.

My friend paused there, as if it were the end of the story.

Agog, I exclaimed, "And THEN what happened?"

"Oh, yeah," he said, picking up the thread again. "My dad told him no--"

Incredulous, I repeated, "He said NO?"

"Yeah, he told him, 'I can't; I got a wife and kids."

I nodded. It made sense.

Then my friend said, "Oh, I just remembered: my dad told me never to tell anyone that story."

There are a lot of experiences that defy conventional belief

When I was an infant, my family literally moved cross country and I only saw my extended family on semi-annual vacations. There were a few relatives and family friends who got that I was "different" and accepted me as I was and never tried to get me to conform to whatever others thought was "normal". I bonded with them as if they were parents. Back in the 1950's and 1960's, long distance calls were for ad news and we only found out someone died after the fact. Somehow, every time someone to whom I was bonded was stricken, I would have unrelenting nightmares that were beyond any other type of bad dream. I would wake up and terror and- if I was able to go back to sleep, the dreams would recur. It was only after the person passed and I was informed that the nightmares subsided.

As I slowly grew into adulthood, I began to have premonitions and lucid dreams. They weren't exact warnings, but I would begin to feel uncomfortable until I changed plans or left wherever I was. Whenever this happened, my departure or changed plans saved me from trouble that I otherwise would have been in. I still have them and follow the warnings. Some of the lucid dreams have "told" me about an unfolding tragedy that would be headline news the next day.

The childhood bullies who taunted me for being "too sensitive" and "different" had no idea just how different and sensitive I was- and still am. I have no rationale explanation for any of this but I accept that it is real, just as out of body experiences are for you Barb. What we have in these experiences are gifts that we can use to help ourselves and others be better people.

People have their comfort zone

BarbieLee's picture

It's also called normalcy bias. They have a routine established in their lives and mental parameters they have allowed to be constructed or they built themselves. Those outside their construct threatens their world as they know it. Think of transgender breaking the male is male and female is female and there can be no transgressions across the boundaries of the two. All the vitriol directed at those who muck up that boundary.
Now bring in the things you and I have brought to the table not tangible by the five senses. We have brought an unknown equation to their comfort zone. Thus the reaction is, not possible and those who claim it is are insane. We are lucky because in times past we could very well be committed to a rubber romper room. The impossible becomes possible because of those who think, believe, work outside the box others have built. Sadly, too many of the misfits of society are destroyed or killed because they threatened the status quo everyone was comfortable with.
Life is a gift.

Oklahoma born and raised cowgirl