You are a Meany and my health

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Thye next chapter of You Are a Meany is just about ready to be posted. It has taken a while because I had health issues. I am almost fully recovered from the issues so I should be able to write at a more normal pace. I want to thank everyone for their patience and understanding.

Love N Hugs



I am glad you are recovering and getting stronger! Please, don't rush yourself too much and have a relapse.
We (the readers) will wait for your next chapter! Take care, and lots of Dorothy's electronic huggles!

Thank you

Thank you for the well wishes and the huggles. I am taking my time and will not push myself. I know people will wait, I gave an update so people knew why. I did not want them to think the story was given up.

Love N Hugs


Beoca's picture

Absolutely delighted to hear about your health improving. I have missed "You Are A Meany" for a while now - I may know the original version (the not-quite-canon Cliff Notes for this one), but this is quite another thing altogether, and it remains very enjoyable to read.

Thank you

Thank you for the kind words. I like to think of the orginal version as the first treatment of the story. I am happy that people are finding this more detail verison of the story enjoyable to read.
Love N Hugs