Tammy Interludes: Guard of the Thistle - Part 3

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Guard of the Thistle  

Book 11: Tammy Interludes


"Guard of the Thistle"
Part 3


This story takes place after the end of Snowfall's story Chrysalis Project Book 10: Iron Dolphin Books 3 & 4

For all of Tammy's adventures ---> click here


Saturday 30th September 2017

Tammy had been ordered to report for breakfast at seven, so had kept an early night - alone. At five her alarm clock went off and she bolted from the bed and slapped the off button at the same time. In only five minutes she'd changed to running attire and hurried down the stairs.

"Lieutenant Smart; going for a run." Tammy informed the duty guard, a sergeant according to his cuffs.

He signed her out, "This is the first time you've visited Fort George, Ma'am?"

"Yes, do you have any suggestions?"

"Head out of the main gate and take a right onto the coast road, Ma'am."

"Understood, thank you."

Once outside, Tammy breathed in the air, somewhere nearby was a clump of heather as her nostrils reacted to the sweet smell, although her eyes could only pick out a mown lawn, glistening in the morning dew.Tammy stretched then set out, she hadn't done a Lyssa-approved warm-up so kept it to a gentle jog at first.

Tammy kicked harder at 500m and again at 1km, and was now at her normal running pace. This was confirmed by her sport watch which kept her time, cadence and distance. Tammy hadn't seen a pool, nor was it in her welcome pack, so this run had to replace her daily swim and bike ride. Tammy decided to turn around at the 5km point, an increase on her usual distance. She made it back outside the base by six twenty but first stretched and cooled down before checking back in. The duty guard had changed but apparently knew she was outside so the formality was minimal. A shower beckoned.

A sheet had been passed under her door and she read it as she dried her hair, belatedy the weekend schedule had been decided. She had training and testing until 1600hrs, to be followed by the main ceremony and dinner. More training awaited on Sunday, but she hadn't been told what to expect.

She arrived in the officers' mess as required and had chosen her dress uniform, on the grounds that she couldn't possibly be wrong. Her hair was in a tight bun and she wore minimal makeup, looking quite austere compared to the previous evening. She decided to drop her ID card around her neck just in case anyone thought the Colonel's tottie was simply playing dress-up.

She took a seat near Captain Fielding and an orderly took her order, Tammy passed on the full Scottish and opted for the fruit and cereal choices, although a banana-nut muffin sounded appealing. Mango juice and a coffee completed her breakfast selection.

"What's planned for me, Sir?"

"You'll be told, in due course." Kyle replied dryly, taking note of her breakfast. "You actually plan to eat all that healthy stuff? You'll need calories to last the weekend."

Tammy looked up. "My nutritionist would prefer that I look after myself and since I like the results of the advice so far, I intend to keep to the plan. I might even need stores to supply me a skirt in a smaller size?"

Tammy expected nothing more from Kyle, this was his style and he clearly enjoyed playing the superiority game, but she was more than capable of being his equal. Tammy found the food filling, not worried that any sudden physical activity might not be good for her. The bulk of it would burn away quickly. There were regular looks over to her, a clear interloper, and she just smiled at first. However a few latecomers spotted her and came straight over. Kyle had already left the table.


"Lieutenant Tammy Smart, at your service."

"But, weren't you at Hythe, a couple of years ago?"

"I have been many places, and I suspect you have as well?"

"Perhaps. Catch you later?"

Tammy smiled and returned to her coffee. Her week on the ranges at Hythe had happened after she had hesitated; an error that could have cost Tammy, and others, their lives. She hadn't hesistated again, although Tammy had a policy of only using a weapon for defence. Her week on the ranges had helped her develop an awareness of where danger might be and whether to shoot. A year later she was faced with the 'me or her' scenario at Elsie's funeral, that time Tammy chose to defend herself, whatever the consequences.

"Aren't you ready?"

Kyle had returned and was back in nasty officer mode.

"I was interrupted by some guys we met in Kent."

"That's no excuse, you were meant to be ready five minutes ago."

"Was I? Nobody told me where to go? Now, if you'll excuse me, I need to powder my nose." Tammy picked up her bag and headed out of the room. She didn't look behind her but, judging by the smirks, she'd scored a point. No doubt, Kyle would try to win the game, whatever that was going to be?

"Excuse me Ma'am?"

Tammy spun around to find a young female in uniform.


"Corporal Staines, Ma'am, Colonel MacTaggart asked that I assist you today."

"Fine, do you know what's going on?"

"Yes, Ma'am."

"Good, I'm heading to my room for a wee and to tidy up my face, follow!"

"The Colonel asks that you change into fatigues, ma'am, and report to the range in ten minutes."

"In which case he can get stuffed! I'll do this at my own pace."


"Don't worry, Corporal, you won't be in trouble."

Tammy took fifteen minutes but Cpl Staines was fretting.

"Look, I promise you won't get into trouble, I'll be the one they're after. Staines, was it?"

"Yes, Ma'am."

"First name?"


"Right, Maisie, I'm Tammy. I do things differently and I'm not a professional soldier."

"You're a territorial?"

"No, I play at being a soldier when it suits certain people, like the Colonel. Take this weekend, all I received was a dinner invite, so I arrived as a civvie and gave the security guard a fright."

"That was you?"

"Yes, I was in uniform but not the sort you wear." Tammy opened a wardrobe and pulled out the relevant hanger.

"It looks like a hostess uniform?"

"I flew myself into Inverness Airport, so I played the part. That's what I do all the time, I put on a hat and play the role. What about you?"

"I joined as a cadet when I was sixteen but I didn't go fulltime with the army until I finished my Highers, I've been in for four years now."

"Corporal after four years?"


"Well done. Unfortunately I was just given the rank of Lieutenant earlier this year, with minimal training but I had no intention of even being in the military when I was eighteen! Where are we off to?"

"The indoor range first."

Tammy wasn't the only camouflage clad person there, but she ignored them all and focused on the range officer.

"I've been ordered to report here, Sir."

"Five minutes ago, that comes off your time."

"Naturally, Sir, what am I being tested with?"

"The Glock 17, have you used it before?"

"Once, but I use a 19 and a 26 regularly."

"This is a 9mm variant, you can have ten minutes warm up and then you test."

"Fine Sir."

Tammy pulled on her ear defenders and found an empty lane. She took a few shots to gauge the weight and the recoil but soon got into the groove and peppered the inner ring.

"It looks like that trip to the island was worth it. Thank you all." She muttered to herself.

The test started soon after, 50m then 100m. She slowed her breathing but let instinct take the shot. On the first target one shot grazed the inner ring, the rest were clustered around the bull. On the second and subsequent 50m targets she fixed that anomaly. At 100m she took more time and stayed inside the second ring but the tightly bunched shots had become a splatter. She repeated on a fresh target, both satisfied and dissatisfied with her results.

Tammy declined a third target at the longer distance and returned to the range officer.

"Not bad, Lieutenant."

"I've done better."

"In which case why didn't you?"

"I wouldn't want to let the boys know that a girl can do better, would I? They get so huffy over little things like that."

The range officer almost smiled but it was Tammy's time to leave.

"Where to Maisie?"

"The outdoor range. Did you just post a perfect card?"

"It wasn't perfect, I should have drilled every one through the bull. Have you tried pistol?"

"No, not yet."

The next range required a ride in a Jeep, Tammy guessed that Maisie only had basic driving skills judging by her ability to find every pothole.

"There you are!"

"Yes, Captain, here we are, now what do you have planned for me?"

"You're going to prove to me you can use the SA80."

"You know I can, I have a pass slip from Wattisham four months ago."

Kyle almost growled. "You can do better than pass, Lieutenant."

"Climb down off that soap box, Kyle, it doesn't suit you."

"You're on a charge!"

"I suggest you run that past Sean, given that I'm his totty tonight? Just a mo'. Is THAT your problem?"

Cpl Staines was barely believing what she was hearing but kept her mouth firmly shut.

"I'll deal with you later!"

"Of course, Captain, but my bedroom door will be locked. Come on Corporal, I have to prove I know which way to point the bang bang."

The range officer here had a standard issue SA80 waiting for Tammy.

"Firstly; strip it and reassemble." Tammy guessed he had been briefed, incorrectly, by the Captain.

"Okay, let me see." Tammy deliberately took a few seconds to work out the weapon, mostly for effect. It had, however, been four months since she'd handled the Army's standard rifle but soon she had the component parts on the table. She waited for a nod then put it back together.

"I heard you are just the Colonel's dinner date?"

"And how many dinner dates can handle a weapon, Sir?"

"There are plenty of people here who seem to know your face, but for the oddest reason can't remember why, Lieutenant?"

"I'd be breaching national security if I said anything, Sir."

"Okay, we're just using the 500m range today. Single shot, two magazines."


"You get four targets, we'll use the best two to work out your score."

Tammy pulled on the offered ear defenders, grabbed the weapon and waited until the NCO showed her to a clear lane. The Corporal had also been offered defenders so joined Tammy. Though Tammy had used the rifle before, her recent experience with the American weaponry had provided her insight to the pro's and con's of both. The SA80 was a bullpup design; compact, manoeuvrable and featured the magazine to the rear. The American M-4 and CAR-15 had forward magazine configuration, allowing faster reload time.

Methodically Tammy acquired and fired. Twelve rounds in, she pulled the trigger and heard 'click'.

"Damn." Tammy muttered then called out "MISFIRE!"

Rodrick's voice came back immediately in her brain. "Stay on target. Count to Fifteen. Clear the round to a safe point you will not be hit if it does go off. If it slow-cooked; unload, clear the chamber and check for a hung round in the barrel."

Slowly Tammy counted herself. Just as she breathed out Eight, the round went off and the recoil was less than before. Quickly she ejected the magazine then worked the bolt to clear the chamber. Tammy then worked the weapon to inspect the barrel then turned and raised her hand.


The Range Sergeant rushed over, took the barrel and looked down it. "Damn. Good work, Lieutenant. Stay as you are."

Minutes later, Tammy's rifle was reassembled with a new barrel and she resumed firing. Her targets were retrieved and the Sergeant looked them over.

"Your misfire procedure seemed odd, but acceptable."

"At first I thought I had been slipped a dummy round, but I went through procedure just in case. Glad I did."

The Sergeant regarded her intently. "Review for me; misfire procedure."

"Keep my target and count to fifteen. If the round does not fire; clear the round to a safe point. Opposite a wall or other cover. If the round does go off; unload and clear the weapon then inspect for obstruction." Tammy stated.

"That'll do Lieutenant. Clean your weapon while your score is counted."

Maisie watched as Tammy broke down the rifle again and began cleaning it with the kit on a side bench. "You did that very well, Ma'am."

"I think I get a Huzzah for that?" Tammy winked.

Maisie smiled back. "Huzzah, Ma'am!"

Tammy finished cleaning then reassembled the rifle. The Sergeant returned with her score sheet.

"Fine score, Ma'am. You're done here." The Sergeant said then saluted.

"Thank you Sergeant." Tammy said, returning the salute, then turned to the Corporal. "Onward."

Away from the Range they stopped to pick up two bottles of water. The next stop was a gymnasium. Inside Kyle waited.

"Hand-to-hand." Kyle said simply. "Boots and tunic off. Put on the headgear."

Tammy took off her fatigue top and boots, she didn't think the green t-shirt flattered her.

Maisie took the top, handed the headgear and picked up her boots. She handed the Lieutenant a pair of gloves, styled as knuckle protectors. "Good luck, Ma'am."

Tammy glanced over to see Kyle pulling on a pair of boxer's gloves. "Thanks."

Tammy approached Kyle and pointed to the gloves. "I sense something unfair here, don't I get a pair?"

"Not a concern, life's not fair so neither should be your training. GO!"

Kyle circled her and suddenly threw a half-hearted right-hook. Tammy bolted to close in fast, almost nose-to-nose and gave him a fast jab to the high gut. Momentarily confused by her boldness he reacted by trying to grab her in a bear-hug. He had no clue that was exactly what she had wanted. With her shoulders and hips she kept him at range, going to work using her elbows and knees viciously. Her fists were up, directly facing his, but used to block his hands as she lashed out with her elbow for a right-cross to his jaw then her left knee to the front of his right thigh.

Off-balance and unfamiliar with her style, Kyle backed to reestablish his own range, but Tammy stayed close. A left upper-cut followed by another right elbow then her right knee to the inside of his left knee. Her assault was fast and unrelenting, infuriating the Kiwi. Finally with a bellow he simply tackled her to the ground and felt her squirming.

"GO ON LIEUTENANT! GO ON!" Maisie called out in support.

Kyle moved higher up to smirk in triumph then had the most confused look. Why the Hell was she grinning and moving downward. Suddenly Tammy rotated both her wrists inward, broke his hold and grabbed the front of his shirt. Her hold was crossed and she then twisted as her legs swung up and locked around his chest.

Kyle was quick to understand what just happened was bad and rolled to try breaking free. Tammy understood his plan and forced another half-roll and keep her position. By having him over her, she held the actual superior position. Tammy had all the traction and bracing for leverage, he had none. Soon after, Kyle realized she had him in some type of choke-hold, but so tied up and winded to get out of it. His eyes started to roll back and Tammy let go and used her foot to roll him off.

The few soldiers that were there had stopped to watch then cat-called as Tammy rolled him away and reached over to pat his face roughly.

"Wake up. I won." Tammy said

"That's some Lassie!" One of the men called out.

Maisie called back. "That's not just some Lass, She's a Lieutenant! HUZZAH, MA'AM, HUZZAH!"

Kyle came to, sat up and shook his head to clear the fog. "Fuck."

"Stitched you up right, Laddie." An older soldier said, patting his own gloved hands together.

Kyle stood up and pounded his fists together. "That's one. But only one."

Tammy knew he was really mad now; that was good and bad. It was time to cut the provicating and get serious - she had no choice to get nasty as Krystel had taught her now. She rushed in, threw her right hand forward, provoking another wide swing from him. The cliche' hay-maker from him was exactly what she'd hoped for and curled her arms up to protect her head and block it. Fast as Tammy could, she pounded the side of his neck with her right fist then his side, close to the kidney with her left fist, hammer-style then swung her right fist down to the back of his knee. Kyle dropped, but caught himself. Tammy snapped a quick kick to his foot and took him the rest of way down.

"FUCK!" Kyle yelled.

Tammy didn't wait, pouncing on him then using her legs to lock his arms back behind him and twisting her body. Kyle tried to roll over backwards to break the hold and only helped her to cinch up tighter.

"GET HIM, LASS!" A few of the men called out then whistled.

Maisie was not be out-done in her support. "YOU HAVE HIM MA'AM! GO ON!"

A man slid to stop in front of Kyle's upside-down face, looked from him to Tammy then slapped the mat. "PIN! THA'S IT!"

Tammy released him and rolled away to slowly stand up.

The man reached down to help her stand and looked down at her. "Lass, tha's a right nasty move. Le's save it for th' baddies."

"She got lucky." Kyle commented, rotating his arm.

"Lucky? Yer th' one bein' lucky. Lassie had y' ready to break. Tha's 'nough." The gruff Scot glared then turned back to Tammy. "D' know who taught y' fightin' like that, Lassie, bloody vicious lot they are. Don't think I've met you before?"

"She's Lieutenant Smart, Major Elliot." Maisie introduced.

Tammy queried. "A Stobs Elliot, Major?"

The big Scot laughed. "Aye. I be a Stobs Eliot. Major Gerald Elliot. What of y'?"

"Lieutenant Tamara Smart. I'm affiliated with the Thurso McPhersons, Sir." Tammy smiled.

Major Elliot's eyes narrowed. "Thurso? Can't be Elsie McPherson?"

"I'm afraid she's passed, Sir. Her daughter, Cathy, is the Head now. We all miss her though." Tammy said sadly.

Gerald Elliot sighed. "Heard it. Din' wan' t' believe it. Sure Thurso's in good hands, if'n she's Elsie's lass. Well, I say y' done here. Off y' go."

Tammy saluted. "Aye, Major. I just hope I'll have enough time to get ready for tonight."

"Oh? Who're y' with?" Elliot asked.

"Colonel MacTaggart." Tammy replied.

Elliot let out a booming laugh. "Wha' happen t' y' Lass; hit yer bonnie head or lose a bet? Off with y'!"

Lunch was next, in an ideal world Tammy would have washed and changed but she arrived in the officer's mess clad in the standard dress of a working soldier, and didn't stand out at all. She again took a lighter option but this time Kyle did little more than glance at her plate before taking a seat a few metres away. Once of the inquisitors from breakfast slid in opposite her.

"So you're a lieutenant now? I don't remember you having a rank at Hythe?"

"I didn't, and I wasn't there. Right?"


"How's your training going? Counter terrorist team for the Commonwealth Games next year, isn't it?"

"How the hell would you know that?"

"Probably someone told me, I'm sure the Captain would remember?" Tammy nodded in Kyle's direction.

"I seem to remember he, all of us, were trying to get to know you better last time we met?"

Tammy smiled. "Apparently I'm dangerous, a risk to your health and well-being."

"So I heard, it's a shame you're not on our team?"

"I have other things to do, but spending a month or two in Australia sounds like fun."

"It's going to be hard work."

"Really? I don't ever recall a terrorist incident at a Commonwealth Games?"

"Just because you never hear of it, doesn't mean it doesn't happen."

Kyle walked over. "I think that's enough, unless you both need a security awareness course and a hundred press-ups?"

Tammy wanted to get back to her room, at least change her t-shirt and freshen up, but the Captain wasn't going to allow her any niceties. "This is the British Army, not some Caribbean health club!"

Tammy knew in an instant that Kyle hadn't been fully briefed, although the evidence had been there for a while. She wondered if he'd been chosen to supervise her training simply as he was a familiar face? At least he knew enough not to query her rank or status but he was constantly underestimating her. Perhaps the old adage 'familiarity breeds contempt' was true for both of them? Maisie rejoined Tammy as they headed for the obstacle course.

"Have you done the course, Corporal?" Tammy was well aware that Kyle's hearing would pick up any breach of protocol so she kept the conversation to accepted norms.

"Yes, Ma'am, once. I can't say I enjoyed it."

The course was managed by a Sergeant-at-arms instructor. He appraised her once Kyle introduced the Lieutenant.

"You get two runs today, on your own, to get used to it. I'm told that tomorrow you will go with a troop, although I can't for a minute imagine why."

"Someone apparently needs me to prove I'm more than a pretty face."

"Well, watch out for the razor wire, it could damage your, er, face. Corporal, you've done this before?"

"Yes, Sir."

"Good, why don't you lead the Lieutenant the first run through?"

"Aye, Sir."

A few soldiers had gathered as the pair shed their jackets and this solicited a few cat calls. The sergeant put an end to it, but neither he nor the Captain gave the girls any privacy, this was clearly to be a spectacle.

The first run wasn't against the clock but Tammy had no intention of being a slouch. It started with a wall, Tammy hadn't done any climbing training and made a mental note to add that to her repertoire at some point. Despite this she was over it in a reasonable manner, with Maisie failing at her first attempt. Tammy thought about going ahead, but wasn't the Corporal supposed to be leading the Lieutenant?

A few of the watching crowd laughed at Maisie as she struggled over the top then looked at the drop on the other side. There was a crash mat, as Tammy had found. She thought about giving the girl some encouragement, but they were still within hearing range. Maise suddenly let go and fell in a heap, this was nothing like a controlled landing.

"Come on Corporal, get moving."

"I'm afraid of heights."

"That was clear, come on."

They passed through the next few obstacles without incident and then came across the rope wall. Tammy tested it then went up purposefully, Maisie seemed inspired and followed, although her face was a mix of emotions. They went down the other side and this led into the razor wire section, with barely ten inches of crawl space.


Tammy was in front and couldn't look around. She propelled herself using her elbows and struggled to keep her bum down but didn't succumb to more than a touch of the wire. She crawled out and now looked back.

"Damn, that's small!"

Maisie emerged some ten seconds later, her t-shirt had a rip and she was less than happy.

Tammy looked ahead and found the rope walk over a pit, followed by a plank walk. She took off and landed on the other side without a problem, choosing not to wait for the Corporal this time. Tammy knocked off the last few obstacles and reported back to the Sergeant-at-arms.

"That's a lousy time, but where's Corporal Staines?"

"I had to leave her."

"No you didn't, we don't leave anyone, understood?"

Suitably chastised, Tammy nodded.

"Take five then go back round, solo this time."

Maisie made her appearance and had a frosty reception from the Sergeant. A soldier handed Tammy a bottle of water and she accepted it gladly, although the Corporal received nothing. RHIP, thought Tammy?

She prepared herself and set off for the second time around, very glad she'd taken a light lunch. She was spurred by her bladder, however, which decided to ring its little bell. She arrived back at the Sergeant in half the previous time.

"Much better."

"Good, where's the loo?"

"Behind that gorse!"

Tammy wasn't impressed so did as suggested, it was not ladylike but she did her best to maintain decency. To his credit the Sergeant stopped one of the male soldiers who suggested he could lend her a hand, and another who said he needed the same bush. She returned and received a round of applause, Tammy couldn't prevent herself from turning crimson. Kyle walked over.

"By orders of the Colonel, you are now off duty for the rest of the day."


"That's not my choice, unfortunately. I don't like being upstaged!"

"Then park your ego out of the way, Captain. Let me guess, just because you screwed me do you honestly think you own me? Guess what, nobody owns me."

She waved at Corporal Staines and directed her to follow. "We're done here."

At a suitable distance Maisie whispered. "Did you just say that, Ma'am, talk to the Captain like that?"

"Yes, he deserved it."

"But the other thing?"

"His ego is his biggest attribute, I'm not saying any more of it."

"Understood, Ma'am."

"Good. There is a problem to be addressed."

"Problem, Ma'am?"

"Your shirt. I saw it was ripped. I'll replace it as you were dragged in."


Tammy checked herself in the mirror before picking up her bag, ensuring she had the correct lipstick in there. The fort wasn't warm in the September evening, as she'd found out, so her legs were encased in stockings and she had a throw over her shoulders. The dress had come from Cathy's collection but Tammy knew it had been Elsie's. It was a sixties classic, that suggested impurity without exposing anything - live dangerously without taking a risk. The label said it all, Chanel, obviously vintage. She picked up the thistle brooch and pinned it on, completing the look.

Tammy stepped out of the room and headed down to the main hall, her heels clicking on the stone stairs. She accepted a glass of wine, recognising the White Burgundy again - the Army must have bought a bulk supply? She first found Major Elliot who gave her the once over.

"I did enjoy seeing y' in the gym this morning and y' were prettier than th' other soldiers there but, I do applaud yer style."

"This is one of Elsie's."

"Suits y' jus' fine."

"Now, Major, what is this weekend about?"

"Y' d' know?"

"No, what is the guard of the thistle?"

"It's an ancient Scottish army award but now applies t' th' whole of th' British Army and any visiting Commonwealth forces. We mark th' end of th' career of Special Forces officers. Bit o' tribute. For many it's th' last time they can meet their peers, their comrades at arms. Those celebrated tonight become th' Guard of th' Thistle for th' next year."

"That's a nice gesture."

"Given tha' they can't discuss their work once they leave service o' country, we want t' give a good send-off. There's also contacts here t'night. Defence industry roles tha' might suit th' Lads and Lassies."

"I see, I'm still not sure why I'm here?"

"Some'un thought it a good idea, an' I approve. What else d' y' need?"

Tammy left the Major and found Colonel MacTaggart.

"How did you find the Major, Tammy?"

"It seems he's an old friend of the family."

"Excellent, I had hoped you'd meet him. Now, Captain Fielding wanted to put in a complaint about you, put you on a charge."

"Because he's a sore loser with an oversized ego?"

"Possibly, but he reported six counts of insolence."

"Only six? I think his hearing needs checking?"

"Lieutenant Smart, it's that attitude that generated the complaint. Needless to say, if you need any training in the future then Captain Fielding won't be allocated to you."

"Yes, Sir. To be honest; I believe it to be best."

"Now, let me introduce you to a few people. You never know when you might need them?"

It was half an hour later, with the dinner bell imminent, that Tammy took herself off to the ladies' room. A minute or two later she finished checking her make-up and left the loo. In the previously empty hallway, a tall man was talking on his phone.

"Yes, see to it." He said then noticed Tammy and smiled. "I have to go now, a charming vision just appeared before me."

Tammy guessed the call was confidential and smiled as she covered her ears. "Pardon me."

The gentleman laughed, pocketing his phone. "No, no, young lady. I was finished. I simply must pay compliment; you do look lovely. Miss?"

"Tamara Smart." Tammy said, offering her hand.

He had taken her hand and nodded over it then looked at her. "Are you really? Sir Thomas Addington; Under-Secretary to the Chairman, Her Majesty's Joint Intelligence Committee."

"Sir Thomas." Tammy smiled then noticed a slight narrowing of his eyes, this man knew her in some way. "I do hope my lipstick hasn't gone to my teeth?"

Sir Thomas shook his head. "Not at all, Miss Smart. It's just that your name came up not long ago. Apologies for not recognizing you, the file photo doesn't give you justice."

Tammy managed a bland expression. "Justice for me was in short supply for a while, I suppose an appropriate photo went into the collection."

Sir Thomas nodded. "Perhaps a brief, but scenic stroll together could allow a quick conversation?" He offered, along with his arm.

"Of course." Tammy replied and slipped her left hand to the crook of his right arm.

"I am one of the few people aware of your new relationship, and your history. I do hope the Americans are treating you nicely?"

"It's fair to say that things are going well so far but I would prefer not to go into any further details. It goes both ways. British business, American business. Privacy is afforded to both."

Sir Thomas nodded. "I'm pleased you take security seriously, some had their doubts. Of course. I was provided an overview of the American liaison parameters. I was there for the proposal of your, shall we say, transfer?"

"You were 'there', Sir Thomas?" Tammy edged.

Sir Thomas stopped. "Ah. That was perhaps not so accurate. The request came through me from the gentleman now overseeing you. Honestly though, it was less request and more of a demand. Please don't misunderstand, the situation wasn't that we wanted to be shot of you. Rather that it would benefit you more and you did have valid reason to begrudge your previous supervision. That was at the time. Later, I had time to examine your file at depth. Yes, you did have valid reason to be angry, several reasons to be honest."

He paused, Tammy waited. "I want to be clear, Miss Smart, you were not discarded. An opportunity came up when a group more suited to your best interests requested, nay demanded, you. It's fair to say that our agencies failed you, at times you were exploited and considered expendable. For that, responsible or not, I do apologize."

"Very polite of you, Sir Thomas. If I may be candid; so far I have enjoyed all of my interactions with my; shall we say, new management? In fact the way I view it, if you viewed a family tree; I have an American Uncle and British Uncle. I just seem to be favoured more by my American cousins. That would not be my opinion of my time with the local agencies." Tammy admitted as they resumed walking.

"That is an interesting view. From my reading, I believe there was mismanagement of you. I do hope this new avenue is to your liking." Sir Thomas said then extracted a card and offered it. "Should you have need; please contact me. Miss Smart; Tammy, if I may, please do not begrudge our country and its servants, you do still matter to us and you are now better respected - I want to hear if at any point we fail you, understand?."

Tammy pulled a card of her own and exchanged it for his. "This is still my country, Sir Thomas, I promise I will do what I can to protect it. That's not just me saying that, the other side of the family insist on that. Note this, however, I will not be unwilling bait again. Should it pertain to me, if I am not fully briefed, I will not be part of it. I would appreciate the relaying of that, if you would."

He read the card. "Tamara Smart; Tamara Smart Properties, Smart Air, KT Flight. I will indeed hang on to this, perhaps the air transport service could come in handy. I assume you have business service?"

"Executive, discrete services are available, Sir Thomas." Tammy affirmed as they arrived at a set of double doors.

Sir Thomas opened a door and held it. "Excellent. Shall we?"

Tammy slipped out of his arm and passed through the door.

"I believe your date is over by the fireplace."

"Thank you, Sir."


Note: this story concludes in Part 4.

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