So early this morning, after firing up my smoker, rubbing down the beef brisket with one of my simpler home made rubs (Brown sugar, Paprika, Himalayan pink salt & chili powder) and tossing that in the smoker, I found myself getting hungry for breakfast.
Finding a small covered plate with the remains of a can of spam in the fridge I decided that would work for the meat part of breakfast. Rubbing the slices down with the BBQ rub I had made earlier I sat a pan out to heat up on the stove.
After removing the 3 slices of spam from the pan and adding the eggs it dawned on me the iconic breakfast I was unintentionally making.
I have to say that Spam, Spam, eggs and Spam was a tasty breakfast :)
Why the change in title?
I thought the original one was very good...
I thought
The change in the title gave more to the ending :)
We the willing, led by the unsure. Have been doing so much with so little for so long,
We are now qualified to do anything with nothing.
you like spam with that?
I prefer spam, spam, egg, spam and beans with a side order of spam!
Madeline Anafrid Bell
I did have an order of toast with it :)
We the willing, led by the unsure. Have been doing so much with so little for so long,
We are now qualified to do anything with nothing.
Baked beans
The baked beans are off! Can we get you spam, spam, egg, spam, spam and spam instead? ;)
Lovely spam, wonderful spam...
the scetch came back to me as soon as I read this. thanks for the giggle!
A few thousand veterans of WWII would cringe at the thought of Spam for breakfast (or any meal for that matter). My father-in-law, who saw action in Egypt and Italy, wouldn't allow Spam in his house. It was C-ration staple.
The appellation "spam" in reference to email solicitations comes from that attitude. Everyone has had Spam and no one likes it.
Happiness is being all dressed up and HAVING some place to go.
Semper in femineo gerunt
Ich bin ein femininer Mann
Somebody must like it
Every time my local Walmart gets something I really like on their shelves I buy it as often as I can because I know it will disappear in a month or two since I'm the only one buying it. Usually made by some obscure little company: Frozen chile rellenos, an exceptional NY-style pizza with great sauce loaded with oregano, Campbell's Thai chicken soup (the only Campbell's soup I ever bought and pretty much an insult to Thai cuisine by itself but with the coconut it was a great starter for adding chicken, assorted veggies + a two-second blast of sriracha) + a dozen other great finds that have been discontinued to make room for more popular items. And whenever they do I grumble: "And yet they still have 8 different varieties of SPAM!!"
So somebody must like the shit. I hear it goes great
with velveeta cheese and lots of mayo on wonder bread.
~hugs, Veronica
Well shit, I guess it really CAN happen here..,
I like SPAM - in moderation
Once or twice a years I would buy a can of spam and make my special breakfast for invited friends.
The night before I would make a quatity of cornmeal mush and put it in a bread pan sored in the refrigerator overnight. In the morning, I would turn the cold mush out on a sheet of wax paper and slice it into billets about 1/4-1/3 inch in thickness. The spam would also be sliced, thinner, about 1/8-1/4 inch.
Fry the spam crispy till the edges are brown. Then in the oil, fry the sliced cold mush till the edges are golden and crispy. Fry eggs as desired, make mine over medium or basted. Serve with butter and syrup or jam for the fried mush and with beverages. Spring onions make a nice garnish.
The taste of spam, salty and mildly spiced, goes well with fried mush and eggs but if you really don't like spam, use breakfast sausage patties.
Not an everyday meal but a once in a while treat. :)
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
Gasp.... is there really flavored spam, have the almighty beings in charge bestowed a boon upon us? This is even better news than yesterday.
Carol Anne
Staple in Hawaii
Yes believe it or not, Spam is a big seller in Hawaii due to the cost of shipping fresh meat, (My daughter lived there for several years). And there is at least half a dozen various flavors, bacon, teriyaki, hot & spicy, to name a few I remember seeing.
I keep a can or two in the cupboard for those times when I'm in a big hurry and need to make a quick sandwich. But yeah, for me, it's sort of like keeping C-rations around for those rare times I don't have time to cook but need something fast to eat. (usually straight out of the can, sliced thin between two slices of bread with lots of black pepper to mask the taste)
We the willing, led by the unsure. Have been doing so much with so little for so long,
We are now qualified to do anything with nothing.
I eat cannibals, they're incredible!
There's an urban legend that SPAM is popular with the cannibals of New Guinea because it tastes like human flesh. Tempting, but when I'm hungry for people I think I'll stick to good old Soylent Green...
~hugs, Veronica
Yum yum:
Well shit, I guess it really CAN happen here..,
Palusami is something else
I have only eaten Spam once - that was enough. Maybe even one time to many.
But canned meat is a treat anywhere where there is no refrigeration, like New Guinea and the South Pacific Islands.
You should google palusami which is canned beef, taro/dalo leaf and coconut milk.
Not a breakfast as far as I know, but unusual.
Monday evenings
The "chip van" visits the village. Battered Spam fritter and chips (with scraps).
Teri Ann
"Reach for the sun."
Spam fritters
a regular on the school dinner menu back when I was a girl, the moreso at junior school because I didn't eat the fried fish on Fridays (there was no choice, everyone got the same) so i got a fritter instead.
Scraps? really Pod, I thought with you're background you'd have higher standards! lol
I don't dislike Spam but my go to tinned meat is Corned Beef.
Madeline Anafrid Bell
Thinking back
This made me think back to growing up in the '50's and '60's when my family had to depend on cheap meats for meals; hamburger, hot dogs, bacon and occasionally Spam. My mom would slice the block of Spam, place it on a baking pan, top it with crushed pineapple and bake it until it was golden brown. I wonder if it would still taste as good as I seem to remember.
Sweety, I can't call this one a new low for you. It's close.
GIs called spam "the ham that flunked it's physical"
It's not such a cheap meat any longer. I gave three forty six for the last can a month ago. Scrambled spam-eggs makes a darn good sandwich. For those out of town jobs, crack the lid on a can of beanie weanies and toss it up on top the engine. One of my friends didn't crack the lid. When he raised the hood expecting hot beanie weanies for din din he had a mess under the hood. The can exploded. Must of dropped it on the exhaust header? The boss tells you that morning to take the cat thirty miles out to the middle of nowhere. That can of beanie weanies you picked up before leaving sure looks good about two or three that evening. Around seven or eight the second one looks better because it will be another hour or two before it gets dark and you can quit and come in for the night.
Stay out of the nursery and reading Dr. Seuss. Loan me the sequined and beaded gown you wore to the CMA banquet. I'm getting where I don't even listen to the so called country songs they are singing now days. Only checked in with the CMA awards to see what you were wearing. Loan me!
Hugs Nuuan
When we finally know everything we realize we know nothing.
Oklahoma born and raised cowgirl
What's with everyone's hate?
There's nothing wrong with Spam. Many a time I've made a can stretch as much as three days, doing thin slices on sandwiches with some Miracle Whip, because it was cheap, it was meat/protein, and I've always liked the taste.
Then again, I'm also a fan of potted meat sandwiches, so.
Melanie E.
Potted meat
the real thing we have in GOC or the poor imitation in tiny glass jars?
Real potted meat, spread thickly with perhaps a dollop of Piccalilli or sweet pickle used to be a regular in my snap tin, its absence from the shelves in Cabotshire is, like bottles of Hendo's, sorely missed.
Madeline Anafrid Bell
Potted Meat?
Now that's one of those things I tend to toss in my lunchbox during the summer months. One can is enough for me to make two sandwiches :)
I'll do the same with a can of corned beef, although have to have mustard with that to make it really good :)
We the willing, led by the unsure. Have been doing so much with so little for so long,
We are now qualified to do anything with nothing.
Potted beef
doesn't come in tins, spreads may do but they are nothing like Potted Beef.
Madeline Anafrid Bell
Potted Meat
Here in the US comes in a small tin and yes is a "mystery meat" spread. It sounds like the Potted beef you have is quite different and not sold here in the US, or we call it something different?
Different places have quite the varied foods. You mentioned spam fritters? The mention of Fritters put me in mind of Conch fritters from my childhood in the lower Florida keys :)
We the willing, led by the unsure. Have been doing so much with so little for so long,
We are now qualified to do anything with nothing.
Potted Stuff
There are a number of types of potted meats and pastes, but in essence potted beef is beef slowly cooked with optional flavourings including butter until it falls apart. In some industrial blends, it is also put through a mincer/grinder. Traditionally, it is put into a jar and left to cool, the fat forming a seal as it sets on top.
There are also all sorts of other things sold in glass jars, such as crab paste, potted shrimp, and so on. The brand I always associate with those is Shippams.
Just in case there are people unaware, here is th eoriginal with added Portuguese subtitles...