A Step Too Far

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Everyone probably already knows. Trump finalizes rule defining gender as a person's biological sex. Like Deuteronomy 22:5, many are using Harry Benjamin's illogical and so stupidly wrong, rules defining trans. Have I let everyone know in plain enough English how much I hate what that man did to all transsexuals? Thank you Benjamin for all the lives you complicated and those you destroyed for your "Standards of Care". I pray you receive your just reward in Hell. I think Dr. Grazie Pozo Christie, policy adviser for The Catholic Association put it very succulently, transgender are insane.

“Changing the definition of sex to mean ‘gender identity’ and to include unfettered access to abortion would not have protected the vulnerable,” she said. “Instead, it would have made it impossible for doctors to decline to perform ethically problematic procedures (like late-term abortion) and experimental and dangerous ones (like the removal of healthy organs from young patients with gender dysphoria.) Getting the government out of the business of social engineering, and out of the way of sound medical ethics and patient care is a step forward.”


The funniest part of Trumps ruling is hysterectomy is now illegal. Considered a sex, changing surgery as women are no longer truly women if they have the female organs removed. I guess women were safe as the procedure wasn't meant as an option to change their sex but the outcome was the same. Who knew? Well now we all do. Those who under go SRS are having their own hysterectomy. It's funny how labels change everything. I guess a mule isn't a jackass depending on who is working with the critter?

"Oh what a tangled web we weave when we first try and deceive." Andy Griffith

Yes, Trump's ruling affects me too in physical and momentary sense. Although largely locked into the person I always knew I was despite Dr. Shadid's official medical opinion when momma decided she had supported me long enough in my nice little cocoon and ejected me out into the cold cruel world. I'll wait to see how this all plays out. I'm counting on Trump's ignorant knowledge of what transsexual truly is or isn't to be trounced in the courts. How many will end their lives if they have no support? Too many. There is enough Hell in the world to go around without creating more. It tears pieces out of my heart to read about another murder or suicide whether they are trans or others such as
Hugs People,
Life is a gift, treasure it.


It's all politicians!!!

Republican, Demoncrat, moderate, liberal, conservative, it doesn't matter what tag you put on them.

The problem is that all our politicians can't seem to understand their job is to run the country, not the people!

Issues such as gay marriage, abortion, gender reassignment surgery, have one big thing in common. And that is, if someone does any of those, it has NO effect on someone else. It's a personal and in some cases a religious preference. Our government has no reason or right to pass laws in either direction on issues such as these.

Seriously, how does it really effect you if John, your neighbor down the street, suddenly becomes Joan? Truly it has no bearing on you or your life, so why should you even care?

The only thing our government should be doing toward the public in these areas is enforcing the laws of equality. So someone who beats up another person because they are black, or transgendered or a different religion or, insert your difference here, gets punished in such a way that the deterrent against committing these types of crimes is so great that they stop occurring.

We the willing, led by the unsure. Have been doing so much with so little for so long,
We are now qualified to do anything with nothing.

All political parties the same

Sorry but no.

By the very definition of what a social conservative is, they will want to resist other people's social beliefs that differ from their 'common sense' views of how the world works. The mainstay of the conservative movement is factually the Republican party so I disagree as to the other parties (especially Southern versions of Democrats who are more or less really Republicans really)

Look, like it or not, it is the human condition and the echo chamber that is Facebook and social media amplify the polarization ( not helped by Russian manipulation and Cambridge Analytica aid in targeting people who hate social 'liberals' just to make the US weaker ) we see. The internet meme of calling more open social viewing folks SJWs by the conservative haters is a symptom of that part of the country that wants to deny trans and non-conforming (the Key Point) people.

The educational drought and social conservatism and blind hate that engenders is now coming back to bite us in this country.

Enough blame to go around for everyone

BarbieLee's picture

Nuuan, it's easy to accuse the politicians, the bigots, the so called religious, the conservative right wingers, the hate mongers, the ultra ignorant of all classes of people. The truth is, it's all of them and a few more but not truly their fault. I want everyone to know as insane as I am, I have moments of clarity. Our whole world has become a mess of hate, greed, control. Humanity is being manipulated by a force they don't understand because they haven't thought about it or if they have they think it is insane rants by the delusional. Think of it as humanity is traveling down a highway of life. Every so often there is a detour to another highway. Does anyone think there might NOT be a reason for the detour other than to control the outcome of the trip?
Most never get beyond the here and now in their thinking. Life is and that is all there is. I've been blessed more than anyone I know as I have seen and experienced things others claim is impossible, or doesn't exist. Evil and Good exists in more than just mortal. If Good exists why doesn't it stop Evil? Because Good allows us a choice. We are allowed to be stupid, do good or evil, make mistakes or do great deeds. This is not what Evil wants. We are in the throes of what Evil wants, hate, discord, greed, control over everyone and everything. Gotta love human nature which is easily swayed.
Visions of the past are perfectly clear. I'm not sure I see visions of the future or if they are truly distant visions of the past where humanity once was before we destroyed ourselves? I won't answer questions about the future because I truly don't know what I see. I can see death coming for those I meet but I won't tell anyone. I did once and regretted it ever since. Yes, I am certifiable that's a given. I am also human despite what many think I am. I'm truly selfish, I want to live out my life, helping others as much as possible, and not make any major blunders until I reach the end. I do precog, the future can be changed, but the outcome is never better and sometimes worse than if I had let my life follow the prescribed path. Humanity is going to follow this path laid out. There are to many to change what is coming. God willing I won't be here to experience the outcome. I know, that's not very charitable toward my fellow man.

What I want for everyone to understand from this diatribe is don't blame the other person for their greed, stupidity, lack of intelligence, desire for control. Most are focused on the here and now and what's in it for them. Silly people have the idea he who dies with the most of everything wins. My little rant won't change anything. Everyone will believe the wheels came off my wagon, or the tater wagon turned over and I was under it. I wouldn't believe me either except I've been there. I couldn't stop believing even if I wanted. Don't judge them for they know not what they do. Sound familiar?. We escape Evil ourselves if we don't judge others. We don't have to like or approve what someone does but please, don't judge. Look around you, there are enough already judging everyone else. Don't join them.
Hugs People
Life is a gift, treasure it until it's time to return it.

Oklahoma born and raised cowgirl

"Issues such as gay marriage,

"Issues such as gay marriage, abortion, gender reassignment surgery, have one big thing in common. And that is, if someone does any of those, it has NO effect on someone else."

Um... that might be a little debatable. Just a tad wee bit.

~Taylor Ryan
My muse suffers from insomnia, and it keeps me up at night.

Both half right, half wrong

BarbieLee's picture

Nuuan, Taylor, it's not a black and white situation. The ladies who entertained thousands of troops. I guess they made a difference in others lives? The lady who is a NASA Engineer? Possibly? The biologist? I know several doctors. We are exchanging views, posting stories because of one lady who brought the net together. Several are ministers or priests. Electricians, musicians, plumbers, attorneys, husbands, wives, sons, daughters. Let's not forget the Marine or the philanthropist. The list is almost endless and "they" can be found in every profession and every walk of life.
Pretty good for one percent of the human population, huh? Is anyone hurt because they became who their mind told them they were? There will always be those who are hurt just because. I've traded information and emails with more than my fair share of the ladies and personally, the world is a whole lot better off. Despite what the fear mongers, tabloids, MSM, self righteous holier than thou bigots, mis informed bigoted politicians and medical personnel think or believe. We can pick the radicals out of any class of people to use for our God fearing message. And everyone thinks transgender don't have that same problem?
Nuuan is right and so is Taylor. I know Nuuan personally and the girl can out think me a hundred times over. But..., she has the same problem I do. She lets it rip when she has something to say.
Hugs Doll, now lets discuss more important issues, like the white leather dress that has Vera Wang sewn into the label..And when was you going to tell me you had it?
Life is too short to take seriously. Have fun with it. I know God has a sense of humor. He made me.

Oklahoma born and raised cowgirl

How many women are now not women?

if having a hysterectomy is not only an illegal act but a sign that you are changing your gender?
What about those women who have to have one in order to save their lives?

Well done Trumpo you have a good chance of alienating every woman in the USA that has had a hysterectomy for medical reasons.


Arizona is being sued

BarbieLee's picture

It seems Arizona passed a law no more trans surgeries and are being sued by two students who have several legal corporations supporting them. Florida lost their case of birth designated gender had to use the bathrooms affiliated with their birth gender no matter what. That ruling was by a Federal Judge. An appeal would have to be through the district Fed court and then possibly the Supreme Court.

Figured Trump's Exec order banning trans from virtually almost anything trans would head for the courts. Actually these two have been in the works for some time so they just happened to be a few days after Trump's over reach. Sadly he should have left things alone as all he did was gain a few bigots and loose a lot of others.
hug people
Life isn't supposed to be this complicated.

Oklahoma born and raised cowgirl