Well, it's been a while since I did one o' these!
Okay, so here's the deal: I have a story idea. Err, more of a story *framework.* And I need help executing it.
The premise is as follows:
A TG convention is being held, and a group of women who have never met each other before are thrust together by a rather unique circumstance: they are all named Rose. What follows is a Canterbury Tales-esque series of short stories as the women get to know each other, telling their tales of how they came to be one of the dozen Roses.
I have 3 authors (tentatively) interested in submitting stories to the collection, and I intend to write one of them myself as well as the framing bits of the story. What I'm interested to know is if there is anyone else with an interest in, potentially, joining in?
The "rules," so to speak, would be as follows:
--All the women involved are LGBTQI in a way that is relevant to the trans community. This means that the women are not limited *just* to transwomen themselves, but can include genderqueer, nonbinary, cis wives of transwomen, etc.
--All the characters are adult women, so I'm putting a minimum age cap for the characters (at the time of telling their tale) of 22.
--More rules or limitations to be discussed between interested authors as things shape up: all stories are subject to peer review between participating writers.
If anyone is interested in joining in, drop me a PM. I'd like to get at least 6 total authors involved, at which point I could *probably* swing talking a few of them into doing more than one character, but ideally having a full compliment -- a not-so-dirty dozen if you will -- would be preferred.
Melanie E.
Interesting concept. It could
Interesting concept. It could unravel and become huge... How many Roses are there? Is there a era you are looking for? 2020? 1950? 1800? etc.
There are One Dozen Roses, hence the title. :)
The framing story would be set in a nebulous "present," though the time frame of each of the individual stories could vary, so long as it was logical for the age of the character at the time of nebulous-now. So, a story set in the 50s and the character was in their teens would need to have a character who is currently in their eighties or so as a good example.
This isn't a "universe" thing, but a collaboration tale, so all the stories will be submitted to the site as a single entry, not as one-offs or serial pieces (though if an author REALLY wants to post their story as a stand-alone, I will leave the decision up to the writers who are participating whether to allow that or not.)
If you're interested let me know via PM. We're already filling in slots, but there's plenty of room for more yet :)
Melanie E.
Thnxz for the explanation. A
Thnxz for the explanation. A single entry endeavor with multiple authors. Very daunting. You may need to have guidelines, word max, PG rating or not work safe? etc. It would help authors focus & self edit.
Keep us updated as the project evolves, post etc.
Best wishes!
What time frame
When were you looking for completion? I have several stories in progress, I could rework one of them to have our protagonist be named Rose with an appropriate prologue to make it part of the story. Also what word count would you be looking for?
Happiness is being all dressed up and HAVING some place to go.
Semper in femineo gerunt
Ich bin eine Mann
Short story or less length.
7500 words would basically be a hard max, with most stories ideally falling at less than 5000 but more than a drabble. Told from the first person (as these are the characters telling their stories to the other attendees.)
As for deadline, the project will be done when it's done. I'll be sending a group message to all the interested authors/authoresses here in a few days, so that we can all coordinate details together: though I have Ideas for what I envisioned with the project, I want to make sure everyone's on the same page and working toward the same goals, so plans can and will change at least a bit.
If you're still interested, send me a PM and I'll add ya to the list :)
Melanie E.
It might be fun if your framing story identified each storyteller with a different color rose, appropriate to each character.
Rose color meanings
I'd volunteer to do a Rose, but I haven't had the energy to write in a while.
That could be interesting
That could be interesting as there are 12 actual colors that are represented (not including the mixed bouquet). To use a different color for each rose, might be a way to make each story different. I wonder how many would qualify for black, meaning "Major change or a new beginning."