A Step Too Far

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Everyone probably already knows. Trump finalizes rule defining gender as a person's biological sex. Like Deuteronomy 22:5, many are using Harry Benjamin's illogical and so stupidly wrong, rules defining trans. Have I let everyone know in plain enough English how much I hate what that man did to all transsexuals? Thank you Benjamin for all the lives you complicated and those you destroyed for your "Standards of Care". I pray you receive your just reward in Hell. I think Dr. Grazie Pozo Christie, policy adviser for The Catholic Association put it very succulently, transgender are insane.

“Changing the definition of sex to mean ‘gender identity’ and to include unfettered access to abortion would not have protected the vulnerable,” she said. “Instead, it would have made it impossible for doctors to decline to perform ethically problematic procedures (like late-term abortion) and experimental and dangerous ones (like the removal of healthy organs from young patients with gender dysphoria.) Getting the government out of the business of social engineering, and out of the way of sound medical ethics and patient care is a step forward.”


The funniest part of Trumps ruling is hysterectomy is now illegal. Considered a sex, changing surgery as women are no longer truly women if they have the female organs removed. I guess women were safe as the procedure wasn't meant as an option to change their sex but the outcome was the same. Who knew? Well now we all do. Those who under go SRS are having their own hysterectomy. It's funny how labels change everything. I guess a mule isn't a jackass depending on who is working with the critter?

"Oh what a tangled web we weave when we first try and deceive." Andy Griffith

Yes, Trump's ruling affects me too in physical and momentary sense. Although largely locked into the person I always knew I was despite Dr. Shadid's official medical opinion when momma decided she had supported me long enough in my nice little cocoon and ejected me out into the cold cruel world. I'll wait to see how this all plays out. I'm counting on Trump's ignorant knowledge of what transsexual truly is or isn't to be trounced in the courts. How many will end their lives if they have no support? Too many. There is enough Hell in the world to go around without creating more. It tears pieces out of my heart to read about another murder or suicide whether they are trans or others such as
Hugs People,
Life is a gift, treasure it.

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