Hi to everybody, and in particular senior topshelfers in this closet.
I have a story which I would like to post, but it has a series of images which have captions to them. I could post it as a pdf which I have done in the past with stories that have several images, but Erin tells me that I may be losing readers by doing that. I have tried going on line and using some code to place images right and left to try and wrap text, but it just does not come out right. Can anybody help me with formatting?
they need to be wrapped? I don't think there is a way with the code BC allows, you can center the image and text together but that's about as fancy as it gets.
Madeline Anafrid Bell
Images and BCTS
You have to write custom html code and inbed that html code in your story text. The best way is to upload all the images to your account in bcts first so that the images load from bcts instead of from an external source. I inbed an image in my titles and wrap the text around it. A good reference for things like is Topshelf for Dumdums by Bobbie-c
Exploring the impossibilities,
Jo Dora Webster on YouTube
You can probably use tables
You can probably use tables to do what you want, or the alignment statement in your placement of images. if you alignt the image left, the text will flow around to the right, and vice versa. If you build a table with invisible borders, you can put a caption for the picture in a table anywhere around the image, and still have the text wrap around that.
Even with the limited code BC allows, you can probably get the result you're looking for.
With a table, you can make a 2 row table, put the image in one, and the caption in the other, either above or below, and then have the text flow around.
Hand crafting HTML can be a pain in the ass
What is your tool stack? What editor do you write in? Does it have a half way decent "Save As HTML" feature? If it does then that might be good enough. Pixel perfect positioning cannot really be done in HTML. It looks like adding "align=left" and "align=right" to your img tags does something interesting.
Playing around a bit and I threw together this example I wonder if it works in stories too:
Dignissimos praesentium ex qui. Reiciendis et temporibus itaque sunt ullam. Totam corrupti impedit voluptatem. Cum quasi asperiores voluptate eos unde. Nihil placeat hic id dolor totam eligendi voluptatem alias.
Excepturi ut omnis ut omnis expedita sunt. Sint voluptatum odit illum omnis ipsa. Nobis veritatis qui voluptatem qui. Atque sint pariatur incidunt autem nulla maxime possimus blanditiis. Nostrum provident qui officia. Vitae eum similique aut velit.
Et eaque perspiciatis natus fuga. Ullam eum commodi quia voluptate sed numquam perspiciatis. Magni ab quis iure nobis repellendus. Est nisi quibusdam deleniti suscipit. Qui iusto adipisci qui qui.
Ea harum fuga officia est dolor nobis maiores. Est a amet et laudantium voluptatum. Quos earum porro facere aut aliquam.edit omnis. Modi aut consequatur nesciunt quasi ut molestias ut. Officia at vero atque deleniti. Vel voluptatem at veniam ullam distinctio. Qui dolor fuga temporibus minima maiores quis laudantium rem.
Sed natus dolores at et et mollitia esse. Delectus ea optio tempora unde accusantium quos. Nam rem commodi omnis modi blanditiis rerum quia itaque.
Sit qui aut ratione sunt. Fugit enim porro eum sed. Unde et consequuntur ullam eos fuga amet libero. Est nihil ad repellat nam. Dolores culpa ducimus eum voluptas blanditiis ea a. Eius illum debitis non sit iste minima tenetur eius.
Ipsam ut atque nihil enim beatae et. Quisquam culpa magnam labore. Totam sed ducimus qui assumenda voluptas itaque ullam. Corrupti maxime beatae accusantium sint. Aut consequatur sit corrupti deleniti ab earum ad nostrum. Rerum aperiam expedita quia.
Fugit enim quia ducimus et. Molestias sit quibusdam est corporis commodi sint. Magnam et autem est sunt consequatur. Aliquid voluptatem sequi sed voluptatem eos.
Your friend
I use LibreOffice. It has a
I use LibreOffice. It has a few catches, but it would probably do what Maryanne needs. It has a wonderful save as HTML feature. I usually write my pages there. There are a few things I need to do, as it likes to save CSS Style information at the top of the page, in the header, but you can remove that in any editor. Also, you need to change the image statements to the web image you want, but other than that, it does things nice and readable by BCTS, and you can reload the page to make sure how it looks, and it will grab the images from the web, even though it won't insert them initially.
If you want an HTML compliant text editor for final editing, look up bluefish. Another wonderful editor.
I should point out that I've written web sites for several years, but really changing the image statements are a simple case of find and change. Removing the CSS is simply deleting everything between the style statements.
Editing a previous comment is cheeting. But I did it anyway
I found that the "align=left" and "align=right" attributes to an image tag do something. See my comment above where I pasted in an example using a "Lorem" generator and images from wikimedia commons.
Your friend
Did you also do a Br Clear=
I use an align="left" in my signature.
Did you also do a Br Clear="LeftOrRight" as well? Just curious if you needed to with those pics?
I'm assuming you probably needed to on the Align right. Clear the left.
I sent you a PM on that a while back
You can see it here Picture alignment Look in your messages for a Message regarding Shampoo. I gave you a link for HTML code to insert pictures and then inserted a couple and showed the code I used to do it.
I also did a blog asking about that myself.
Happiness is being all dressed up and HAVING some place to go.
Semper in femineo gerunt
Ich bin ein femininer Mann
Thank You Patricia
Yes, I tried that, and in a story that I posted after that you can see it, but it did not seem to wrap properly and did not allow captions. I have sent my files to Rose who has volunteered and I will be interested to see what she is able to do.
Thanks anyway
Images with captions
A workaround for the captions could be using an image editor to add the caption line into the image file.
That's exactly what I had to
That's exactly what I had to do. BCTS apparently doesn't allow align on tables, not does it allow any CSS commands. I tried a div image, and the caption command. None of them work properly for this, so I edited the images to have the caption in a white space at the bottom. Not that I removed anything, mind you. I added the white space for the captions.
I was very surprised when the align on tables didn't work. But, I sized the captions on the images so they would pretty well match the text in the story.
Should be ready to go,
Should be ready to go, Maryanne. I emailed the file to you. :-)
You are fantastic!
Just to let everybody know, Rose: What you did with "Berlin 1945" was brilliant!