In Limbo

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Spending today in limbo. My mom, who was in the hospital a couple weeks ago due to severe stomach pains (ulcers as if turned out) went back in last Friday as she'd become non responsive. Dad called my sister yesterday to let her now and for her to call me. They think Mom has pneumonia, and her lung function was already horrid due to her many other health issues. She's been on oxygen and bedridden now for too many years.

So now we are waiting to hear the results of the Covid test to see if she caught it due to being in the hospital before. Even if this wasn't from Covid, I'm not sure she's got the strength to pull through.

Having a hard time focusing at work, hence blabbing here using my phone.

The stories I enjoy writing all have to do with angels and right now we could really use one (or maybe an entire choir). Something true for far too many of us right now.

The saddest thing is given how much pain she has been in lately, I'm not even sure what resolution I should pray for.


I hope your mother improves

Angharad's picture

it sounds as if she's had an awful time recently. I'm not a believer, but if I were, perhaps I'd be asking for the best outcome for everyone concerned, because severe illness or bereavement affects everyone in the family group.

My thoughts are with you and I hope you can find some peace in all this.


Thank you

Erisian's picture

I'll be okay and should it be the end of this life for her, I'll be there for my Dad and sister who will need the support. The not knowing part is the hardest right now while all the hopes clash with the fears.

For you and your family...

erin's picture

...Love and Hugs,

= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.

My hope

My hope for you and your family is what is best for her even if it isn't the outcome you really want. It is exceedingly hard to let go of the person we love but sometimes it is what is best for them in the end. A little over 4 years ago, I went through turmoil that lead up to my wife crossing over. I know how it can rip us up inside.

It always is hard

Erisian's picture

It always is hard, even if you've been through it before. Reasoned understanding doesn't stop the emotional rollercoasters doing their thing anyway. This may well be a mercy, but not having perfect information makes that hard if not impossible to judge. If that becomes clearer, then it'll be easier to deal with. Thank you, and sorry you had to go through this with your wife. :(

Wanted to update

Erisian's picture

Mom woke up/came round earlier today before Dad visited. The covid test is still pending, but they don't think that's the cause. While she's still in pain she said she was feeling better than she was at the end of last week, so that's good. I was able to talk to her this afternoon after work, and while she started off with semi-slurred speech by the end of the conversation she had focused and become a lot more coherent.

Thank you for everyone's well wishes. While she's been in and out of the hospital off an on for years, today just really got to me more than any other time. Hopefully it'll prove to be but an over-reaction on my part. Time will tell. Thanks again, everyone. <3

So happy to hear your good news

Nyssa's picture

I had your last blog entry up and just finished a note to you and then caught this thread. What an emotional roller coaster. I'm sure you've been through the wringer. Take care of yourself as well, sometimes we push harder than we realize during these times when we're trying to be there for others, and no one can afford to have their immune systems compromised these days. But soooo happy for your good news.


Family first, family second, family forever.