For Want of a Comma-Tommy's uniform

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For those who have been following my story, For Want of a Comma, below is a picture of how I sorta imagine Tommy looks after changing into his uniform. Except for the shoes, I created the uniform from scratch, imported them into Second Life, then took a photo there.



very nice!


Thank you!

It's been a long time since I tried creating something like this, and I had a lot of fun doing it. :)


WillowD's picture

Dorothy said cute and I agree with that. But I also think it's cool. Thanks.

Thank you!

I'm glad you like it! As much as I enjoy writing stories, it's fun to add some visual creativity to the mix. :)


Thank you!

When I was little, I used to feel like I had no imagination at all, Then one day, I tried to imagine what I'd be like if I did have an imagination. Then *bang*! Ideas started flowin'. I thought of all kinda of other things, and started asking questions ... like why was it only my sister who got to wear pretty things, and what did me being a boy have to do with anything, and how did they know for sure I really was a boy?

Now, here I am, lots of years later, still asking questions like that, and trying to find answers in the stories I write ... or at least more interesting questions. :)

I'm *pretty* sure...'s a plaid. I'm not absolutely certain, though. I may have to see if there's some way to see if the design matches anyone's tartan, but I'm not really sure how to do that.