Reconciliation 9 - 'Britney's Story'

Notes of a Journey Trilogy
Book 3

Chapter 9 - 'Britney's Story'

A Gaby FanFic by PB


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Chapter 9
May 15, 2013, Dulles International (Washington, DC)

“May I have your attention please? ... United flight 920 is now ready to board … Please have your passports and boarding passes ready ... Thank-you.”

“Ready, Deb? ... It’ll sure be nice to see Gaby and Maddy again ... just wish the guys came along with us!” Despite her efforts to sound calm, Britney’s excitement was evident to those around her.

“For the umpteenth time, sis … Ken couldn’t afford the time! He’s got to work on his thesis so he can get it in on time. Now if you want to talk about missing boyfriends ... c’mon … pay attention! The line’s movin’.”

As they walked past the desk at the entrance to the boarding gate and down the boarding ramp Debbie turned to her sister.

“Make sure you got your boarding pass for the connecting flight in London!”

“Yeah … I got it. See?” Britney impatiently waved it in front of her sister’s face.

“Sorry … just sometimes…” Debbie calmly stated.

“Yeah … I know ... sorry, sis. Anyway, like I was saying … I thought Matt was really more open-minded than that!” The disappointment was evident in Britney’s voice.

“Like Mom and Dad?” Debbie sarcastically inquired. Before Britney could say anything, she added, “Well … you know how I feel about it!”

“You’re not the only one…” Britney agreed as she gave a knowing glance to her sister.

“But there is a difference ... we don’t have to think up an excuse for Matt!” Britney observed, as the two entered the waiting Boeing 767 and began searching for their seats.

“Here we are ... I get the window!”

Britney’s enthusiasm reminded Debbie of a similar trans-Atlantic flight almost a decade earlier.

“Well … we have a few hours to think up a good un’ for Mom and Dad.” Debbie mentioned as they sat down.

“Why? Jus’ tell ‘em the truth. I’m sure at least Gaby remembers the crap she encountered!” Britney exclaimed.

“I’m sure both of them do ... considering ... but I doubt Gaby thought Mum and Dad would be like that,” Debbie quietly replied.

“Remember Mom’s reaction to me kissing Gaby before she got on the bus? ... At least Gaby was spared that!” Britney recalled.

“Yeah, but back then you thought Gabs was a boy named Drew ...” Debbie countered. “Then again … Mom only saw her youngest daughter laying down the ‘mother of all kisses’ on another girl.”

“Boy ... girl ... whatta kiss,” Britney softly cooed as she closed her eyes and reminisced with a growing smile.

“So … which one did you have the crush on? Drew or … Gaby?” Debbie asked seductively.

“You really want to know?” Britney coyly replied.

(Ahem!) “Maybe you’re right, sis. If they ask about Mom and Dad … go with the truth,” Debbie flatly stated as she tried to suppress her own smirk.

“Miss? Please fasten your seat belt. We’re departing the gate,” the cabin attendant requested as she passed Debbie’s seat.

“Sorry,” Debbie replied.

As Britney turned to watch out the window, they felt the aircraft being pushed back from the boarding gate by the tow tractor.

“Hey Deb! We’re going!” Britney excitedly told her sister in hushed tones.

While they were taxiing out and sitting awaiting their turn to depart, the cabin crew were going through the talk on safety precautions that all airlines require.

Moments later, the big jet moved onto the active runway and as the whine of the massive jet engines grew to a higher pitch with the increased power settings, the aircraft began its take-off run. While the aircraft was still climbing after departing Dulles International, Debbie touched her sister’s arm to get her attention.

“Whattcha thinking, sis?” Debbie asked.

“I dunno, really…” Britney philosophically replied.

“Well … when you do … let me know?” Debbie playfully replied.

As the plane reached cruising altitude, the cabin crew started to come around asking the passengers if they’d like a drink.

“Excuse me ladies … can I get you anything?”

“Umm … I’ll have a Coke, please?” Britney asked after looking over the selection.

“I’ll have a ginger ale, please,” Debbie replied.

After the cabin attendant handed over the two drinks along with the usual bag of peanuts, she left the girls as they settled back in their seats, for a long flight.

Britney closed her eyes and started to relax while her sister tried to get interested in a rather thick paperback that she purchased before boarding. Occasionally, Debbie would notice her sister glance over to her then abruptly turn back. She let that go on for some time and then decided she had to say something.

“Brit … what’re you doing? You’re constantly looking at me like you want to say something … then go back to looking out the window! Now what’s up?”

“I dunno … just thinking about all the times we had with Drew,” Britney softly replied

“You mean Gaby, don’t you? We hardly ever saw Drew … and the odd time we did … we got him in a dress or skirt pretty fast!” Debbie softly countered.

“I couldn’t help it if he was prettier as a girl!” Britney admitted.

“I think you mean more attractive … not … prettier!” Debbie whispered while suppressing another smirk. She still loved how Britney blushed every time she hinted at her sister’s crush on the younger Bond.

“You gotta wonder at times … I wouldn’t be the least bit surprised if Brit came out and told me she’s a lesbian … I’d love her just the same … even if Mom and Dad couldn’t.”

“Okay … but that was a long time ago. Maddy’s got her now … and I’m extremely happy for both of them!” Britney acknowledged. She then turned and stared out the window at the water passing below.


As they prepared to over-fly Nova Scotia, Debbie finally got into her book while Britney preferred to stare out the window, in deep thought.

“It’s ironic … in Warsop … Deb and I knew you were a boy … but after we learned about Gaby, the challenge was just too good to pass up … it became like a drug … we couldn’t stop putting you into skirts even after your dad had talked with us … you were just so damned pretty! Mom and Dad were just as convinced that you were a girl ... but according to what Jessica told us after you left Virginia … when you and Jules came to Grottoes ... the only thing Deb and I were right about, was that you had a penis!

Geez … Can’t believe how Mom went ballistic until Dad and Jessica calmed her down. To be fair, she wasn’t angry at you Gabs … you didn’t ask to be born that way … she was just angry at us for deceiving her until Jessica convinced her that even we didn’t know.

When you think about it ... who was deceiving who? Like Jess said ... you were always ‘Gaby’. If there were any doubts, one just has to look at that last photo you emailed me ... I certainly wouldn’t throw you out of my bed!

Looking back ... maybe it was a good thing that we didn’t know the truth about ‘Gaby’. We’d probably have ended up as mental wrecks, keeping your secret. As it was, I really thought I was protecting you from those sex-obsessed Neanderthals in the school when I let loose with the ‘lesbian comment’. I didn’t plan to say it … it just came out! … But after I said it … I felt like I did good … you never did get hit upon … but ... I just never thought of how it would hurt you! If Jules never stopped you, you would’ve killed yourself … all because of the shit you had to go through while in the US … all because of what I said. I destroyed your life and ruined friendships. SHIT! …It’s now taken how many years to get just some of that back?

… Deb was right … the kids were just bigots and I didn’t think things through before I acted! God ... I really messed things up for you ... didn’t I, Gabs? I’m sorry...

Though ... it’s kind of funny … in a weird kind of way. I think that half of those kids that pretended to hate you for being a lesbian, really wanted to be your friend but were too afraid to stand up to the others! I betcha half of those kids were girls, too! I can still hear some of the cheerleaders whispering to each other about how much they hated what Casey told them they had to do … and how they really felt about you … at least Sandra and Nikki wanted to get to know you a whole lot better … to put it mildly. It always amazed me that Casey never clued-in to what her precious cheerleaders were thinking in the change room!

It still pisses me off that despite Jessica’s and Mary’s efforts, parents and the school board rallied around the bigots and the kids. Showed Augusta County’s true colours ... that’s for sure. At least the school was removed from the exchange program. Man, was I glad to leave that town!”

If Debbie had looked over at her sister, she’d have seen a big smile inexplicably cross Britney’s face.

“At least some good did come out of all this, Gabs … dunno about the rest of your gang ... but I know you’re still friends with Ally … and best of all … your family is back together … you’ve built a good life for yourself in Germany with new friends and now to top it all off … you’re finally marrying your childhood sweetheart.”

After a long silence Britney turned and looked at her sister.

“You looked preoccupied … so I thought I’d leave you alone,” Debbie offered. “What were you thinking about?”



“Deb?“ Britney softly asked.


“I’m kinda nervous about seeing her again … you know ... because of what I did,” Britney quietly admitted.

“Why?” Debbie questioned.

“Maybe ‘cause I almost killed her … twice?” Britney admitted in a hushed voice.

“Three times, if you think about it...” Debbie smirked.

“Deeeb!” Britney whined.

“Brit … a lot of water has passed under the bridge since they were in Grottoes an’ you’ve been emailing each other all these years. Don’t you think if she was even a bit P/O’d, she’d have let you know?” Debbie softly replied.

“I guess so. You remember that Community Ski just after Gabs and Jules arrived in Grottoes?” Britney quietly asked.

“Like it was yesterday! Remember Mom? God! … was she mad!” Debbie quietly recalled. “For a moment I’d thought she’d discovered Drew’s secret, the way she carried on!”

“I never told anyone before ... but I was really scared for them when she and Maddy didn’t show up with the rest an’ it started to get dark!” Britney quietly admitted as she turned and faced her sister in the next seat.

“Things worked out,” Debbie mentioned.

“Only because you and Jules found those two before they froze to death. I almost killed them, sis!”

“They would’ve found Jack’s if they kept skiing,” Debbie soothed.

“Would they? It was getting colder an’ dark. As I recall they were already frozen. They could’ve easily got lost in those woods.”

“I’m sure they...”

“When I first mentioned the ‘race’ to Gaby … she wasn’t supposed to end up being hours overdue ... half frozen...” Britney tearfully lamented.

“She stayed to help Maddy! You couldn’t possibly have guessed that she’d be in trouble. Ummm ... Mad really was in trouble ... wasn’t she?” Debbie questioned.

She saw the tears in her sister’s eyes as she continued to mentally replay the unpleasant event.

“She had nothing to do with it,” Britney quietly admitted.

“Then don’t worry! It’s all in the past. If either Gaby or Maddy held you responsible in any way … they’ve forgiven you by now,” Debbie pointed out as she gave a squeeze to her sister’s hand.

“I hope you’re right…” Britney softly replied as she sat back in her seat.



“When you told me Gaby tried to kill herself ‘cuz of all the crap she had to take on that exchange visit ... I … I … never imagined!” Britney emotionally confided in a quiet voice.

”An’ don’t tell me she’s forgiven me for that…” Britney suddenly found the armrest between the seats, of interest.

“If I could do it all again, I’d stand up to Casey and the others … what’s wrong with being a lesbian?”

“What makes you think that?”

“She’s never answered me … no matter how often I ask,” Britney reluctantly whispered.

“Look … sis … I know for a fact that she’s forgiven you for that…” Debbie softly reassured her sister.

“She told you?” Britney suddenly raised her eyes to look at her sister.

“No … she told you ... by sending you a wedding invitation,” Debbie softly replied as she squeezed Britney’s hand and watched her sister relax back in her seat.

After another thought-filled silence, Britney turned back to face her sister just as Debbie managed to get back into her book.

“You think Mom and Dad will ever want to see either of them again?”

As Debbie thought about the question, Britney again found her thoughts travelling back in time to the exchange visit.

“I don’t know what I was thinking when I agreed to get you to go to the Valentines Day dance ... but I’m glad you learned how to say ‘no’. If you did give in … I don’t know if I could’ve lived with myself.”

Britany’s thoughts were interrupted when she caught some movement out of the corner of her eye. When she looked around, Debbie was looking back at her.

“I dunno. Their loss if they don’t. They adored Gaby at one time. Anyway ... you said something about Matt, earlier … what happened?” Debbie whispered.

“We had a big fight after I told him about the wedding invitation. I broke up with him when he told me it was either my ‘lezzie’ friends or him … so I told him since he put it that way, it was no contest!”

“I’m sorry, sis…” Debbie whispered.

“I’m not! It’s good I found out now. I’m never going down that road again and that’s all there is to it!” Britney confidently replied. After a brief thoughtful pause, she mischievously added, “Maybe … I don’t really want a man.”

“Wouldn’t surprise me,” Debbie quietly giggled as she linked arms with her sister.

“Ahhh … sisterly love!” a soft voice emanated from the direction of the aisle.

“JESSICA!” Britney enthused as the two girls turned towards the familiar voice.

“Diane told me you two were going to Gaby’s wedding … but I didn’t think I’d be lucky enough to run into some friendly faces on the way,” Jessica replied. “Your parents come as well?” Their silence spoke volumes. “I’m sorry…”

“It’s all for the better, I guess. Maddy and Gaby don’t need to have their day spoiled,” Debbie allowed. Jessica acknowledged with a nod and a knowing smile.

“As it is … I know they’ll be very glad to see the both of you,” Jessica replied.

“Is Diane on board?” Britney wondered.

“No … Erin, Aidan and her took an earlier flight, but she said we’ll all meet up in London.”

“How come?” Britney wondered.

“When we’re both looking at our tickets the other night … we discovered that there’s only one connecting flight,” Jessica explained.

“Oh...” Britney quietly replied.

“Your husband come?” Debbie asked, looking at Jessica’s wedding band.

“We’re sitting a few rows behind you. Speaking of husbands … I guess I’ve got a few things to catch up on! Congratulations would seem to be in order...” Jessica enthused after she noticed Debbie’s diamond. “Set a date yet?”

“Not yet … Ken’s still got a bit of schooling left.”

“Where are you now?” Jessica asked.

“Seattle … near the university.”

“Oh, sorry! Jessica mentioned as she straightened up to allow a fellow passenger passage down the aisle. “Looks like I’m blocking the aisle.”

“I should really get back to Rob anyway ... but if we don’t get a chance to talk before we land … we’ll meet up when we get off the plane. With a bit o’ luck we’ll find our way to our connecting flight. You guys staying at the Steigenberger Bad Neuenahr?”

“For a couple of nights … then Deb and I are going to travel a bit before going back,” Britney revealed.

“You girls getting there on your own … or is someone meeting you?”

“Someone’s meeting us … probably either Gaby’s or Maddy’s dad. In her last email, Gaby mentioned something about them sitting around feeling useless,” Britney answered.

“After talking with Diane, it sounds like we’re all meeting the same person. Kind of makes even more sense to stay together, doesn’t it?”

“Yeah,” Debbie agreed while Britney nodded her head.

“I guess I should really clear this aisle and get back to Rob … talk to you two, later … bye!” Jessica stated before she returned to her seat.


After dinner and watching a movie, Debbie planned to read for an hour or so, before settling back and trying to get some sleep.

On the other hand, Britney closed her eyes and sat back in her seat, mentally reflecting upon the things that have happened since she first met Maddy and Gaby. Minutes later, she nudged her sister away from her engrossing read.

“Kinda romantic … isn’t it?” Britney quietly asked for no apparent reason.

“What is?” Debbie replied.

“Them ... Maddy and Gaby. I mean … after all they’ve been through ... Drew … Gaby … Maddy … Maddy’s schemes … their break-up … Gaby’s move … and despite all that, love’s always been there … hasn’t it…” Britney reflected. “Now they’re getting married.”

“I know. I doubt that Hollywood could come up with a better storyline,” Debbie softly agreed.

“I think we should drink to their friendship and their happiness!” Britney firmly suggested.

“Good idea!” Moments later, Debbie caught the attention of a passing cabin attendant.

“Miss? Any chance of getting another glass of that wine you served at dinner?”

“For both of you? Certainly … be right back!” the stewardess cheerfully replied.

“Deb? You don’t think Ken didn’t come ‘cuz he really felt like Mom and Dad … do you?” Britney softly asked. Debbie absent-mindedly played with her diamond while pondering her answer.

“One thing you’ve got to realise, sis ... is that not everyone feels like Mom and Dad ... or for that matter, some of the people back home. It’s a totally different atmosphere where Ken and I are now. People are more tolerant. We’ve even got some openly gay friends,” Debbie softly explained.

“It’s a shame Ken didn’t get as far along on his thesis as he hoped … I know he’d love meeting the girls.”

“You like it out there, huh?” Britney longingly inquired.

“Grottoes may be nice to visit now and again … but we’re planning to stay out there,” Debbie confirmed.

“Maybe I should come check it out … you know … post-graduate stuff?” Britney playfully mentioned.

“Anytime, sis … we’ve got room,” Debbie smugly replied.

“Ladies?” The girl’s train of thought was interrupted by the arrival of their wine.

After the flight attendant had poured the wine and left, Debbie turned to her sister and asked, “What should we drink to?”

“How ‘bout this? To Maddy and Gaby … a love re-captured and tamed … may their little bit of heaven … be a place on earth!” Britney quietly toasted. Both girls took a sip from their glass before they put them down.

“That was lovely, sis.” Debbie quietly commented,

“Just saying how I feel about those two,” Britney replied as she finished her wine.

Passing her empty glass over to Debbie, Britney stowed her table and before closing her eyes, turned out her overhead lights. “Think I’ll try to get some sleep. Somehow I think it’s gonna be a long day tomorrow … ‘nite sis.”

“I’m gonna read for a while … but I don’t think I’ll be too far behind you …’nite Brit,” Debbie quietly allowed after she stifled a yawn.

“Oh! … thanks, Miss,” Debbie whispered as a flight attendant came over and collected the empty glasses. It wasn’t too long after that, that she stowed her tray, closed her book and nodded off herself.

What only seemed a short time later, both were gently being woken by one of the cabin crew.

“Excuse me, ladies. Please prepare for landing and make sure your seat belts are fastened. We’re about to arrive at Heathrow.”

“Sorry … what time is it?” Debbie wearily inquired.

“Ten after six in the morning …Greenwich Mean Time.”

“Six-ten?” Debbie echoed, looking at her watch.

“You must still be on Eastern Time.”


“Your watch … it’s still on Eastern Time. England is five hours ahead.”

“Oooo … thanks!” She sheepishly began to set her watch to the correct time.

May 16, 2013, Heathrow (London, UK)

“Deb! … Brit! Over here!” Jessica called out as she saw them emerging from the boarding tunnel.

“OKAY … now we have about a three hour lay-over to kill. According to the picture signs over there … we just follow them to the shuttle bus that will take us to Terminal 5.”

Thirty minutes later, they were through security and in the departure lounge.

“Got to admit … they’ve got an efficient system going here!” Robert enthused. “Our own airports could take a lesson from these people!”

“At seven in the morning, there’s not a lot of people around … so I’d imagine that’d make a bit of difference,” Britney added.

“Hey guys!”

Both Debbie and Britney swung around when the heard a familiar voice calling out behind them. Erin, Aidan and Diane were just getting off the ‘up’ escalator from the lower level. As the seven converged in the middle of the open area, there were hugs all around.

“We saw you guys downstairs … an’ seein’ how you didn’t see us … we just followed ya,” Aidan admitted.

“Told ya we’d meet in London!” Diane enthused as she addressed Jessica.

“Anyone for breakfast? I dunno about anyone else ... but we’re gonna be here for a spell and I’m starved,” Erin declared.

“I don’t know about the rest of you … but I’m going to find a restroom and freshen up before I do anything!” Jessica firmly stated.

“Good idea,” Diane agreed.

“Well … we’re stuck here until twenty-to-ten ... so I guess we have time,” Rob agreed as he began scanning the information board for restaurants.

“Let’s see … what about this place? ... Huxleys...”

“As long as we can get some real food,” Aidan jokingly mentioned, referring to the usual airline fare. When the group started off towards the eatery, he hung back to walk beside Britney.

“You excited Brit? I’ve nevah been outta the States before!”

“More nervous … if anything,” Britney quietly admitted.

“Yeah … I guess it’s been a long time since we’ve both seen Gabs,” Aidan acknowledged.

“It’s more than that, Aidan. You saw how things were for her when she was in Grottoes … an’ I wasn’t exactly in her good books when she left.”

“You’ve said you two’ve emailed each other quite a few times.”

“I know … but still...” Britney muttered in a hushed voice. “...How will she react when we meet face-to-face?”

Aidan gently grabbed Britney’s arm as he stopped walking, causing her to swing around and face him.

“Brit … I don’t know what you did or think you did … but that’s all in the past. We’re not back in Grade 9 ... things change! If either one of them still held a grudge, do you think they’d invited you to their wedding?”

“You sound like you’ve been talking to Deb. She said the same thing.”

“Well … it’s true!”

(sigh) “I know. I guess I just need to hear it from Gaby.”

“Everything’s gonna be okay … you’ll see all this worrying is for nothing. Now let’s go eat!” With that, Aidan and Britney both ran to catch up to the others as they headed towards the restaurant.

“Okay, people … restrooms are over there … then food!” Robert suggested as they stood outside Huxleys.

Later that morning...

“May I have your attention please? ... United Airlines … flight 9225 is now ready to board … Please have your passports and boarding passes ready ... Thank-you.”

“Sounds familiar,” Debbie commented.

“Different accent,” Aidan dryly put in.

“Must be it ... now c’mon ... that’s us!” Diane enthused. Checking her watch as she rose from her chair in the departure lounge, Diane commented “Nine-thirty … not bad.”

“I thought we were flying United. Why’s the board say ‘Star Alliance-slash-United Airlines’?” Britney wondered as she read the digital read-out identifying the flights, behind the boarding desk.

“I read about it on the flight here. ‘Star Alliance’ is only an operating name. Several airlines that share common routes have formed a partnership of sorts. United and Lufthansa are only two of the airlines involved. It sounds as if they still refer to the flight under the originating carrier,” Robert explained.

“Why do you say that?” Aidan asked.

“...Because, according to the pamphlet ... this part of the flight is operated by Lufthansa,” Robert revealed.

As they walked down the boarding ramp and into the Boeing 737-500, a flight attendant standing just inside the cabin door re-checked their boarding pass and directed each passenger to their assigned seat.

“10a … und b … over the wing to your right.”

He then handed the passes back to Jessica and Robert as they started towards their seats. Debbie and Britney drew 15b and c while across the aisle, Erin, Diane and Aidan had 16d, e and f. Boarding proved to be quick and a check of the watch, showed they were back on schedule as a member of the cabin crew secured the forward cabin door.

“How long’s the flight?” Aidan asked Erin as the found their seats.

“About ninety minutes, hon … barely enough time to get a decent nap in!” Erin jokingly conveyed as she stowed her carry-on in the overhead. “Should be there for lunch, though.”

“Anyone know who’s going to meet us?” someone asked.

“Gaby’s dad!” Britney quickly piped up. “Or … maybe Maddy’s dad.”

“Hope whoever-it-is has a big car,” Aidan jokingly added.

As they taxied out to the runway for departure, Erin wasn’t the only one in their group who settled back to grab as much of their robbed sleep as possible before they arrived in Bonn. Thankfully, they had the next day to combat any jet lag, before the big day.

Taking Aidan’s words to heart, Britney felt like a weight had been lifted from her and that she was looking forward to seeing her two friends again. As she settled in her seat beside her sister, she turned to look out her window at the busy airport while the ‘mule’ backed the 737 out of the gate.

“I wonder how much we’ve all changed…”

“Won’t be long now, sis!” Debbie enthused as she linked arms with her sister.

True to Erin’s words, ninety minutes was hardly time enough to settle down for the flight. To the Walters girls, it seemed mere minutes ago that the airliner left the runway at Heathrow. Now, they all were filling out the mandatory customs forms, in preparation to landing in Bonn.

A gentle bump soon conveyed they were finally in Germany.

“Please remain seated und seatbelts fastened until the plane comes to a complete stop… Ensure that you take all your carry-on und your customs declarations. On behalf of myself, Captain Armbrust und the entire flight crew, I thank you for flying Star Alliance … Bitte bleiben Sie sitzen und angeschnallt bis das Flugzeug am Terminal vollstá¤ndig zum Stillstand gekommen ist. Bitte vergewissern Sie sich, da០sie all Ihr Handgepá¤ck mitnehmen und halten sie Ihre Dokumente bereit. Kapitá¤n Armbrust und Seine Besatzung bedanken sich im Namen von Star Alliance, da០Sie mit uns geflogen sind. Auf Wiedersehen."

May 16, 2013, Flughafen Koln-Bonn (Cologne-Bonn Airport, Germany)

A little less than an hour later, the seven travellers emerged along with their luggage, from immigration and security into the large ‘arrivals hall’ in Terminal 1. All eyes scanned the crowds, looking for anything that hinted that they had found whoever was to meet them.

“Mr. Bond! … Mr. Bond! … Over here!” Britney shouted.

“Where you looking, sis?”

“Over there by that post … beside the guy holding the sign that says ‘Bond-Peters wedding’!” Debbie shifted her gaze to where her sister was pointing.

“Ya always did have good eyes Brit,” Erin commented. “Well? Don’t just stand there, girl … lead on!”

“Hi, Mr. Bond!” the Walters sisters chorused.

“Willkommen in Deutschland, Má¤dchen,” Dave cheerfully replied as they both gave him a quick hug. As the others approached, he also greeted Diane and Erin with a hug then turned to greet Aidan with a handshake.

“Haven’t seen you guys since Atlanta. You’re all looking well,” Dave enthused while addressing Gaby’s former teammates. “Gaby’s overjoyed that you’re all able to make it.”

“Is she here?”

“Unfortunately not, Jess. Both she and Maddy are running around like the proverbial chicken with its’ head cut off … re-checking everything.”

“What about Jules,” Debbie asked.

“Jules and the rest of the wedding party are with them … trying to keep the panic to a minimum and helping the girls out as much as possible,” Dave replied.

“Jen’s made reservations for everyone at a Gasthaus in Bad Neuenahr for dinner tonight. Hopefully being around some friendly faces will calm those two.”

“A bit nervous?” Debbie sarcastically asked.

“You could say that,” Dave answered with a grin.

“Fran here yet?” Jessica inquired.

“The bunch from Warsop arrived earlier this morning and they’re at the hotel. Henrik here, has already picked them up,” Dave answered.

Realizing his omission, he quickly added “I’m terribly sorry … this is Henrik … one of the Team Apollinaris’ invaluable support personnel. He’s kindly volunteered to act as hotel shuttle with the mini-bus. This is our second trip today.”

After everyone greeted Henrik, Jessica took Robert’s hand and led him out from behind the others.

“Henrik’s not the only new face around here,” Jessica playfully mentioned as she approached Dave. “…Dave … this is my husband … Robert Lindsey… Robert … David Bond … he’s Gaby’s father. Her sister Jules, is her Maid of Honour.”

After the introductions, Gaby’s American friends along with their luggage porters followed Dave out of Terminal 1 to the curb to await Henrik’s return with the bus.
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To Be Continued...

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