(Three-Ring Circus) ^2 [i.e., squared]: Need Feedback, PLEASE

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So, I've been working on a side project and I am not sure what to do with it.

As you may have read from some of Barb's feedback, I have developed a somewhat unique writing style that can be as confusing to the reader as it is to me as the writer. At least I think I have that working now--thanks to my favorite work, Amadea.

So, I decided to try something new--as a challenge to myself. I started writing a story that not only rotates through a set of character's points of view (like Amadea, etc.), but also rotates between two story lines that will ultimately merge. So, far (still only about halfway through) it seems to be working and somehow making sense.

So, here is my question--what do I do with this monster?

I have gone back a bit to my writing roots--it is based on more of a forced femme scenario (but not hard core), which typically does not resonate greatly with the BC audience. It also stretches reality just a bit--certainly still feasible 'sci-fi', but...out there...

So, ...

Broken! is coming to an end. I don't want to put the effort into posting this, though, if it doesn't seem like something that readers are interested in. Don't get me wrong, I am going to finish the story for me--but that is a huge difference from proofing, editing, formatting, etc., for posting...

I know I will likely never get the reaction I got from Amadea (although Barbie got close), but this is not really a feel good story. It is full of mystery and intrigue...and some forced 'discovery'...

Anyway, let me know if there is interest. If so, I will try and clean it up. If not, I am not mad at not having to clean it up. :)

Maybe just let me know? (I also thought about putting it on Erin's Patreon).

Thanks and huge HUGS!



For me it just depends. You're a good writer so I would probably give it a go at reading if it's not too far. (You say it's not) Erin's Patreon might be a good match for it. The other place you could consider posting would be WattPad. There's a fair amount of content there like that from what I've seen. FictionMania might also be a good match.

That being said you could post to all of those and see what happens. Even if it doesn't get rave reviews and millions of hits it is new content for this site.You never know until you post!

Thanks, Tiffany!

I appreciate the fact that you would even give it a go!

I am not fishing for promises or kudos here. :) It really is a lot of work to get something ready for posting if you take it seriously (and I do). What I have experienced in the past is that readers (and I am one myself, so I get it) won't give a story a chance beyond the first post, or maybe two. If you can't hook the reader by then, you may as well for get it. What I am attempting here will take a bit more commitment. When I say, forced femme--it is truly that to begin with in the story. It is a means to an end, though. If you can't get through some of that to the intrigue part, then, well...

I know that forced femme can make it--50 Shades proved that. I am not that good, though! LOL

Anyway, I do appreciate the feedback! Believe it or not, honest feedback is what an author needs--even if sometimes it isn't what they want to hear! :)


two ways

I can think of two ways to keep a readership through a beginning they are not interested in. One was used by my twelfth grade English teacher when he required reading Return of the Native but this story does not sound suitable for high school instruction. The other is to foreshadow the changes to come in the narrative so they have an incentive to continue. This might be made harder by the format of posting fairly short chapters with an interval between posts. It just becomes "that forced fem thing." this might be something where it makes more sense to skip right to doppler press or post it in a few large sections on patreon with less time in between posts


I fully agree that this may not be high school appropriate! :D

I have also toyed with foreshadowing, but there has to be enough substance to set the stage for the foreshadowing. Quite the dilemma! LOL!


I will see what I can figure out...


A lot of stories feed one another

BarbieLee's picture

Shauna, you're making a mountain out of a mole hill. Look at all the stories published in the Mainstream, on BCTS, and basically everywhere, you find stories directing the plot into another story. I'd call them extended chapters if that helps. No different than total strangers meeting at a company gathering, a fishing hole, or a mutual friend's party and they become friends. That's a merging of independent people coming together just like your story.
On a second note, not everyone on BCTS is against forced fem. Just the vocal ones, so put the warnings at the top of the story. It's kinda like politics and religion. My daddy warned me to NOT discuss either with anyone because most people have a hard lock on both. If you ask Erin or the other ladies, they can tell you there has been some really raunchy stories posted with all the appropriate warnings. I have found the girls are truly open minded and don't censure unless the cat fights start over the posted story.
Post your stories, doll or hand them to Erin. You and your readers deserve to be transported away from everyday life by another one of your exceptional tales.
Hugs Love
Life is meant to be lived, not worn until it's worn out.

Oklahoma born and raised cowgirl


Having a whole story lead into another is a bit different than switching storylines back and forth within the story, while switching characters at the same time and it all making sense! I think I have it figured out, but... LOL!

So, I'm a perfectionist and I hate wasting anyone's time (readers' or mine)!

Anyway, I will finish the story and then see how I feel... I am still on the fence with what to do with it, but I still have a lot of writing to do!

Thanks, Barb!


A couple of pennies I have lying around...

Nyssa's picture

A similar idea I've seen is to pick the point where things start to come together, or there's some excitement and start there - dropping the reader into the middle and yet leaving them wondering about context. Then you go back and explain how you got there. Once you catch back up you might even be able to portray the same events in a new context. It is a little risky because it can seem like a trope, but I think you have the talent. Just a thought.

Thanks, Nyssa!

I like your idea, but I am not sure that would work in this case (I will give it some thought) because that would ruin some of the intrigue--I think...

Thanks for the comment!


It sounds like an "Aaron Spelling" style of writing

Bobbie Sue's picture

The one master of the multiple stories within a story is Aaron Spelling for TV programs. He was a master at it, and there is no reason that it shouldn't work for written stories, either. Give it a shot. I have read and appreciated most if not all of your work and you are a talented writer. Many will want to read it, if not for content, then to see how you did it. I know that I want to see it.


Bobbie Sue

Thanks, Bobbie Sue!

I know I won't do Aaron Spelling justice, LOL! I'll see what I can come up with. :)